How to infiltrate Gorak's base - Star Wars Outlaws
The leader of the Pykes, Gorak, is hiding some secrets in his base in Star Wars Outlaws. It's time to find out what they are.
An early mission in Star Wars Outlaws is to infiltrate Gorak’s base. As the leader of the Pykes, he has information of interest to the other parties, and they want you to get it for them.
How to infiltrate Gorak’s base in Star Wars Outlaws

The first thing to do is open the map, which will show you where the main entrance to Gorak’s Base is. We need to go there, and while we won’t be walking in the front door, it will provide us with a way inside.
First, go down the ladder behind the unsavory character who is talking to the man on the left side. You don't need to do this, but there is some loot down here to grab, so snap it all up, then head back up the ladder.

Now, on the other side of the main gate is a vent in a wall just down an alley to the right-hand side. Jump inside, and this will give us our way in. It is very important not to get spotted, so be careful in the next section.

Keep to the left and venture further into the base. There will be some rotating patrols, but they are easy enough to dodge as you make your way inside. If you need to, keep an eye open for vents that you can hide in while they pass. You may also need to use Nix to distract a few folks and get them to look the other way. There is plenty of cover along the way for you to duck behind, should you need it.

At the end of the alleys on the left-hand side, you will come to a climbable wall made of some wire mesh. It's actually pretty easy to miss this if you have the "explorer mode" turned off in the main menus. That is the mode that really makes a lot of the environment more obviously traversable.

Climb up the wall and then head inside. You will come to a large room with multiple levels and a large hole in the far wall. We will need to do a little bit of rearranging to make it up to that hole in the wall. Make your way to the bottom floor by using the nearby ladder.

Here, you will find a button to call a turbo lift on a pillar near where the blue light spills up from the lower floor. This will bring down the turbo lift on the left side, so climb on top of it by using the ladder to get back up to the walkway, jump across, and then look across the thin beam ahead. You will see a console on the far wall that you can use Nix to activate.

Do so, and a second turbo lift will come down, allowing you to jump across to its roof. The far wall that is made up of a large, white metal grid is climbable, so take a running jump off the edge of the turbo lift and grab it, then make your way to the top right.
When you reach the hole, head inside and follow the tunnel. You will come to a gap that is filled with a moving fan blade, and beside it is a grill. Use Nix to open the shutter behind the grill, then use your blaster to destroy the power source.
After that, you can proceed through the tunnel until you reach the way into Gorak’s Base. If you need more useful guides, be sure to check out our Star Wars Outlaws page.
Aidan O'Brien posted a new article, How to infiltrate Gorak's base - Star Wars Outlaws