A Beginner's Guide to Escape from Tarkov

Are you getting lost in Tarkov? Don't worry we have a beginner's guide to Escape from Tarkov to get you started.


Escaping Tarkov is no easy task, even harder is trying to thrive in it. So if you’re just starting or returning to Battlestate Games’ extraction shooter, we have some tips, tricks, and advice to set you on the path to success.

Take it slow

Escape from Tarkov Ground Zero Map. A Parking garage in the aftermath of a battle.
Check your corners and listen for footsteps, you never know who's waiting for you.
Source: Battlestate Games

It takes a long time to get decent or even good at Escape from Tarkov. Many new players will throw themselves at early tasks over and over again, get frustrated, and quit. You’re not gonna go anywhere fast and while tasks are a great way to speed things along you should focus on building out your stash and hideout and tackle them on the side.

This advice also translates into raids, many new players will pick up a rare piece of loot or quest objective and try to find the nearest exit. You have time and you’re more likely to find another player while trying to exfiltrate while out there looting. This also has its benefits, you gain experience points by just looting/searching crates, bodies, file cabinets, and so on. Even if you don’t make it out alive, you’re still progressing in some way.

Learn the maps

Escape from Tarkov: Player holding a two barrel shotgun while making their way through a ransacked house.
In Escape from Tarkov, you always need to be prepared for the worst.
Source: Battlestate Games

If you want to learn how to play Tarkov, your best bet is to focus on one or two maps at first. There are many great resources out there and there is no shame in having them open on your desktop in the background or on a second screen. Learn the infiltration points, the exits, and hotspots for loot. Most importantly: learn to recognize landmarks. There is no greater power in Escape from Tarkov than knowing exactly where you are from the moment you spawn. Your spawn point will dictate the way you move through the map and, once you know all the spawn points, you can kinda predict where players are going to be and how they’ll move through the map. If you hear people fighting, even better. 

Should you want to explore a map under the pressure of PVP, you can always do Scav runs. Here you spawn into an active raid as Scav and you only have to fear PMCs. Most of the good loot will probably be gone by now and you won’t earn any EXP but it's a great way of making some money without risking your equipment.

You can always run

Escape from Tarkov is a game with intense firefights that are over in a split second. It only takes one bullet hitting you in the right angle and it's over. So, if you find yourself in a firefight with someone, there is no shame in running away. Of course that requires picking spots and positions in the fight that offer many escape routes. The time it takes someone to figure out you’re no longer there is often enough to get some distance and walls between you and your opponent.

Play Aggressively

Escape from Tarkov: A ruined city at night, some lights are still burning in the office buildings.
Ground Zero can be a scary place at night.
Source: Battlestate Games

Having the element of surprise on your side will always turn a battle in your favor. Rushing someone before they know what’s hitting them is a surefire way to get player kills. Lots of this will come down to experience but most players will crumble under the slightest amount of pressure. 

This does not work if you’re pinned, the time it takes for you to pop out of cover and aim is usually enough to take a bullet to the head. So unless they’re using grenades to flush you out, you can always wait and let them come to you. Remember, the weirder the angle you’re holding, the better. Climb on shelves, beds, or whatever for the high ground.

Find Someone to Play With

Escape from Tarkov: The ruined resort's empty hallways and a corpse.
During the day, you only get a hint at the horrors that lurk in Shoreline's Resort during the night.
Source: Battlestate Games

This might be a very obvious take but having people to play Tarkov with regularly makes things much easier. Completing quests, looting or just being a menace to society is best done in groups. If you don’t have anyone to play with the official Escape from Tarkov Discord server is the best spot to start looking. Many of the more experienced players are also happy to show you the ropes and chances are you’ll always find someone willing you accompany you while questing.

For more on Escape from Tarkov make sure to check out our list of the best maps for beginners and check out our interview with the developers at Crytek about the Hunt: Showdown 1896 update.

Contributing Editor

Timo is an avid enjoyer of all things video games hailing from Germany. After being abandoned as a child on the Rolanberry Fields of Final Fantasy XI, they have developed an undying love for the digital worlds of MMOs. But if you can't find them crafting up a storm in Final Fantasy XIV, you'll probably find them workshopping combos in action/fighting games or being extremely passionate about the latest mobile title.

Outside of gaming, Timo is usually skimming through the Criterion Collection or praying to whatever Eldritch horror that their latest favorite manga doesn't get damaged in shipping. You can find live reactions to all of that on Blusky @alahftel.blusky.org.

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