Cliff Bleszinski claims news for the currently defunct LawBreakers is coming

LawBreakers went offline in 2018, but Bleszinski says a recent conversation with his lawyer means he'll have some news to share soon.

Image via Boss Key Productions

LawBreakers news? In 2023? It’s more likely than you think. The well-critiqued first-person shooter went offline in 2018 due to poor sales and we thought that might be the end of it. However, director Cliff Bleszinski recently revealed that that might not be the end of the story after all. Apparently, we could be hearing about some LawBreakers news in the very near future.

Bleszinski brought up LawBreakers and mentioned that fans should stay tuned in a recent tweet on his personal Twitter on April 13, 2023. According to Bleszinski, he received a text from his lawyer about the game that suggests he may have news to share soon.

“Just got a text from my lawyer about... LawBreakers. Stay tuned,” Bleszinski wrote in the cryptic tweet.

He goes on to say that it’s strange to see so much support for LawBreakers now when he felt many were rooting for it to fail at the time, leading to years of depression and guilt when his studio, Boss Key Productions, was also forced to shutter in 2018.

Cliff Bleszinski's tweets about upcoming LawBreakers news in 2023
Cliff Bleszinski says he's been in contact with his lawyer about LawBreakers and should have some news to share soon.
Source: Cliff Bleszinski

LawBreakers itself came out in 2017 to positive reviews. Even here at Shacknews, we enjoyed the game for the most part minus a few qualms such as character design and lack of deathmatch modes. However, whatever good will it gained from critics couldn’t keep it afloat in the wild. The game sold poorly and just a year later in 2018, the game’s servers officially went offline. Bleszinski has shared a litany of thoughts on where things went wrong since, but it appears that after five years, that’s not quite the end of the LawBreakers story anyways.

Whatever Cliff Bleszinski has up his sleeve for LawBreakers, we expect we’ll hear about it soon. Stay tuned here at Shacknews as we wait for the details to drop on supposed LawBreakers news.

Senior News Editor

TJ Denzer is a player and writer with a passion for games that has dominated a lifetime. He found his way to the Shacknews roster in late 2019 and has worked his way to Senior News Editor since. Between news coverage, he also aides notably in livestream projects like the indie game-focused Indie-licious, the Shacknews Stimulus Games, and the Shacknews Dump. You can reach him at and also find him on Twitter @JohnnyChugs.

From The Chatty
    • reply
      April 14, 2023 7:14 AM

      While I vaguely remember schadenfreude over Law Breakers, I can't remember why.

      Was it Bleszibski being full of himself over Gears' success and then releasing an uninspired Overwatch clone? I'm pretty sure Overwatch is involved somehow.

      • reply
        April 14, 2023 7:28 AM

        Same. I seem to remember people being not surprised when it tanked for some reason but I honestly barely remember the game. So it probably just sucked.

      • reply
        April 14, 2023 9:48 AM

        That was basically it, unfortunately a lot of hero shooters died due to bland gameplay and releasing in the same window as Overwatch.

        Cliffy constantly crying a lot about how people hated on the game but instead spent all that money paying influencers/streamers to say "THIS GAME IS GOOD!" instead of focusing making it fun.

    • reply
      April 14, 2023 7:28 AM

      Lawyer: "Sir, they're going to garnish your wages."
      Clifford B:"Mmm, Garnish"
      Lawyer: "That's not what that means."

    • reply
      April 14, 2023 11:55 PM

      game owned, be nice if it was still playable even with a tiny community

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