All Rellik Locations - The Casting of Frank Stone
Find all of your little Dead by Daylight relliks hidden within the cracks, crevasses, and corners of The Casting of Frank Stone
The Casting of Frank Stone has plenty of collectibles, but none are like Relliks. With a name like Relliks, you might expect ancient totems or bones, but that isn’t the case. Instead, what makes them memorable – and highly sought after by Dead by Daylight fans – is that they’re dolls and figurines that take on the shape of the original killers of Behaviour Interactive’s asymmetrical horror game.
While not all of your favorites will be there, the vast majority are. That said, it’s easy to miss most of them if you’re powering through the story. Some take a bit of work to even gain access to and, all in all, if you’re looking for all of the Rellik locations in The Casting of Frank Stone, you’re going to need this guide to succeed and collect that all-important trophy.
Be warned, there are minor spoilers.
All of the Rellik Locations
The Hillbilly (Max Thompson)
- Chapter 1: The Burning Man
- Location: Furnace Tunnels
In the prologue, players take on the role of Sam as he searches the Cedar Mill for Frank Stone. As you progress, Sam will end up in the furnace tunnels and must navigate in the dark. At one point, you’ll reach a narrow corridor where you can either crawl forward or turn right and climb over some pipes. Turn to the right, climb over the pipes, and walk a short distance and, a little to the left, you’ll see the Hillbilly Rellik right in front of you.
The Huntress (Anna)
- Chapter 2: In The House of Darkness
- Location: Gerant Manor
After Madison – either alone or with the hitchhiker – arrives at Gerant Manor and decides to explore, head to the top of the stairs. Before heading to the left at the top of the stairs, grab the musical sheet of the Survivor’s Melody from the table. Head to the room at the left hand side. You’ll know it’s the right one because it has a piano in it.
After briefly exploring (just to make sure you get those all-important artifacts, of course) head towards the piano and interact with it. Remember, you must have picked up the Survivor’s Melody, otherwise you won’t play the correct sequence. If you have picked up the sheet, Madison will play the Survivor’s Melody, and a secret passageway will open, leading downwards.

Follow the secret passageway until you find a room with a desk. At the bottom of it, you’ll see The Huntress doll on the floor.
The Trapper (Evan Macmillan)
- Chapter 3: A Curiosity on Main Street
- Location: Endless Curiosities
Playing as Chris, players must choose to visit the Endless Curiosities shop rather than the Pharmacy.
Once there, and after a brief cutscene between Chris, the others, and a creepy old lady, head straight to the shopkeeper's counter on the right. Once at the counter, keep going until the end and turn to the right. On the floor, you’ll find The Trapper rellik.
The Wraith (Philip Ojomo)
- Chapter 5: The Phantom of Cedar Steel
- Location: Stormdrain
Playing as Chris, players will enter the storm drain alongside Jaime, Robert and Linda. Keep on exploring until you come across a wall with big yellow writing that says ‘THIS WAY FELLOW TRAVELLER’ and an arrow pointing forward. Robert, who is leading the group, will wait by this arrow. You can either follow him, or turn left.
Choose the latter and keep on going until you reach a place that you have to squeeze past. Do so, and you’ll spot The Wraith on the floor.
The Clown (Kenneth Chase)
- Chapter 5: The Phantom of Cedar Steel
- Location: Passageway
Playing as Chris, players will have entered into a new room after the Jaime and Bonnie fight. The group are looking for a new place to film, but you’re far too interested in making sure you leave the area, Clown plushie intact.
With that in mind, explore to the right of the room and head forward towards a broken wall with a small area that you can crouch through. Do so and you’ll meet a dead end. Don’t worry, you won’t be leaving empty-handed. Turn to the left and look down, and you’ll see The Clown on the floor. Interact with him for a surprise.
The Legion (Susie)
- Chapter 6: Beyond the Gate
- Location: Atrium
As Madison, head to the top of the atrium. You’ll know you’re in the right place as it is a fairly dark area, full of shelves of books, a coffee table, and several small tables to the far-right. Head towards the top left of the area, just past a cupboard, until you’re practically face-to-face with the wall of books.
Look down and to the left, where you’ll see The Legion (aka Susie, everyone’s favourite Legion member) situated in a dark corner.
The Nurse (Sally Smithson)
- Chapter 8: Mystery Manor
- Location: Film Archives
As Linda, you’ll eventually enter a room stacked with film archives. The room is separated by rows and rows of shelves to the left and right, with a walking space in the middle that leads to a desk at the very end.
Explore the second row of film archives on the left. Go straight to the very end of the row where you’ll see The Nurse rellik on the floor.
The Doctor (Herman Carter)
- Chapter 9: Descent of the Damned / Hunting Ground
- Location: Cedar Mill Tunnels
As Linda, progress through the tunnels until you get to a ladder that will lead you into the next area. You’ll know that it will lead you into the next area as the interaction button flashes white.
Instead of progressing, head back down the corridor you came from until you spot a door to your left. It must be the first door to the left, not the second, as that door is locked. Go through that door, and there will be a crawl space you can use. Do so and keep progressing through the crawl space until you get to another room.
In that room, turn left and interact with the door that is leaning against the wall. It will reveal Frank Stone’s lair, with a cage and torture devices hanging from the ceiling. Head to the open cage at the back of the room, where you’ll see The Doctor lying on the floor. Interact with him for a shock. Literally.
The Twins (Charlotte and Victor Deshayes)
- Chapter 12: Closing the Noose
- Location: Secret Passageway
Playing as Madison, players will discover a secret passageway. Once it is opened, head down until you get to a corridor. Turn a sharp left and keep going until you see a tape recorder.
Turn right, and head down the corridor while keeping an eye to your right. On the second table you encounter, you’ll see The Twins rellik.
The Spirit (Rin Yamaoka)
- Chapter 13: Murder Mill
- Location: Cedar Mill Tunnels
Playing as Sam, players will once more be in the Cedar Mill tunnels. The first time you use your camera to vanquish the Killer, you’ll be in a small and narrow corridor that you can choose to walk down to progress.
However, to Sam's right is an alcove you can climb over. Do so, keep on heading down the tunnel until, to the right of you, you’ll find The Spirit rellik on the floor.
The Trickster (Ji-Woon Hak)
- Chapter 14: The Massacre at Gerant Manor
- Location: The Woods
You’re unable to earn this relikk if everyone has died.
Whoever ends up in the Woods progresses until you reach a crossroads. You’ll know exactly where this crossroads is, as to the left is a campfire, and to the right is a door.
Turn right and interact with the door (do not go around the door, or this link will not appear). Once you step through, the Trickster doll will be at the very end.
The Champion (Frank Stone)

- Chapter 14: The Massacre at Gerant Manor
- Location: Horologium
Impossible to miss, will trigger at the very end of The Casting of Frank Stone.
With that, you've grabbed every rellik in The Casting of Frank Stone! There are plenty of other collectibles out there though, such as artifacts and trinkets.
Aimee Hart posted a new article, All Rellik Locations - The Casting of Frank Stone