Deadlock controls & keybindings

Learn all the buttons and hotkeys for Deadlock before you dive in.


There are a lot of keybindings and hotkeys to learn in Deadlock. There are controls for while you’re fighting in a lane, menu controls, as well as inputs for when you’re spectating or watching a replay. While these are available to see in-game, it might not always be the right time for you to check your settings, so we’ve listed them all out in the following table.

Deadlock controls & keybindings

This table contains all of the PC controls and keybindings for Deadlock. Should you wish to change any of the inputs, you can do so via the Settings menu. This is found in the bottom left of the screen when in the main menu. Look under the Hotkeys tab to find all of the buttons.

Deadlock PC hotkeys
Move Forward W
Move Backward S
Move Left (strafe) A
Move Right (strafe) D
Jump/Mantle Space
Double Jump Space, Space
Dash Left Shift
Air Dash Space, Left Shift
Dash Jump Left Shift, Space
Crouch/Slide Left Ctrl
Item 1 Z
Item 2 X
Item 3 C
Item 4 V
Push to Talk T
Chat All Shift + Enter
Chat Team Enter
Mouse Wheel Y
Ping Scroll Wheel
Melee Q
Ability 1
Ability 2
Ability 3
Ability 4
Melee Parry/Throw Held Item F
Cancel ability Space
Self Cast Scroll Wheel
Parry F
Fire Left Click
Zoom Right Click
Extra Info Left Alt
Open Shop B
Scoreboard Tab
Reload R
Dev Console F7
Pause P
Toggle free Cursor J
Spectate Teammate 1 F1
Spectate Teammate 2 F2
Spectate Teammate 3 F3
Spectate Teammate 4 F4
Spectate Teammate 5 F5
Spectate Next Target Space
Spectate Prev Target Alt + Space
Change Spectator Camera Mode C
Fly Up Left Shift
Fly Down Left Ctrl
Spectate In-Eye Mouse Wheel Up
Spectate Chase Cam Mouse Wheel Down
Replay Death R
Replay Next Target Space
Replay Prev Target Alt + Space
Change Replay Camera Mode C
Replay Fly Up Left Shift
Replay Fly Down Left Ctrl
Increase Replay Speed =
Decrease Replay Speed -
Toggle Replay Pause P

Other than the hotkeys, there is also a customizable Chat Wheel. You can assign a phrase to eight different directions. To use the chat wheel, hold the srcoll wheel on your mouse and move your cursor to the one you want to use and then release.

There are a bunch of hotkeys to learn in Deadlock, but if you’ve played a MOBA or any other third-person action game, you should have no problem picking up the basics. The real difficulty will come from perfecting the various movement strategies. Stop by our Deadlock page for our ongoing coverage of Valve’s new game.

Head of Guides

Hailing from the land down under, Sam Chandler brings a bit of the southern hemisphere flair to his work. After bouncing round a few universities, securing a bachelor degree, and entering the video game industry, he's found his new family here at Shacknews as Head of Guides. There's nothing he loves more than crafting a guide that will help someone. If you need help with a guide, or notice something not quite right, you can message him on X: @SamuelChandler 

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From The Chatty
  • reply
    August 26, 2024 10:25 PM

    Sam Chandler posted a new article, Deadlock controls & keybindings

    • reply
      August 27, 2024 5:37 AM

      I've been having an issue with remapping the controls. I remap walking forwards and back to side mouse buttons. Instead of a smooth motion like when I hold down a key, the mouse button acts like I press and let go. Only taking a single step forward or back. I tried foot pedals and the behavior is the same.

      • reply
        August 27, 2024 7:21 AM

        It's not 100% surprising given that it's an early access game, but pretty disappointing given Valve's pedigree.

        With that said, I bet if you gave feedback on that they would take it seriously.

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