Judgment god roll - Destiny 2

Judgment has had its perks refreshed, which means there are more god roll options on the table.


Judgment is fast becoming a go-to pick for Destiny 2 players that dive into the Crucible and other PvP activities. This Stasis, 140RPM Hand Cannon offers a few excellent perk combinations which lend it to having a couple of neat options. No matter your playstyle, there should be a Judgment god roll for you.

How to get Judgment

Judgment is available as a drop from the Emissary chest after defeating the Kell Echo in the Prophecy dungeon. Take a look at our Prophecy loot table for other weapons you can get as well as our featured dungeon schedule so you know when you can farm it.

PvP – Judgment god roll

Judgment is, for the most part, a solid Hand Cannon with respectable base stats. The majority of god rolls for PvP will simply focus on areas you wish to improve. This god roll is all about duelling as opposed to getting the jump on players.

Judgment god roll - PVP
Barrel Fastdraw HCS (Handling +15, Stability +5, Aim Assistance +5)
Magazine Accurized Rounds (Range +10)
Perk 1 Moving Target (Increased movement speed and target acquisition when moving while aiming down sights)
Perk 2 Eye of the Storm (This weapon becomes more accurate and boosts handling as your health gets lower)
Origin Trait Crossing Over (This weapon has increased range and handling for the top half of the magazine, while rounds from the bottom half of the magazine deal increased damage)
Masterwork Handling+10
Mod Icarus Grip

Start with Fastdraw HCS for the improvements to handling, stability, and aim assistance. This will make it snappier when bringing it up to your eye. Accurized Rounds is always a good choice, especially on Hand Cannons where range can be a sore point.

Judgment god roll for PVP

Source: D2Foundry

For the two perks, Moving Target and Eye of the Storm work well together to help you land those hits in the middle of a fight. Moving Target keeps you agile while ADSing and improves target acquisition while Eye of the Storm boosts accuracy and handling as your health depletes. This means you’ll be deadlier toward the end of a fight.

If you find yourself starting and ending fights before your opponent reacts, you might want a more proactive option that leans into your lethality. Demolitionist will help you get your Grenade back faster while Timed Payload ensures you have no damage falloff. Opening Shot is also a winner in this last column. So many options!

PvE – Judgment god roll

While there are better Hand Cannon options out there for PvE, Judgment has a couple of nice perks that make it ideal for Stasis builds.

Judgment god roll - PVE
Barrel Fastdraw HCS (Handling +15, Stability +5, Aim Assistance +5)
Magazine Tactical Mag (Magazine +1, Reload Speed +10, Stability +5)
Perk 1 Headstone (Precision final blows spawn a Stasis crystal at the victim’s location)
Perk 2 Adrenaline Junkie (This weapon gains increased damage and handling from final blows with grenades or this weapon)
Origin Trait Crossing Over (This weapon has increased range and handling for the top half of the magazine, while rounds from the bottom half of the magazine deal increased damage)
Masterwork Reload Speed+10
Mod Minor Spec

Like the PvP roll, Fastdraw HCS is helpful for the handling, stability, and aim assistance buffs. Follow this up with Tactical Mag for an increase to the reload speed - if you can get a Reload Speed Masterwork you’ll be laughing.

Judgment god roll for PVE

Source: D2Foundry

Perk selection is going to be personal preference here, but one good combination is Headstone and Adrenaline Junkie. While it’s tough to get kills with Stasis Grenades, Adrenaline Junkie works from getting kills with the weapon, not just Grenades. Additionally, Headstone is rather useful for damaging nearby foes if you shoot the crystal that’s left behind. Besides, you can use any class with this gun (Headstone just synergizes well with Stasis). Alternatively, you might like Demolitionist and Adrenaline Junkie for that explosive combo.

A Judgment god roll is going to look slightly different depending on your preferred playstyle. Keep farming the Prophecy dungeon until you get one that works for you. While you’re doing that, read over our Destiny 2 Strategy Guide for more god roll recommendations.

Guides Editor

Hailing from the land down under, Sam Chandler brings a bit of the southern hemisphere flair to his work. After bouncing round a few universities, securing a bachelor degree, and entering the video game industry, he's found his new family here at Shacknews as a Guides Editor. There's nothing he loves more than crafting a guide that will help someone. If you need help with a guide, or notice something not quite right, you can message him on X: @SamuelChandler 

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