How to get a Skimmer - Destiny 2
Unlock the Skimmer, Destiny 2's newest vehicle type, a hoverboard that you can do tricks on.
Destiny 2 has a new type of vehicle for players to ride in the form of the Skimmer. This Exotic vehicle type sits in the same slot as the Sparrow, but players will ride it in an entirely different way: standing up. That’s right, by unlocking the Skimmer, you can essentially have your own hoverboard.
How to get a Skimmer
Skimmers were first introduced to Destiny 2 in Guardian Games All-Stars on March 5, 2024. In order to unlock your own Skimmer, you must first complete the Guardian Games quest, Best in Class. After you finish the quest, speak with Eva Levante to get another quest (Drop In) as well as your first Skimmer. You'll find the Skimmer in the same slot as your Sparrow. In order to keep this new vehicle, you must complete the quest, Drop In else the free one you get will expire at the end of the event.

Source: Bungie
The Drop In quest only has one step and it's rather straightforward. You only need to do one of the three tasks:
- Earn a medallion score of 1,200
- Earn a top 10% score in Nightfall challenges, or
- Open your three Focus Activity winners packages
The quickest one to do would be the Nightfall challenges, but this requires you to really focus on getting Vanguard medals during the Nightfall. Get rapid kills, use your Super, generate Orbs of Power, and do not forget to emote in front of yellow health bar foes and especially Champions.
While new variants of this vehicle will likely become available over time, the first one is called the Allstar Vector, in honor of the first All-Star version of Guardian Games. There is also another Skimmer available via Eververse; though, at the time of writing it’s not clear which one that is. Bungie has noted it is inspired by a “beloved Destiny weapon” so it could be anything – Gjallarhorn perhaps?
As for what you can do with the Skimmer, the February 29, 2024 TWID notes that it can be used to do tricks and grind rails while still fulfilling the role of vehicle. It sounds as though players will need to choose between using a Sparrow or a Skimmer, as both will live in the same slot.
While you can’t get your hands on it just yet, you at least know the path to unlock a Skimmer. Make sure you log in when Guardian Games 2024 starts so you can get your hands on this sick hoverboard and start shredding around the Cosmodrome, Tony Hawk style. Take a look at our Destiny 2 Strategy Guide for more information to help you claim victory during this event (but only if you’re a Warlock).
Sam Chandler posted a new article, How to get a Skimmer - Destiny 2