Pumphouse door puzzle solution - Fallout 4

Solve the Pumphouse door puzzle so you can get The Gainer in Fallout 4.


Fallout 4 has little secrets and puzzles around every corner of the map. Today, I’m going to help you solve the Pumphouse door puzzle so that you can unlock The Gainer.

Pumphouse door puzzle solution

The code for the Pumphouse door puzzle is 10451, and can be found on the wall in the same room as the puzzle itself. When you look at the wall, it looks like 0451, but the extra 1 is further up by the stairs. Head to the left of the interior door and input 10-4-5-1 and the door will open. Inside the room will be a chest that you can loot, as well as The Gainer on the floor near a skeleton.

An image showing the location of the Pumphouse in Fallout 4

Before you do any of this, however, enter the puzzle room in the Pumphouse but stay at the top of the stairs. If you look closely, you can see gas is in the room. Fire a bullet toward the puzzle door and the room will ignite, but you’ll be safe from the flames. Once the fire is out, head down and solve the puzzle as I’ve outlined below.

The Gainer is a .44 pistol with some serious upgrades and a legendary effect. In addition to doing 48 base damage, The Gainer will set targets on fire for an additional 15 points of damage. Should you unlock Gun Nut Rank 4 and outfit this weapon with an Advanced Receiver, the base damage goes to 84 + 15 points of fire damage. If you get Gunslinger Rank 5 unlocked, you double your damage. That’s 168-base damage + 15 points of fire damage per bullet, which is fantastic for a secondary weapon in Fallout 4.

An image showing the puzzle solution for the Pumphouse in Fallout 4

If you’re not sure where the Pumphouse is, it’s northeast of Bunker Hill and just south of Hub City Auto Wreckers. It’s not marked on your map even after you discover it. It’s so close to Hub City Auto Wreckers that you’ll frequently find yourself in a fight with the Gunners in the area as you pass through.

Now that you have The Gainer, read about 5 amazing weapons you can get early and easily in Fallout 4.

Managing Editor

Bill, who is also known as Rumpo, is a lifelong gamer and Toronto Maple Leafs fan. He made his mark early in his career through guide writing and a deep understanding of editorial SEO. He enjoys putting in the work to create a great content, be it a wild feature or grinding out an in-depth collectible guide. Tweet him @RumpoPlays if you have a question or comment about one of his articles.

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