Best Sebastian Shaw Decks - Marvel Snap

A few decks that make Sebastian Shaw a powerhouse in Marvel Snap.


Marvel Snap’s Hellfire Gala season brought Sebastian Shaw to the game as its respective Season Pass card. The 3-Cost, 4-Power card has a unique ability that provides it an extra two points of power every time it permanently gains power. There are multiple cards that synergize with it, so check out a few of our favorite Sebastian Shaw decks in Marvel Snap.

Sebastian Surfer

  • Forge
  • Nova
  • Goose
  • Mister Sinister
  • Brood
  • Silver Surfer
  • Killmonger
  • Nakia
  • Daken
  • Sebastian Shaw
  • Sera

This first deck drops Shaw into a popular Silver Surfer shell, with plenty of cards to get him revved up. Forge, Okoye, Nova, and Nakia can all be used to amplify Shaw’s power output, and the deck’s namesake means an additional 4 power for him on turn 6. Daken and Brood are staples of this deck that’ll allow you to channel power into the other two lanes.

Shaw Destroy

Source: Jeff Hoogland

Source: Jeff Hoogland
  • Deadpool
  • Forge
  • Nova
  • Nico Minoru
  • X-23
  • Carnage
  • Silver Surfer
  • Killmonger
  • Venom
  • Daken
  • Sebastian Shaw
  • Deathlok

This destroy build has several cards that will keep Shaw’s engine running (Forge, Nova, Nico Minoru, Silver Surfer), as well as several destroy pieces that’ll combo well throughout the game. Getting Deadpool going will be the key here, with Venom and Sebastian Shaw more than enough to put considerable power into two lanes. This pile comes from content creator Jeff Hoogland.

American Shaw

Source: Untapped

Source: Untapped
  • Forge
  • Nova
  • Okoye
  • America Chavez
  • Brood
  • Silver Surfer
  • Killmonger
  • Nakia
  • Sebastian Shaw
  • Polaris
  • Absorbing Man
  • Sera

This deck pairs Sebastian Shaw with the newly reworked America Chavez, as well as several Silver Surfer-adjacent cards. Chavez’s power boost is sweet when it hits Sebastian Shaw, and Absorbing Man allows a second roll when she doesn’t. Of course, the other power boosters here should be more than enough to power up your Sebastian Shaw. This is currently the second most popular Sebastian Shaw deck on Untapped.

Those are a few Sebastian Shaw decks to take for a spin in Marvel Snap. For more deck guides and news on the latest balance changes, bookmark our Marvel Snap topic page.

News Editor

Donovan is a journalist from Maryland. His oldest gaming memory is playing Pajama Sam on his mom's desktop during weekends. Pokémon Emerald, Halo 2, and the original Star Wars Battlefront 2 were some of the most influential titles in awakening his love for video games. After interning for Shacknews throughout college, Donovan graduated from Bowie State University in 2020 with a major in broadcast journalism and joined the team full-time. He is a huge film fanatic and will talk with you about movies and games all day. You can follow him on twitter @Donimals_

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