Twitter permanently suspends ElonJet account & account owner (UPDATED)

Despite Elon Musk using the ElonJet Twitter as an example of his commitment to free speech, both ElonJet and creator Jack Sweeney have been banned.


Updated (12/15/2022 @ 7:08 a.m. PT)In the time since the original story ran, ElonJet account runner Jack Sweeney's Twitter has also been suspended. This follows on the back of Elon Musk announcing adjustments to Twitter rules that prohibit the sharing of up-to-date information on a person's location, which Twitter classifies as doxxing. Musk further shared that he intends to carry out legal action against Sweeney and further entities that "supported harm" towards his family. It is unknown at this time if Elon Musk would have a case as the information shared on ElonJet was public info that can be obtained by anyone. Stay tuned as we continue to follow this story for further updates.

Elon threatening to sue Jack Sweeney after banning him on Twitter.
Elon Musk threatened legal action against Jack Sweeney under allegations that the latter "supported harm to [his] family."
Source: Twitter

Original Story: When Elon Musk took over Twitter, he claimed that free speech would be one of his core policies in the site’s leadership, adding that despite a risk to his security, even a certain account that tracks his personal flights has a right to exist on the platform if it’s not breaking the rules. Apparently, something in there was untrue or has changed, because said Twitter account - ElonJet - has been just recently suspended.

This news comes out of multiple sources, including confirmation of the ElonJet Twitter account’s suspension by the account owner, Jack Sweeney. ElonJet was an account that gained a bit of notoriety late in 2021 and earlier this year. It was an account that utilized publicly available information to post when Elon Musk was flying to various locations around the world as those flights were happening. When Musk came into leadership of Twitter, he used ElonJet as an example of his commitment to free speech, stating in November 2022 that his commitment extended “even to not banning the account following my plane, even though that is a direct personal safety risk.” It was on December 14 that Sweeney stated the account has been confirmed to have been permanently suspended.

Elon Musk's previous statement that free speech would be protected even if it inconvenienced him.
Elon Musk previously stated that he was committed to protecting free speech on Twitter, even that of the account that tracked his flights, which was just recently suspended permanently.
Source: Twitter

Elon Musk has never been fond of the ElonJet account. When Elon Musk learned of the account, he allegedly offered Sweeney $5,000 to shut it down, as reported by NBC News. Sweeney turned the offer down and instead asked Musk for about $50,000 to help with his college, or about the cost of a Tesla Model 3. Elon Musk blocked Sweeney in January 2022, effectively signaling that there wouldn’t be any more negotiations.

Jack Sweeney also alleges that ElonJet was being targeted for Visibility Filtering, according to a supposedly obtained screenshot of Twitter Head of Safety and Trust VP Ella Irwin ordering Twitter staff to do so. Journalist Bari Weiss went into detail about Visibility Filtering in the second round the Twitter Files, sharing that it’s a tool Twitter content moderation staff used to “suppress what people see to different levels,” as told to her by an anonymous Twitter source. ElonJet’s permanent suspension comes only a few days after Jack Sweeney suggested the account’s visibility was being purposely meddled with.

Whatever the case, it would seem that ElonJet, the account Elon Musk specifically cited as a prime example of his commitment to free speech, has been permanently sunset. Stay tuned as we continue to follow this story for further updates.

Senior News Editor

TJ Denzer is a player and writer with a passion for games that has dominated a lifetime. He found his way to the Shacknews roster in late 2019 and has worked his way to Senior News Editor since. Between news coverage, he also aides notably in livestream projects like the indie game-focused Indie-licious, the Shacknews Stimulus Games, and the Shacknews Dump. You can reach him at and also find him on Twitter @JohnnyChugs.

From The Chatty
  • reply
    December 14, 2022 8:55 AM

    TJ Denzer posted a new article, Twitter permanently suspends ElonJet account tracking Elon Musk's flights

    • reply
      December 14, 2022 8:55 AM

      LOL Twitter permanently suspended the @ElonJet account. What a fucking baby.

      • reply
        December 14, 2022 8:59 AM

        So what's stopping them from just starting a website and doing the same? I mean it's all public:

        Just a bigger audience on Twitter?

        • reply
          December 14, 2022 9:04 AM

          I’ve never even looked at the account, and couldn’t give less of a shit about where his jet is located. IMO it doesn’t matter at all whether this data continues to be published. I think it was just published as the tiniest “punch upward” one could do to annoy Musk. The funny part is that Musk’s ego is so fragile that he is compelling the company he bought to break their own policy, and reverse his own public pledge, because that tiny punch upward is personally upsetting to him. The story is Elon’s response, not the future of the jet tracking data.

          Of course, maybe Elon will buy the jet tracking data company next?

