How to make Fruit Roborant - Dragon's Dogma 2
Need to recover more health or complete a specific quest? Here's how to make the potent Fruit Roborant in Dragon's Dogma 2.
There are plenty of things to craft in Dragon’s Dogma 2, but one thing you will definitely want to make is Fruit Roborant. These little medicinal pellets are great at recovering health and you can even give Fruit Roborant away as gifts or for quests, like the Medical Predicament one found in Melve.
How to make Fruit Roborant
Fruit Roborant is crafted by combining Dried Fruit and Greenwarish. The latter of these two ingredients is found in small bushes in the wilderness. As for Dried Fruit, you can get this by combining two bits of ripened fruit. Any fruit left in your inventory for a while will eventually ripen (and then rot).

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As you’ve likely learned when crafting Salubrious Draught, crafting is handled through the Items tab in the Pause Menu. Press the Combine button and then pick two items you want to mix together. Once you craft one Fruit Roborant, the recipe will be saved so you can make them quickly next time.
Fruit Roborant is one of the many ways you can heal yourself in Dragon’s Dogma 2. While chowing down on plants will heal you a bit and drinking a draught will heal a “fair amount” the Fruit Roborant will heal a “great deal” of health. You probably don’t want to be using these all the time, save them for when you are considerably low on health.
Now that you know how to make Fruit Roborant, you can start healing yourself or even give one to the girl if you’re doing the Medical Predicament quest. Be sure to read over our Dragon’s Dogma 2 page for more help with crafting, Vocations, and Pawns.
Sam Chandler posted a new article, How to make Fruit Roborant - Dragon's Dogma 2