How to get Event Tickets - Destiny 2
Collect all Festival of the Lost Event Tickets to score some great loot during this spooky seasonal event.
Event Tickets are an important seasonal currency that becomes available during Destiny 2’s annual events. These tickets are used to redeem event-exclusive rewards, which means unlocking them is going to be important. Events like Guardian Games, Solstice, Festival of the Lost, and The Dawning all feature this currency. Below you’ll find information about what Event Tickets are, how to get them, and the rewards you might find on offer.
What are Event Tickets?
Event Tickets are used to unlock exclusive seasonal event items from the upgraded Event Card. To upgrade the Event Card. An Event Card typically costs 1,000 Silver which also includes an exclusive Emote, Sparrow and Shader as an instant unlock after purchase.
There are 16 Event Tickets in total with each one requiring the completion of a challenge. These challenges take you across Destiny 2’s planets and playlists including the whatever the seasonal event activity is at the time. During Festival of the Lost, the event activity is Haunted Sectors. There is the regular version and a Legend version that features greater rewards.
How to get Event Tickets

Source: Shacknews
Each seasonal event will have 16 challenges to complete and you are awarded one Event Ticket per challenge.
Here is the full list of the Festival of the Lost 2023 challenges:
- Cryptozoologist - Use Manifested Pages to restore a chapter in the “Tales of the Forgotten - Vol 3.” 0/1. Awards Clovis Bray mask and 25 Legendary Shards.
- Bookworm I - Use Manifested Pages to restore a chapter in the “Tales of the Forgotten - Vol 3.” 0/11. Awards 15,000 Glimmer and a Bungie Reward Code.
- Bookworm II - Use Manifested Pages to restore a chapter in the “Tales of the Forgotten - Vol 3.” 0/22, Awards the shader, Magical Transformation and 2 enhancement cores.
- Bookworm III - Use Manifested Pages to restore a chapter in the “Tales of the Forgotten - Vol 3.” 0/33. Awards the Exotic Ship, Nyxpteron and one Enhancement Prism.
- Heads Will Roll - Defeat Headless Ones in Haunted Sectors. 0/100. Awards the Tormentor Mask and 25 Legendary Shards.
- Horrific Haunts - Complete a higher difficulty Haunted Sector. Awards three Raid Banners.
- Candy Corner - Earn Candy from activities. 0/15,000. Awards the Pouka Mask and one Enhancement Prism.
- Mystery Meet - Purchase Epic Mystery Grab Bags from Eva. 0/6. Awards 1300 Candy and 25 Legendary Shards.
- Pumpkin Peltin’ - Defeat targets with Grenade Launchers. 0/50. Awards Acosmic Grenade Launcher and an Upgrade Module.
- Sniperstition - Defeat targets with Sniper Rifles. 0/100. Awards Mechabre Sniper Rifle and one upgrade module.
- Automatic Transmission - Defeat targets with Auto Rifles. 0/300 Awards Horror Story Auto Rifle and an Upgrade Module.
- Third Shot’s a Charm - Defeat targets with Pulse Rifles. 0/500 Awards Jurassic Green Pulse Rifle and an Enhancement Core.
- Occult Ritual - Complete Ritual activities, including strikes, Crucible matches, and Gambit matches. Awards the Calus Mask and an Enhancement Core.
- Hocus Focusing - Focus an Eerie Engram. These engrams drop from Haunted Sectors, and can be focused in the Tower Courtyard with Eva Levante. Awards the Nimbus Mask and 10,000 Glimmer.
- Masked Bandit - Complete Crucible or Gambit matches while wearing a Festival mask. 0/6. Awards 25 Legendary Shards and 25,000 Glimmer.
- Happy Haunting Ground - Complete Haunted Sectors. Higher difficulty Haunted Sectors grant additional progress. 0/18 (Legend Haunted Sector counts as two). Awards the Mara Sov Mask and an Enhancement Core.
These can be completed relatively easily and it's recommended that you focus multiple at a time by playing through the usual weekly content cycle.
Event Ticket Rewards

Source: Shacknews
Each seasonal event will feature different rewards, but you will be able to get all of them provided you unlock all 16 Event Tickets. Keep in mind, you will need to purchase the Event Card upgrade to actually use the tickets.
Festival of the Lost 2023 had the following rewards in exchange for Event Tickets:
- Confection Shell - eight Event Tickets.
- Imprecise Snack Emote - five Event Tickets.
- Sugar Rush Transmat Effect - two Event Tickets.
- Cobwebbed Projection - one Event Ticket.
Event Tickets are a small part of each seasonal event in Destiny 2. As you play and engage with the new event, you will eventually unlock all of the tickets. It will be up to you whether or not you choose to upgrade the Event Card and unlock all the cosmetic rewards on offer before the event ends. Take a look at our Destiny 2 Strategy Guide for more information on the various annual events in the game.
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