Evening Reading - November 8, 2022

It's nighttime in America, which means it's time for another round of Evening Reading.


Heyya, Shackers. Welcome to the end of your Tuesday. We’re about set to shut down for the day, but as we head towards Hump Day, we’ve still got the matter of Evening Reading to address. With that in mind, check out the spread of content we have for you as we close out our day of posting!

In case you missed it at Shacknews…

And now… More stuff from The Internet!!!

Origin of Sweeney

I’d actually like to see Tim Sweeney’s first game. That seems like it’d be cool to unearth, even if it’s simple.

ICE T jabs at the new Twitter King

Doesn’t look like enough to get banned or suspended, but we’ve seen sillier and dumber things recently. I get the feeling T wouldn’t sweat it too much though.

Makin’ it look easy

All those Boos and flames and other terrible things… and just a step to the right. So smooth.

Bear’s got the moves

Sometimes, you just gotta vibe, even if it’s just for a back scratch.

Potemkin didn’t hear no bell

This is why you don’t teabag until you are 1000 percent certain you’ve actually won the match.

Should have brought it as a carry-on

Maybe it wouldn’t have made it past TSA, but now you’re going to need a pretty good blacksmith.

And now… A raccoon enjoying a sweet beverage

Milkshake? Cream? Either way, that raccoon is in hog heaven.

And there you have it, friends and Shackers. Thanks for stopping by to check out this Tuesday edition of Evening Reading. If you’d like to support Shacknews, don’t forget you can do so for as little as a dollar a month through Mercury. Don’t have a dollar? Don’t need one for Shackpets. That’s our free iOS and Android app in which you can upload pictures of your pets to take part in the battle of ultimate cuteness. You’ll find all sorts of cute pets there to vote on, including my sweet Flaff.

A mini-Aussie shepherd with a coffee cup on her. A cup on a pup.
You've heard of elf on a shelf, now get ready for cup on a pup, as found on Shackpets.

That’s a wrap on this one. How goes your evening? Any good games or books? Sound off in the Chatty below!

Senior News Editor

TJ Denzer is a player and writer with a passion for games that has dominated a lifetime. He found his way to the Shacknews roster in late 2019 and has worked his way to Senior News Editor since. Between news coverage, he also aides notably in livestream projects like the indie game-focused Indie-licious, the Shacknews Stimulus Games, and the Shacknews Dump. You can reach him at tj.denzer@shacknews.com and also find him on BlueSky @JohnnyChugs.

From The Chatty
Hello, Meet Lola