How to beat the Lictor - Space Marine 2
The invisible fiend, the Lictor, wants to rip your head off in Space Marine 2. Here is how to kill it.
The Lictor in Space Marine 2 will be your first boss fight moment. Warhammer 40,000 veterans will know that these guys are pretty scary, so here is how to beat them.
How to beat the Lictor - Space Marine 2
There are a couple of things to watch out for with the Lictor. First, he can go invisible. In the world of Warhammer, it is pretty much the entire selling point of the miniatures and their strongest aspect in the lore. Lictors are fierce and brutal hunters who are on you in the blink of an eye, using surprise to their advantage.
In Space Marine 2, the Lictor will vanish from sight, move to a new spot, and then reappear. This is not trickery; the character model is still present; it is just difficult to see, so don’t stop shooting just because he has vanished, as he does take a moment to start moving.

There is little point in trying to shoot the creature beyond this point, however, or when it is attached to the walls. It just won’t take a huge amount of damage and will upset your timing for the actual damage windows. If you are happy to do it, then switch to the aiming down sights mode instead of hip firing when he is on the walls, as you will land far more shots.
The best time to do damage to the Lictor is when he is close to you, and that means waiting for him to jump in at you. This is risky, as he does a lot of damage. Wait for him to make a charged red attack, then dodge it right at the last second. He is likely to instantly follow up with a blue attack that you can parry, so take care of that and then hit him with some swipes of your sword.
Now, you want to do a charged heavy attack to stun him a little to give you more free attacks, and as soon as he starts to come out of it, dodge backward and hip-fire him with whatever weapon you are carrying.
You really need to get that dodge right on the red charge attack, as if he lands it, he will pin you to the ground, and you’ll need to button bash left and right to get up. If you can’t, he will aim a parry shot, and if you miss that, he’ll hit you for a huge percentage of your health and pretty much one-shot you.
From time to time, some small enemies will flood the area, and you should focus on these when they do appear. They can do enough chip damage and interrupt you to the point where the Lictor can really take advantage.
If you look around the area, you will see a combination of Frag and Krak grenades behind some trees and roots, as well as some med kits. When you are just fighting the Lictor, Krak grenades will do large, single-target damage, and the Frag grenades are great for rapidly clearing out the smaller enemies.
Really, this fight boils down to patience. If you are playing solo, watch your teammates, as the AI will telegraph the Lictor location pretty well for you. Do the damage that you can, when you can, and whatever you do, do not get pinned against a wall. The Lictor can stun-lock you pretty hard if you have nowhere to go, and that will pretty much be the end of things.
Now that the Lictor is down make sure you check our Space Marine 2 page for more useful guides.
Aidan O'Brien posted a new article, How to beat the Lictor - Space Marine 2