Lies of P passes 1 million units sold
Neowiz shared that Lies of P has sold over 1 million copies since it came out last month.
Lies of P was a surprisingly good twist on the Soulsborne formula, featuring an interesting adaptation of the story of Pinocchio into the genre, and it seems to have paid off for Neowiz. The developers have confirmed that Lies of P passed over one million copies sold, making quite a successful first outing for the new IP.
Neowiz shared word of Lies of P crossing the one million copy milestone on the Lies of P Twitter this week.
“We would like to express our sincere gratitude to all the citizens of Krat,” the celebratory tweet reads. “Thank you to everyone who helped us and accompanied us and we hope you join in our future journeys as well.”
Lies of P came out on September 18, 2023, on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S, so we’re coming up on just about a month sine it first launched and secured its one million copies in sales.

Source: Neowiz
The game deserves its praise, too. Lies of P remains in Very Positive standing on Steam User Reviews, as well as sitting around or above an 80 on User and Critic scores on Metacritic across platforms. We thoroughly enjoyed the game as well in our Shacknews review, noting that its main combat mechanic of mixing and matching weapon blades and handles to create your ideal armament was a clever twist on the genre that allowed for a lot of experimentation.
With a solid milestone crossed on sales, it will be interesting to see where Neowiz goes from here with Lies of P. Maybe DLC is in the game’s future, but whatever happens, Lies of P earned a victory lap this week.
TJ Denzer posted a new article, Lies of P passes 1 million units sold