How to change your campaign loadout - Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3
Find out where to swap for a new loadout during the campaign in Modern Warfare 3.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 has introduced a new type of mission to its campaign called Open Combat Missions. These free-form missions give players the option to pursue objectives in a non-linear fashion. This guide will go over how to change your loadout during the campaign in Modern Warfare 3.
How to change your campaign loadout
Weapons discovered during Open Combat Missions become available to equip at designated locations called Loadout Drops. Swapping your loadout can help you complete missions more efficiently with the weapons and equipment you want to use rather than sticking to your initial loadout.
In order to change your loadout during the campaign in Modern Warfare 3, you will need to find a Loadout Drop, similar to Warzone. Loadout Drops are containers that allow players to select a new weapon loadout during the game. However, unlike the crates in Warzone, the ones found during the latest MW3 campaign are permanent and do not need to be purchased or called in.
Loadout Drops will appear as a white cube icon on the map. The icon is not listed under the map legend, so we have included a screenshot of what to look for on the map below. Upon loading into a campaign mission, bring up your map and look for these cube icons to find the nearest Loadout Drop. The container is a square crate covered in straps.

Source: Activision
Once you have found a Loadout Drop box, simply interact with it to change your loadout. Your selection is limited to any weapons and equipment that you found during the mission. Loadout Drops usually have other valuable items nearby, so be sure to loot the area before accessing the crate. Check out our other Call of Duty coverage for more gameplay tips.
Larryn Bell posted a new article, How to change your campaign loadout - Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3