Best Makkari Decks - Marvel Snap

Makkari is the Spotlight card for the third week of Marvel Snap's June 2024 season. Here are some of her best decks.

Second Dinner

It's Week 3 of Marvel Snap's June 2024 season, The Celestials' Finest. This week, Eternals speedster Makkari runs in as part of this week's Spotlight cards. Let's check out some of the best decks we've found.

Makkari seems very straightforward. She's a 3-Cost card with a base power of 4 and a simple effect. As soon as she's in your hand, she'll end the turn by running to a random location. There doesn't appear to be a lot of planning that one can do for this card. Or is there? Some of the best Marvel Snap content creators appear to have cracked this nut.

Best Makkari Decks - Marvel Snap

Ninaisnoob's C4 Deck

Ninaisnoob's Makkari deck in Marvel Snap


While most people will look at Makkari's cost and try to shoehorn her into a Silver Surfer deck, Ninaisnoob went a different way and thought about a C4 deck. The combination of Cerebro and Mystique will buff Makkari's stats to 8.

This deck's success depends on 4-Power cards like Sera, Cloak, and Klaw. Klaw can serve a dual purpose as a backup option for Mystique if things go badly.

The rest of this deck is rounded out with the game's two big tech cards: Shang Chi and Shadow King. Shadow King can be a big help with your own cards if their stats get scrambled by opposing card effects or pesky locations.

RegisKillbin's Discard Deck

RegisKillbin's Makkari deck in Marvel Snap


RegisKillbin does have a Silver Surfer in mind for his deck, but to call this a Surfer deck would be an oversimplification. This deck is all about trying to empty your hand as much as possible through Discard effects from cards like Sword Master, Blade, and Lady Sif. This has a few benefits, working with Proxima Midnight, Daken, and Strong Guy.

Makkari can certainly help the hand-dumping cause by simply leaving your hand at the end of your turn. The hope is that there are enough cards on-board on Turn 6 to make that Silver Surfer play a game-clincher.

Strong Guy, if nothing else, should be a big boy by the time the game is over.

Jeff Hoogland's Lockout Deck

Jeff Hoogland's Makkari deck in Marvel Snap


The Storm/Legion combo is a fiendish one that hasn't seen a lot of play, simply because it can be too difficult to make it work. But what happens when Makkari shows up and can simply run to any location when she shows up? She makes this deck slightly more viable. As Jeff Hoogland puts it, why complain about what's essentially a 0-Cost, 4-Power card?

Jeff Hoogland shows the ideal way to play this deck, where you'll focus on establishing Sunspot and Nebula early before laying down Storm and playing either a Turn 5 Legion or trying to force that Legion from your hand with Blink.

As long as Sunspot and Nebula are ready to roll, having every location Flooded on Turn 6 should work in your favor. You might even get Makkari to break a tie on occasion.

Those are our top Makkari decks. See what fits your style best and then be sure to follow our Marvel Snap page for the latest news and guides.

Senior Editor

Ozzie has been playing video games since picking up his first NES controller at age 5. He has been into games ever since, only briefly stepping away during his college years. But he was pulled back in after spending years in QA circles for both THQ and Activision, mostly spending time helping to push forward the Guitar Hero series at its peak. Ozzie has become a big fan of platformers, puzzle games, shooters, and RPGs, just to name a few genres, but he’s also a huge sucker for anything with a good, compelling narrative behind it. Because what are video games if you can't enjoy a good story with a fresh Cherry Coke?

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