Is Vincent Valentine playable? - Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth
Is everyone's favorite brooding party member playable?
Vincent Valentine joins the roster of party members in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, but is he a playable party member or similar to Red XIII’s cameo in Remake?
Is Vincent Valentine playable?
As confirmed by the developers ahead of release, Vincent Valentine is not a playable character in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. He will join the party, much like Red XIII in Remake, but players will not be able to control him directly.

Source: Square Enix
While this is a bit of a bummer, it’s nice that Vincent was included at all.
Vincent Valentine was an optional party member in the original Final Fantasy 7 and we look forward to seeing how he is integrated into the story this time around in Rebirth. However, it sounds like we might have to wait until the third entry to see if we ever get to play as Vincent in this new trilogy of games.
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth does boast an impressive party size though. Including all of the characters from Remake and adding Red XIII, Yuffie, and Cait Saith, there is no shortage of new members to try out and see who fits your playstyle best.
With a plethora of side content and optional mini-games, it sounds like there is plenty to keep us occupied and distracted from not playing as our favorite brooding boy Vincent.
For now, we will just have to settle for seeing him interact with the cast of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth and keeping his cool Materia-filled gun holstered at his side.
If you want to learn more about Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, you can read our full spoiler-free review of the game or check out our Rebirth hub page with plenty of useful tips, tricks, and news about the game. You will not want to miss out on it.
Jesse Vitelli posted a new article, Is Vincent Valentine playable? - Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth