Destiny 2: Echoes campaign walkthrough

Echoes is the first of Destiny 2's new Episode format and here is a complete guide for each of the Acts.


Destiny 2: Echoes is the first entry in the new Episode format for the franchise. Echoes, and the next few Episodes, have a three act structure, where every few weeks a new act begins. The following guide will detail all of the steps for each Act in A Rising Chorus, the main campaign in Echoes.

How to start A Rising Chorus

The first step in the quest A Familiar Voice

Source: Shacknews

As with previous seasonal stories, before you can get on with the main bulk of A Rising Chorus, you will need to complete A Familiar Voice. This is a seven step quest that has you engaging in a few activities and mechanics for the Episode.

  1. Decrypt an Echo Engram at the War Table in the H.E.L.M.
  2. Within the Pale Heart, allies band together…
  3. Complete Mission: Meteoric on Nessus (launched via the map of Nessus)
  4. Report to the H.E.L.M.
  5. Speak with Failsafe in the H.E.L.M.
  6. Claim valuable data and extract with your spoils in Breach Executable in the H.E.L.M.
  7. Speak with Failsafe in the H.E.L.M.

Track the quest in your quest log and follow the marker around the Destination tab. When you do the Breach Executable mission, keep an eye out for the resource nodes dotted around – you’ll need to be grabbing these during the entire Echoes Episode.

A Rising Chorus: Act 1

The first step in A Chorus Rises Act 1

Source: Shacknews

The first Act of A Rising Chorus has you traipsing around Nessus scanning locations and collecting specimens for Failsafe. Keep an eye on the proximity sensor on your HUD, the more bars it has, the closer you are to your target. While you’re completing these, you’ll be receiving other Specimen ID quests that reward various upgrades for Failsafe.

  1. Begin your research with Failsafe in the H.E.L.M.
  2. Investigate the three areas on Nessus that Failsafe has marked
  3. Go to the Well of Flame and collect the specimen
  4. Take the research specimen to Failsafe in the H.E.L.M.for analysis
  5. Discuss your research findings with Failsafe in the H.E.L.M.
  6. Wait for Failsafe
  7. Speak with Failsafe in the H.E.L.M.
  8. Go to the Exodus Black location on Nessus and scan the location indicated by the proximity sensor
  9. Deploy Failsafe’s proximity sensor in the Glade of Echoes area of Nessus
  10. Scan the Hallows location on Nessus
  11. Collect the research specimen within the Hallows
  12. Play the Exodus Crash Strike on Nessus and deposit the samples in the terminal in the mainframe room
  13. Find NES002-C and complete Breach Executable
  14. Visit Failsafe in the H.E.L.M.
  15. Speak with Failsafe in the H.E.L.M.
  16. Wait for Failsafe
  17. Speak with Failsafe
  18. Go to the Cistern on Nessus and collect 5 Radiolaria samples
  19. Collect 5 Radiolaria samples from the Chamber of Water on Nessus
  20. Find 5 more Radiolaria samples in the Pools of Luminance on Nessus
  21. Speak with Osiris in the H.E.L.M.
  22. Complete the mission Mesmerize on Nessus
  23. Speak with Saint-14 in the H.E.L.M.
  24. Speak with Failsafe
  25. Speak with Ikora Rey in the Tower

A Rising Chorus: Act 2

Ikora offering the quest, A Chorus Rises Act 2

Source: Shacknews

To begin A Rising Chorus: Act 2, you will need to speak with Ikora Rey in the Tower. Now, she might not look like she’s got the quest for you if she’s currently holding some other mission. For me, she’s still banging on about unlocking some Exotic weapon I already have – just close that window and grab the quest when you see it.

  1. Complete Battleground: Delve on Nessus
  2. Collect 7 code mutations from Episode: Echoes activities
  3. Return to the H.E.L.M. and activate Failsafe’s upgrade protocol
  4. Speak with Failsafe in the H.E.L.M.
  5. Speak with Failsafe in the H.E.L.M. to unlock a new research bay
  6. Complete Battleground: Conduit on Nessus
  7. Visit the holoprojector in the H.E.L.M.
  8. Wait for Failsafe
  9. Speak with Failsafe in the H.E.L.M.
  10. Harvest Radiolite to gather 10 materials that Failsafe needs
  11. Bring your collected materials to Failsafe in the H.E.L.M.
  12. Deploy the nanobots in the Chamber of Stone area on Nessus
  13. Deploy the nanobots in The Conflux Lost Sector on Nessus
  14. Complete Battleground: Core on Nessus
  15. Study the nanobots’ progress with Failsafe in the H.E.L.M.
  16. Search the Watcher’s Grave on Nessus for a new research specimen
  17. Search the Watcher’s Grave on Nessus, again, for the new research specimen
  18. Collect the research specimen
  19. Deliver the research specimen to Failsafe in the H.E.L.M.
  20. Speak with Failsafe
  21. Speak with Ikora Rey in the Tower
  22. Wait for Failsafe
  23. Speak with Failsafe in the H.E.L.M.
  24. Explore the Sunken Cavern on Nessus and defeat the Vex to acquire the code
  25. Head back to the H.E.L.M.
  26. Complete the mission, Shell, on Nessus
  27. Speak with Saint-14 in the Tower Hangar
  28. Wait for Failsafe to contact you to begin A Rising Chorus: Act 3

Most of the tasks in Act 2 of Echoes has you completing the new Battleground Strikes, searching for specimens, and deploying nanobots. As usual, keep an eye on your screen for the proximity sensor, as this will help you narrow down where to look for things. Don’t forget to track the quest in your quest log either.

A Rising Chorus: Act 3


A Rising Chorus is the name of the main campaign in Destiny 2: Echoes. This new Episode has three Acts, with each Act having the same step-based progress you’ve no doubt come to expect from seasonal content. Keep it locked to this guide as we continue to update it throughout the remainder of the Episode. Find more information over on our Destiny 2 Strategy Guide.

Guides Editor

Hailing from the land down under, Sam Chandler brings a bit of the southern hemisphere flair to his work. After bouncing round a few universities, securing a bachelor degree, and entering the video game industry, he's found his new family here at Shacknews as a Guides Editor. There's nothing he loves more than crafting a guide that will help someone. If you need help with a guide, or notice something not quite right, you can message him on X: @SamuelChandler 

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