      • reply
        December 14, 2022 8:59 AM


        • reply
          December 14, 2022 9:00 AM

          Not nearly as bad as shadow banning pretty much all of Ukraine, but yeah. Elon's a twat.

      • reply
        December 14, 2022 9:00 AM

        "My commitment to free speech extends even to not banning the account following my plane..." November 6.


        • reply
          December 14, 2022 9:47 AM

          “because I will bribe him to take it down voluntarily”

          • reply
            December 14, 2022 10:00 AM

            He only offered him 5k, imagine being the richest man in the world and being so cheap that you would rather take a publicity hit than paying something that would tempt a college student.

            At least he offered the stewardess a pony for a hand job...

      • reply
        December 14, 2022 9:01 AM

        "I am a free speech absolutist"

        "Except for parody accounts. Or accounts that make fun of me. Or any account that violates our (new) terms of service, which I won't share."

        "But other than that, free speech for all."

      • reply
        December 14, 2022 9:03 AM

        Real talk, there has got to hushed discussions amongst Executives within Tesla re: the Elon problem and what to do about it, right? From an outside perspective, it seems as though all of his time and energy is being spent on Twitter (including a ludicrous volume of shit posting) and Tesla’s stock is in free-fall. Could they vote him out?

        • reply
          December 14, 2022 9:07 AM

          I’m sure it’s depressing as hell to be a true believer working at any of his companies these days. And I’m not actually paying that much attention to Elon, but I think he owns a majority of voting shares in all of his companies so I think it’s actually impossible for him to be booted against his will. He could call for a shareholder vote and vote to keep himself. Or call for a new board of directors, which is based on a shareholder vote, and boot anybody who voted to remove him.

        • reply
          December 14, 2022 12:21 PM

          he owns the company, they have no authority at all

          • reply
            December 14, 2022 12:34 PM

            The actual math if anyone cares. From 5 minutes of research (so do your own DD) it seems like he used to own over 25% of tesla and it requires a super majority of 75% to make major changes. He used to be untouchable but in recent years he has sold Tesla shares (partially to fund twitter purchase) and now he is under 20% so its possible to vote him out but highly unlikely unless he kills somebody or some other major action.

            • reply
              December 14, 2022 12:46 PM

              Oh I completely misread that post as Twitter not Tesla.. your analysis makes sense.

      • reply
        December 14, 2022 9:06 AM

        Free speech for me but not for thee!

      • reply
        December 14, 2022 9:54 AM


    • reply
      December 14, 2022 9:07 AM

      meanwhile tesla is sitting at below $160, almost half it was when he first acquired twitter. just wait until the cybertruck reviews start coming in, if it ever comes out period.

      • reply
        December 14, 2022 9:09 AM


      • reply
        December 14, 2022 9:25 AM

        tesla stock is so annoying, basically every reputable "green energy" EFT has it wayyy overweighted and it makes it difficult to conscientiously invest without getting wrapped up in this toxic bs

      • reply
        December 14, 2022 9:26 AM

        People no longer interested in shitty cars made by shitty guy

        • reply
          December 14, 2022 9:31 AM

          it's going to be worse than that, the cybertruck is already almost preemptively banned in europe and australia because if they go through with the stamped steel body, there is going to be no crumple zone. the truck is not streetworthy, and a deathtrap even before it leaves the plant.

          • reply
            December 14, 2022 10:41 AM

            wow. he's so incredibly arrogant. tesla has 4 models of vehicles that are incredible, but he got bored and needs to diversify JUST BECAUSE REASONS. instead of really refining and honing his logistics and operations, off we go into design and showcasing what could be done...

            ... before anyone had him ponder if they should.

            enhancing their 4 models that fueled their beloved status would have been preferable, but hey - NPD riddled bored billionaire

      • reply
        December 14, 2022 10:00 AM

        Are the next 2 Tesla models the roadster and the truck? Both seem pretty niche

      • reply
        December 14, 2022 10:03 AM

        Spiegel ran an article today that teslas reputation has hit rock bottom in Germany

      • reply
        December 14, 2022 10:23 AM

        This has to be terrifying for musk. He borrowed the money to buy twitter with Tesla stock as collateral.

        • reply
          December 14, 2022 10:30 AM

          maybe he will learn a lesson here lol

        • reply
          December 14, 2022 11:29 AM

          Not quite, Twitter borrowed money for Musk to buy Twitter. AKA a Leveraged Buy Out:

          • reply
            December 14, 2022 12:11 PM

            That’s not the whole of the money, Elon absolutely used his Tesla stock as collateral to get loans to partially fund the purchase. As the value of the Tesla stock goes down, the banks who loaned him that money will get nervous as their collateral value is going down. They can ask him to put up more stock as collateral

            • reply
              December 14, 2022 12:15 PM

              If you owe the bank $100 that's your problem. If you owe the bank $100 million, that's the bank's problem.

