All graffiti locations - Hi-Fi Rush

Here's where to collect all 24 graffiti art pieces in Hi-Fi Rush.


Graffiti is one of the many different types of collectibles players can find in Hi-Fi Rush. Although there is graffiti found in most of the game’s Tracks, many pieces of graffiti can only be found after completing the game. This guide covers where to go to find all 24 graffiti art pieces in Hi-Fi Rush.

Collecting all 24 graffiti in Hi-Fi Rush will unlock the “This was…not what I expected” achievement and you will be visited by a special NPC. Players can keep track of their graffiti progress via the photos on the pin board sitting behind Peppermint in the hideout.

An image of the graffiti photo board in Hi-Fi Rush.
This is what the photo pin board in the hideout will look like after collecting all 24 graffiti.
Source: Shacknews

Interacting with each graffiti artwork adds it to your collection, meaning you don’t need to finish the level for them to count toward your progress. It is also worth noting that we will be listing each graffiti based on the order in which they are obtained within a level, as opposed to their number on the hideout board.

Track 1 Graffiti Locations

There are two pieces of graffiti art found in Track 1: A Fresh Start. Both are only accessible after finishing the main story campaign.

Graffiti #1 (Post-game)

The first graffiti in Track 1 is only accessible post-game, as you will need to summon both Macaron and Korsica to reach it. Just after fixing the generator in the conveyor room, continue to the open area where you slam down on the button to move a platform. Ride the platform to the walkway on the left. Instead of going right, keep to the left to find a door blocked by Z-Shielding.

Source: Shacknews

Source: Shacknews

Summon Macaron to break through the door and enter the corridor. Continue until you reach the generator, then call in Korsica to charge it up. When the timed platforms appear, jump up them until you reach the top. The graffiti is on the left wall, just before a large pile of Gears.

Track 1 Graffiti 1 location

Source: Shacknews

Graffiti #2 (Post-game)

When you enter the room with the huge QA Check sign above the door, do not go through the door. Instead, while facing the sign, jump up onto the platform on the left wall where it says Lane L to reach the walkway higher up.

An image of the QA doorway in-game.

Source: Shacknews

Call in Korsica to extinguish the flames on the fire door, then enter the room and jump up the stacked boxes on the far-right side. When you reach the walkway with the metal fencing, turn around and jump onto the tall stack of boxes in the middle of the room. Hop across once more to reach the graffiti on the far wall beside the pipes.

Track 1 graffiti 2 location

Source: Shacknews

Track 2 Graffiti Locations

There are three pieces of graffiti artwork found within Track 2: Power Up. The first of these graffiti can only be accessed after completing the campaign.

Graffiti #3 (Post-game)

Shortly after Chai learns his magnetic grapple ability and defeats the orange robot ES-101, continue along the metal scaffolding, bypassing the button on the left for now. Go toward the boxes at the end of the walkway and look up to the right to fight a room you can grapple to with some cleaning bots inside. 

An image of where to grapple for Track 2 graffiti 1.

Source: Shacknews

Head around the boxes on the right to find a fire door. Call in Korsica to blow out the flames and enter the room. Go left along the metal walkway and drop down onto the pipes.

An image of the pipes to drop down on in Track 2.

Source: Shacknews

Follow the pipes around the corner to reach another room on the far side. You’ll spot the graffiti off to the left.

An image of the Track 2 graffiti 1 location.

Source: Shacknews

Graffiti #4

The second graffiti art in Track 2 is found just after defeating the orange robot. After pressing down on the button and hopping up the three floating platforms that appear, you will reach a room where Smidge awaits with a hint.

An image of the button to press down on before the platforms.

Source: Shacknews

To the left of Smidge is a stack of boxes blocking a doorway. Smash through the boxes, then enter the room. Jump up the containers on the left to reach a higher ledge where you will find the second graffiti art in Track 2.

An image of the location of Track 2 graffiti 2.

Source: Shacknews

Graffiti #5 

Before reaching Rekka’s office, you will be dropped into the reception area. Several cleaning bots are over in the right corner. Head towards these cleaning bots and look for a set of locked double doors. 

An image of the cleaning bots in the reception area.

Source: Shacknews

To the right of the doors is the third and final graffiti found within Track 2.

An image of the Track 2 graffiti 3 location.

Source: Shacknews

Track 3 Graffiti Locations

Track 3: Trial By (Volcanic) Fire contains three pieces of graffiti artwork for players to collect. The first graffiti in this Track can only be obtained after finishing the story campaign.

Graffiti #6 (Post-game)

Make your way through Track 3 until you defeat the robot on wheels, SEN-C0, for the first time. Continue up the path and drop down to the next area. Just beyond the pair of bickering robots is a cracked wall. Approach the wall and call out Macaron to smash through it. 

