Humane AI Pin pre-order guide: Price, subscription & when you can buy

Everything you need to know about how and when you can buy a Humane AI Pin.

Humane AI

The Humane AI pin is one of the more fascinating pieces of tech to be revealed in recent memory. It’s essentially a smart device without a screen, instead using light to project information onto a nearby surface (like your hand). During a showcase event today, the team at Humane revealed a slew of new details about the product, including price and subscription information.

Humane AI Pin price

The humane AI Pin will start at $699 USD. There is also a $24/month subscription that will provide access to a T-Mobile-powered wireless network as well as a suite of AI tools, including those from Microsoft and Google.

Humane AI Pin pre-order

The Humane AI pin projecting the time onto the user's hand.

Source: Humane AI

The Humane AI Pin will be available for pre-order starting November 16, 2023. It will only be available in the United States at launch.

The new details about the Humane AI Pin came from the November 9 presentation. We got to see the nifty screenless device in action, including its ability to project information onto surfaces and translate spoken language in real time. The manufacturer also demonstrated how simple it is to swap out the magnetic battery, powering all-day use of the AI Pin. Humane AI has also partnered with Tidal to provide access to users at no additional cost.

That’s everything you need to know about the Humane AI Pin if you’re interested in buying one. More details about the product itself can be found on the company’s website. It’s a fascinating device that looks to be taking a unique angle on the growing boom of artificial intelligence. With pre-orders going live soon, it won’t be long until we get a better idea of what demand for the product is looking like. Make Shacknews’ Humane AI Pin topic page your home for more information about the device leading up to its release.

News Editor

Donovan is a journalist from Maryland. His oldest gaming memory is playing Pajama Sam on his mom's desktop during weekends. Pokémon Emerald, Halo 2, and the original Star Wars Battlefront 2 were some of the most influential titles in awakening his love for video games. After interning for Shacknews throughout college, Donovan graduated from Bowie State University in 2020 with a major in broadcast journalism and joined the team full-time. He is a huge film fanatic and will talk with you about movies and games all day. You can follow him on twitter @Donimals_

From The Chatty
  • reply
    November 9, 2023 10:50 AM

    Donovan Erskine posted a new article, Humane AI Pin pre-order guide: Price, subscription & when you can buy

    • reply
      November 9, 2023 10:55 AM

      This is pretty wild. The type of gadget that would’ve seemed incredibly futuristic not very many years ago

    • reply
      November 9, 2023 11:09 AM

      Only having Tidal for music sucks. Spotify or Apple Music or what Google Music is would be better.

      The transcription of other languages is neat but how many people are speaking a language to you on a daily basis you don’t already know.

      I just couldn’t think of a reason I’d ever use the pin instead of my cell phone.

      • reply
        November 9, 2023 11:22 AM

        I just couldn’t think of a reason I’d ever use the pin instead of my cell phone.

        For one, the entire pitch is 'don't you hate using your phone for everything all the time?' The whole pitch is you get the power of AI and computing without having your face glued to a screen all the time. Each time you take your phone out to take a picture is just one more chance to get sucked into notifications or refreshing Instagram or whatever.

        Plus, even if you don't actually hate using your phone all the time a bunch of these scenarios have a ton of friction if you use the phone. Like try to use your phone to tell you the nutrition facts of a piece of food and log it into your meal tracker. See how long it takes and how many discrete actions (it's enough that you would never use your phone to do this). Also you'd have to pay $20/mo just for that feature on your phone (for GPT4 access).

        If you're on iOS you just can't do a bunch of this stuff even if you pay for GPT4. We're all stuck waiting for Apple to embed AI into the device so you can ask it about contents in your texts, etc.

    • reply
      November 9, 2023 11:52 AM

      Honestly I could see something like this being kind of cool, but not connecting to the phone is a mistake I feel. Why are we trying to ditch the screen? I love the scree on my phone. Lots of content and information needs a UI to display it. The second line of service required, with its own phone number just seems like a self own.

      • reply
        November 9, 2023 11:59 AM

        yeah you can imagine this works much better if it's an Apple device that integrates with your phone. On the other hand the projector tech improves and you have a passable display on your palm at some point. Not something to scroll Instagram but then I think the whole pitch here is for people who don't want to be doing that much.

        There has to be some software solution in the Pin that's linking your two phone numbers? Expecting people to essentially change their phone number for this device seems like a nonstarter.

        • reply
          November 9, 2023 12:02 PM

          I applaud wanting to spend less time scrolling, but let’s be honest, you need a screen.

          Look at shit on a map, reference a photo from a text or email. A screen is perfect for so many things.

          I just don’t understand not making it an extension of the phone.

          Either you are super brave and port your number to it, or make sure all your friends get your new AI Pin phone number.

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            November 9, 2023 1:00 PM

            I mean the obvious problem is there's no way to actually integrate it into iOS. At best iPhone 15 users could put your AI app on their action button but still there'd be a bunch of delay before it was activated. It couldn't help you do anything with text messages because apps can't ingest your text content. Shortcuts can be used to send texts but it's very slow.

            And generally I think there's something to the idea of designing for a screenless experience. You're going to make fundamentally different choices and think harder about seamless ways to do things if you don't have the screen always there as a crutch to fall back to. Of course you're not actually going to be without a screen any time soon though so you want something that can do both.

            • reply
              November 9, 2023 1:02 PM

              I’m not saying they couldn’t. Just use Bluetooth or WiFi to tether for data and phone. Just think that would lower the barrier for a lot of people.
              I doubt anyone is going to just stop carrying a phone for this thing. Having a separate phone number and data plan is kinda rough.

              • reply
                November 9, 2023 1:05 PM

                Being perpetually hotspot'd to a phone is usually pretty brutal for the phone's battery though.

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                  November 9, 2023 1:07 PM

                  Then Bluetooth like I said. Nothing it looks to be doing is data intensive.

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                    November 9, 2023 1:44 PM

                    but what can that actually do then? Like there's a reason the Apple Watch has lots of onboard compute even though it's perpetually tethered to an iPhone with bluetooth or wifi. And that's with first party integration which this thing wouldn't have so while it could read/reply to texts as they come in via Bluetooth it'd have no ability to parse your text history (or calendar, etc).

                    I by no means think this device is the solution but I really think you're limited in what you can do with phone integration unless you're one of the OS makers.

    • reply
      November 9, 2023 2:28 PM

      Doesn't this make your brain lazy and are all of these things really necessary for $699?

      The real time translate of a language is honestly the only thing to me is really awesome and useful and would make me get it(if I needed that feature) the rest sort of is pointless and unnecessary(if you have a phone or pre use your comp at home). If your into pictures plus movies all the time that seems like it be cool as well for using your phone is annoying.

      Having said that I am sure they will sell truck loads or more likely Apple will copy it and make a better version and make trillions.

      It's cool I guess but I wouldn't buy it unless I needed the real time language translation.

      I wonder how much of the users data they sell under the table? I doubt your data is not being sold, who knows.

      Interesting, but at the end of the day I would rather spend my money else where, imagine the comp upgrade(s) you could get for that coin!!!!!

    • reply
      November 9, 2023 4:13 PM

      This feels like the Pebble to Apple's Watch

      • reply
        November 9, 2023 4:36 PM

        I know I'm an outlier, but I still vastly prefer most of how the Pebble Time worked over more recent smart watches. I still wear one.

    • reply
      November 9, 2023 6:06 PM


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