              • reply
                December 14, 2022 12:18 PM

                It is the bank’s problem and Elon even being the worlds 2nd richest person isn’t immune to meeting his obligations to the bank

                • reply
                  December 14, 2022 12:26 PM

                  the second largest investor/owner is saudi arabia, this will play out in pretty interesting ways.

                  lots of favors will be traded for liquidity. the banks won't have any worries

                  they gave jared two billion dollars for completely cloaked reasons, they will give elon whatever he wants in exchange for data on dissidents

              • reply
                December 14, 2022 12:36 PM

                If you owe the bank $100 that's your problem. If you owe the bank $100 million, that's the bank's problem. *

                * If you are worth over $100M, it is still your problem.

      • reply
        December 14, 2022 10:37 AM

        it is amazing how his NPD fueled bored billionaire syndrome is going to fuck up LOTS of things, and have a major crater(s) to contend with.

        it's so so so interesting how he couldn't stay in his lane, enjoy successes with spaceX, Tesla, and Boring... nope. got bored and easily manipulated.

        now he's resorting to hijacking tesla software engineers to forcibly move them to twitter, because most of them quit, were fired, or took the severance. what an absolute clusterfuck disaster of a human being.

        bored billionaires that have nothing but yes-men beneath them saying everything they do is perfect and they should get involved with even more stuff because they are so so so awesome for society.

        tesla's stock won't recover well because of Elon, alone. the company itself SHOULD recover well, for sure - but then there's elon. his presence completely overshadows the incredible feats from tesla, which are from him empowering experts to succeed in their chosen fields. when elon decides what your field is, it all goes to shit.

        • reply
          December 14, 2022 11:38 AM

          He's giving the whole world that feeling that lawyers sometimes get of for fucks sake just shut up, shut up, shut up.

          A couple of years ago he was the richest man in the world and (unbelievably in hindsight) considered a "cool" billionaire by most of society, to the point where he could marry a pop star 30 years his junior and get a guest spot on Rick and Morty.

          And he's managed to throw it all away through sheer hubris lol

        • reply
          December 14, 2022 12:01 PM

          The worst part of all of it is how he's ruining (or at least heavily upsetting) the lives of thousands and thousands of people that work for the companys he's toying with.

          • reply
            December 14, 2022 12:26 PM

            But look on the bright side, now no woke internet mob can unfairly get any of those people fired. Worth it IMO

        • reply
          December 14, 2022 12:39 PM

          "it's so so so interesting how he couldn't stay in his lane, enjoy successes with spaceX, Tesla, and Boring... nope. got bored and easily manipulated."

          To me, its all linked. His personality that led him to take a massive risk building tesla is also the reason why he is in this twitter mess. He wasn't bored, this is his personality being super obsessive and always needing more work to do. Its cool when he sleeps in a tesla factory ensuring the first major EV car company survives, its not cool when he sleeps at Twitter headquarters and does massive layoffs to ensure he doesn't lose $1B a year in outgoing cashflow for a social media company.

          • reply
            December 14, 2022 3:50 PM

            Pfft. Please. You make it sound like work ethic is what's driving this. Maybe back during SpaceX and early Tesla but this Twitter escapade is a pure fucking vanity purchase. Ego is what's driving this, not some deep seated need to stay ever busy. Take that crap over to some Fortune magazine or Barron's puff piece article.

            You can also add spite to that as his ideology regarding free speech kind of goes out the window with acts like today's suspension of the elonjet account that tracked his personal plane.

            • reply
              December 14, 2022 7:38 PM

              It’s not like his commitment to free speech on the platform wasn’t an obvious falsehood for awhile now. Banning Kayne for “incitement” because he posted a swastika lol.

        • reply
          December 14, 2022 1:45 PM

          He's the wests Putin

    • reply
      December 14, 2022 12:35 PM

      This is especially funny considering we're up to what...part 6 of THE TWITTER FILES which is a bunch of conservative pants-wetting about....content moderation.

    • reply
      December 14, 2022 1:03 PM

      Banned the kids personal account too

    • reply
      December 14, 2022 1:54 PM

      And you can't post links to its accounts on other sites?

      Pretty amazing that after trying to make a big deal out of Twitter blocking a NYPost story and the NYPost and people linking to the story Elon turns around and blocks an account, the owner's personal account, and links to their work off site.

    • reply
      December 14, 2022 6:45 PM

      Shocking that Elon would be a liar and/or hypocrite.
      Wait not 'shocking.' I meant 'obvious.'

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