Image of path to Track 3 graffiti 1

Source: Shacknews

Follow the crystal-lined path of rock platforms around the room. Just before you reach a ledge with another door blocked by Z-Shielding, look on the ground to find the first graffiti in Track 3.

An image of the Track 3 graffiti 1 location

Source: Shacknews

Graffiti #7

Continue through Track 3 until you reach the R&D Department double-doors. Approach the doors, but do not enter them yet.

An image of the golden Kale statue

Source: Shacknews

While facing the doors, turn right and look for a golden statue of Kale, just beyond the lava pool. Head over to it and jump up onto the ledge behind the statue. Follow the path around the bend to find the next graffiti artwork off to the left.

An image of the Track 3 graffiti 2 location

Source: Shacknews

Graffiti #8

After having completed the second of Zanzo’s tests, a side route will open up thanks to the mysterious hacker. Enter the newly opened hallway and slam down on the button to open the vent hatch.

An image of the vent when finding Track 3 graffiti 3

Source: Shacknews

Go straight toward the boxes ahead, then turn around to face the vent that you opened. Jump up onto the vent door to find the third and final graffiti art in Track 3.

An image of Track 3 graffiti 3

Source: Shacknews

Track 4 Graffiti Locations

Track 4: Less Budget, More Problems contains two graffiti images to collect. Both can be found during your first playthrough and do not require completing the story.

Graffiti #9

Upon entering the AR labs, you will see a large lava-filled cylinder in the center of the room. Pass around to the backside of the cylinder, where a lab robot is working.

An image of a lava-filled cylinder in-game.

Source: Shacknews

Turn left to find graffiti on the wall beneath the staircase, tucked behind a stack of boxes.

An image of the Track 4 graffiti 1 location

Source: Shacknews

Graffiti #10

The second graffiti art in Track 4 is found shortly after escaping the AR Room. Once you ride the lava platform to the metal catwalk aligned with “Falling Rocks” signs, continue to the end of the catwalk, where the arrows point right.

An image of a metal catwalk with Chai

Source: Shacknews

Rather than following the sign to the right, turn left instead. Bypass the barriers and continue until you find the graffiti on the wall at the end of the path.

An image of the Track 4 graffiti 2 location

Source: Shacknews

Track 5 Graffiti Locations

Despite how it looks on the photo board, there is only one piece of graffiti art in Track 5: Breakin’ Out, and it does not require finishing the story to find it.

Graffiti #11

The graffiti in this Track is found just after you meet TEC-78 for the first time and are tasked with repairing the security nodes. Make your way behind the computers on the side with Peppermint’s Store terminal. 

An image of the path leading to the graffiti.

Source: Shacknews

Look for an opening leading down to a lower walkway. At the end of the walkway, you will find the graffiti on the ground.

An image of the graffiti in Track 5.

Source: Shacknews

Track 6 Graffiti Locations

Track 6: L.I.F.T. Me Up only has one piece of graffiti to find and it is available on the first playthrough.

Graffiti #12

Enter the doors and head down the hall until you reach the intersection with the Store terminal. The graffiti is found on the ground to the left, at the base of the locked doors and behind the hand-scanners.

An image of the Track 6 graffiti location

Source: Shacknews

Track 7 Graffiti Locations

There are three pieces of graffiti art to collect in Track 7: The Climb, with the first one only attainable after completing the story.

Graffiti #13 (Post-game)

Make your way up the security tower until you reach the room filled with laser beams. Continue along the path until you reach a door locked by Z-Shielding. Use Macaron to break through and enter the room.

An image of a locked door in Hi-Fi Rush

Source: Shacknews

Once inside the room, jump up the containers on the right to reach the walkway higher up that has a door blocked by fire. Call upon Korsica to extinguish the fire door, then head through the corridor. The graffiti is found on the canvas in the back of the next room. 

An image of the Track 7 graffiti 1 location

Source: Shacknews

Graffiti #14

After riding up a couple jump pads, you will have to grapple to the column in the center of the room, toward a large arrow pointing up.

An image of the grapple point in Track 7

Source: Shacknews

Grapple over to the column, then stop and turn left. Jump up onto the platform and look right to find the next graffiti image on the column wall.

An image of the Track 7 graffiti 2 location

Source: Shacknews

Graffiti #15

Shortly after fixing the laser, you will travel up a x4 jump pad. Don’t grapple across just yet, however. 

An image of the jump pad leading to the final graffiti in Track 7.

Source: Shacknews

Once at the top, walk out and around the glass encasing the jump pad. You will find the last piece of graffiti in this level on the ground between the computer terminals at the back of the jump pad.

