The ultimate FF14 leveling guide

Looking to level up quickly in Final Fantasy 14? Check out our FF14 Leveling Guide to hit those level caps fast.

Square Enix

As of writing, there are 22 playable Jobs in Final Fantasy, 20 of which require some serious grinding to get to the current level cap. To make your life a little easier, we’ve compiled all the ways you can level in Square Enix’s critically acclaimed MMORPG. To keep you sane as you’re working towards that Life of Adventure Achievement, we recommend cycling between all of them.

Duty Roulettes

Source: Shacknews

Source: Shacknews

The Duty Roulette is an amazing source of daily EXP income. Once you unlock them at level 16, you’ll be sent into random instances and types of content while receiving a significant EXP boost depending on your current level.

If you’re just going for the biggest EXP payout, Leveling, Trials, Main Scenario, Alliance Raids, and Frontlines are your top picks. You may only be allowed to do each Roulette once a day but this is the most effective way to level up your jobs.

Palace of the Dead

Source: Shacknews

Source: Shacknews

In the 17-60 level range, nothing is as effective as spamming floor 50 of the Palace of the Dead. To unlock it, pick up the quest “The House that Death Built” in New Gridania and finish the storyline associated with it. Afterward, you’ll be able to enter the 50th floor over and over again for a nice EXP gain. For DPS this is the way to level up if other means have dried up and hunting for Accursed Hoards is also a great way to make some Gil on the side.

Wondrous Trails

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Source: Shacknews

After being unlocked at level 60 by completing the quest “Keeping Up with the Aliapohs” in Idyllshire, Wondrous Trails is a fantastic, passive way of gaining EXP. Once you’ve received the book from Khloe, you can collect stickers by completing various tasks, most of them you can tick off by doing Roulettes. Alternatively, you can also complete older raids and dungeons solo by using the Unrestricted Party option in the Duty Finder. Just filling out the Wondrous Trails will net you half of a levels worth of EXP for the job you’re currently on.

Allied Society Quests

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Source: Shacknews

Each Final Fantasy 14 expansion features Society Quests (formally known as Beast Tribe Quests). They are a great source of EXP, especially once you’ve maxed them out. You might only be able to complete three of these daily quests a day, per tribe, but with 12 daily quests in total, stretched across all the level ranges, you’re looking at some serious EXP gain for barely any effort.


Source: Shacknews

Source: Shacknews

If you’re leveling a Tank or a Healer, queuing for the highest-level dungeon you can enter is one of the more effective ways to level. If you can get a light party together, you can easily level all the way to the level cap by just spamming dungeons over and over again. A good party can get through a dungeon in 10+ minutes and the EXP gain is nothing to scoff at either.

Bozja’s Southern Front/Zadnor

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Source: Shacknews

Especially for DPS Bozja’s Southern Front and Zadnor are a fantastic way to level in the 71-90 level range. It's not the most effective way to level but it is the most low-effort one. Just grind FATEs and the occasional boss fight and you’ll get there eventually, you might even make some money on the side.

Shared FATEs

Source: Shacknews

Source: Shacknews

Not time-effective by any means but grinding FATEs, especially in the new zones is another great way of earning EXP while also making some money on the side. The Bicolor Gemstones earned can be used to purchase raw crafting materials which will always turn a pretty penny on the market board. If you maxed out the Shared FATEs in an expansion, you can convert the Gemstones into vouchers which you can also sell.

That's all you need to know about leveling in Final Fantasy 14, while you’re here why not check out our impressions of Dawntrail to find out what the next expansion has in store for you.

Contributing Editor

Timo is an avid enjoyer of all things video games hailing from Germany. After being abandoned as a child on the Rolanberry Fields of Final Fantasy XI, they have developed an undying love for the digital worlds of MMOs. But if you can't find them crafting up a storm in Final Fantasy XIV, you'll probably find them workshopping combos in action/fighting games or being extremely passionate about the latest mobile title.

Outside of gaming, Timo is usually skimming through the Criterion Collection or praying to whatever Eldritch horror that their latest favorite manga doesn't get damaged in shipping. You can find live reactions to all of that on Blusky

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