Marvel Snap August 20, 2024 update patch notes rework several locations

Say goodbye to Lamentis-1 and The Peak, and get ready for a different Weirdworld.

Second Dinner

Marvel Snap patches are normally directed at specific cards, whether it's their power value, cost, or effect. Of course, this game is also about playing cards at different locations. Occasionally, locations themselves need to be dealt with and that's the focus of the August 20, 2024 patch. Second Dinner has addressed several Marvel Snap locations, reworking some and outright removing others.

Marvel Snap August 20, 2024 update patch notes

The header image for the Marvel Snap August 20, 2024 patch

Source: Second Dinner

The following was posted to the Marvel Snap website:

Location Removal: Lamentis-1 and The Peak

Data indicated that many players deeply disliked the experiences these locations created, even at fairly low frequency. So we’ve decided to take them offline while we workshop changes.

Location Appearance Change: District X

District X was much more divisive. Many experienced players found it frustrating not to play with the decks they’d constructed, but many players who were still in the midst of discovering cards found it fun and exciting to have a window into playing with ones they don’t have. In order to support both groups, District X will no longer appear in games for the majority of players, but will still show up for those early in their MARVEL SNAP journeys.

Location Redesign: Weirdworld

  • [Old] Both players draw from their opponent's decks.
  • [New] Draw 2 cards from your opponent's deck.

Weirdworld faced a similar issue with keeping players from playing with their own decks. Many people enjoyed trying to use their opponent’s cards, but didn’t enjoy losing the chance to use their own strategies. So now you can use both!

Location Redesign: Sandbar

  • [Old] Cards with abilities can't be played here.
  • [New] Cards that didn't start in your deck cost 1 more. (max 6)

We removed Sandbar a while back because the set of cards it interacted with was too narrow, leaving it not all that fun or interesting to play with. Now we’ve found it a new niche. We like to have locations in the pool that throw a wrench in various decks’ game plans that they have to maneuver around. With the locations that stop you from using your deck going away, we wouldn’t have much to interact with Thanos and Arishem pumping a bunch of extra cards into decks or Kate Bishop adding them to hand.

Other changes to come in the August 20, 2024 patch include some reworked text for Shadow King, Moon Knight, and Baron Zemo. The cards will still mostly function the same, but now read slightly differently. Alliances have also received some tweaks to include a Deck Share feature and updated Bounties. We'll continue to keep an eye on all things Marvel Snap, so keep it on Shacknews for any big stories.

Senior Editor

Ozzie has been playing video games since picking up his first NES controller at age 5. He has been into games ever since, only briefly stepping away during his college years. But he was pulled back in after spending years in QA circles for both THQ and Activision, mostly spending time helping to push forward the Guitar Hero series at its peak. Ozzie has become a big fan of platformers, puzzle games, shooters, and RPGs, just to name a few genres, but he’s also a huge sucker for anything with a good, compelling narrative behind it. Because what are video games if you can't enjoy a good story with a fresh Cherry Coke?

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