An image of the Track 7 graffiti 3 location

Source: Shacknews

Track 8 Graffiti Locations

Track 8: A History Lesson contains a whopping four pieces of graffiti to track down, all of which can be found on the first playthrough.

Graffiti #16

The first graffiti is found near the start of the level, outside the museum gates in the festival area just before you learn to use Korsica on the fire door. Head toward the golden Vandelay gate being polished by an 05-KAR robot.

An image of the robot cleaning the gate in-game.

Source: Shacknews

While facing the gate, turn left to find graffiti on the wall in the corner, tucked away behind the trees.

An image showing the first graffiti in Track 8.

Source: Shacknews

Graffiti #17

The next graffiti can be found just after defeating the fiery robots outside the museum. While facing the museum, turn right to spot an open gate leading beyond the garden wall.

An image of the gate outside the museum.

Source: Shacknews

Head through the gate and immediately turn left. Walk past the row of trees to discover another graffiti image on the far wall.

An image of the second graffiti located in Track 8.

Source: Shacknews

Graffiti #18

Shortly after Mimosa finds you inside the museum, you will encounter a door blocked by Z-Shielding at the end of a hallway. Call upon Macaron to bust through the doorway.

An image of the Z-Shielded door in Track 8.

Source: Shacknews

As soon as you step through the doorway, immediately turn left to find the third graffiti artwork in this level.

An image of the third graffiti located in Track 8.

Source: Shacknews

Graffiti #19

Continue through the museum until you face a group of robots on a falling platform. After the platform falls to the ground, face the staircase flanked by a pair of lit Vandelay signs. The last graffiti in this track is found on the floor at the base of the sign on the right side.

An image of the last graffiti in Track 8.

Source: Shacknews

Track 9 Graffiti Locations

There is only one piece of graffiti found during Track 9: Take the Stage and it is accessible on the first playthrough. 

Graffiti #20

This graffiti is found at the very start of the level. After you crash through the glass and land in the building, turn around and you will find the graffiti on the righthand wall. 

An image of the graffiti located in Track 9 in Hi-Fi Rush.

Source: Shacknews

Track 10 Graffiti Locations 

There are four pieces of graffiti art hidden within Track 10: A Masterplan and you can collect them all without having finished the story.

Graffiti #21

Shortly after defeating the robots in the cafeteria, Smidge will prop open a door in the room ahead. Continue through to the end of the hall and turn left. The graffiti art is on the left wall across from the ladder.

An image of the first graffiti located in Track 10.

Source: Shacknews

Graffiti #22

Continue until you reach the Atrium, the open area with the massive Kale statue in the center. Face toward the statue and turn right, where you should see a couple of rounded platforms protruding from the wall that you can jump up.

An image of Chai facing the platforms you must jump across.

Source: Shacknews

Jump up the two platforms, then turn around to jump up one more platform. At the top, you should see a stack of boxes blocking an opening in a wooden trellis wall. Smash the boxes to find the graffiti on the left wall.

An image of the Track 10 graffiti 2 location.

Source: Shacknews

Graffiti #23

After riding the rail for the first time in the Atrium, you will encounter an office with a door blocked by Z-Shielding. Use Macaron to break through and enter the office.

An image of the locked doors you must go through using Macaron.

Source: Shacknews

Pass through the office and head out the back door. Use the switch on the outer wall to activate some platforms leading to the office rooftop. Once you are on the rooftop, look for a pair of benches on the side, one with a Vandelog sitting on it.

An image of the two benches leading to the balcony.

Source: Shacknews

Pass between the benches and look over the edge to spot a wooden balcony below. Drop down to land on the balcony and you will find graffiti against the wall.

An image of the third graffiti in Track 10.

Source: Shacknews

Graffiti #24

The final graffiti artwork is found just after you finish walking across the arm of the Kale statue. Just before you enter the Finance department, approach the gaudy gold double-doors and turn right.

An image of the Finance Department doors in Hi-Fi Rush.

Source: Shacknews

The last piece of graffiti is on the wall to the right of a locked door, just beyond the pillars.

An image of the final graffiti found in Track 10.

Source: Shacknews

Once you have discovered all 24 graffiti images in Hi-Fi Rush, not only will you unlock an achievement, you will also have The Artist come pay you a visit in the hideout. Head over to our Hi-Fi Rush page for more gameplay tips.

Contributing Editor

Larryn is a freelance contributor who creates video game guides and reviews for Shacknews and has more than a decade of experience covering games across various outlets. When she's not gaming, Larryn can often be found watering houseplants, playing D&D, or teaching her cats new tricks.

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