We’re back with another edition of 7 Tower Thoughts, Guardians. This is my weekly feature where I offer thoughts on Destiny 2 and all the wild and wacky things happening. Some weeks are filled with high-level stuff, and others are slower. This week falls somewhere in the middle. Let’s dig in.
Are you playing the right version of Destiny 2?

Source: Bungie
It turns out that there are a bunch Destiny 2 players on the PS5 platform that are still playing the PS4 version of the game. While I find this a little funny, it’s not so funny that you should keep doing it. Bungie called this out in the latest TWAB. If you’re playing Destiny 2 on PS5, please take some time to verify that you’re playing the correct version of the game.
New dungeon coming in Season 19

Source: Bungie
You know what I look forward to more than a new raid? The answer is a new dungeon. There’s something about being able to engage in high-level content with your fireteam of three. You don’t have to stress over finding that fifth or sixth or go to LFG and end up with someone you don’t know.
In Season 19, Bungie will roll out the next dungeon. Reading this in TWAB left me excited, whereas new raids make me anxious. I have no desire to play Contest Mode, so I generally have the raid spoiled for me by the onslaught of YouTube videos. With a dungeon, my team and I can hop in on the first day like everyone else, enjoy the content without having it spoiled, and we don’t have to stress over finding a sixth. I love raiding and in no means want to diminish how cool they are but having that dungeon alternative is fantastic too.
Linear Fusion Rifles taking a PvP nerf
❖ Increased flinch and settle time after receiving damage in PvP.
— Bungie Help (@BungieHelp) November 4, 2022
❖ Reduced flinch settle time in PvE.
❖ Reduced the aim assist cone size (special ammo only)
Stay tuned for patch notes expected next Tuesday before release.
You know how I can tell that Linear Fusion Rifles were too good in PvP? Because I was good with them and took the time to craft and level a second Taipan-4fr just for the Crucible. I was getting two or three kills every time I picked up Heavy, which outperforms Gjallarhorn for me. Well, the good times might be over, as Bungie plans to nerf LFRs in Crucible in its next hotfix. It’s worth noting, however, that LFRs will get a buff in the form of reduced flinch settle time in PvE. This is probably a sensible PvP nerf, even if I will miss cracking fools upside the head with Taipan in Crucible.
Vote for an upcoming Trials map
Source: Bungie
Bungie is about to send out emails to Guardians who have opted into receiving them asking players to vote on an upcoming Trials map. This is a good thing, but I’m going to put a prediction on the board. The vote is between Anomaly, Cauldron, and Pacifica, and Anomaly will win. Why? Because it’s the one on the left and the easiest one to click when you vote. The last time Bungie did this, voting was done by clicking the image of the map you wanted to win within the email. I opened the email and accidentally clicked on the one on the left, and that one won, so I’m assuming this was a problem for a lot more voters than just myself. I’ve got nothing riding on this, so we’ll see how it goes.
Big Ability balance coming up
Bungie is planning to roll out a big balance to Abilities in Season 19. I’m not going to dig too deeply into which of these changes are good or bad because I don’t play a lot of Titan or Warlock. I did notice that Shadowshot: Deadfall is getting a buff for us Hunters, which I think makes sense given the nerf to Divinity. Mostly, I’m just excited to jump into Season 19 and get a feel for things. This will be the first season this year that we didn’t have a big 3.0 release for a subclass, so we may get a few months with some balance to what everyone is using. While I’ve loved the 3.0 refreshes, it forces a focus on that subclass more than others. Now that they’re all on the same level, let’s see what next season brings in terms of builds and meta.
Bonus Nightfall rewards next week
From the November 8th to the November 15th reset, Guardians can enjoy double Nightfall rewards. There should be more of you who are able to dig into the Grandmaster Nightfall playlist, and that’s a great place to earn those Ascendant Shards and Adept Nightfall weapons. Next week’s GM is going to be The Devil’s Lair, which is easy as far as GMs go. Get in there with your team and start grinding them out. You’ll end up with a truck full of Adept Silicon Neuroma Sniper Rifles (nothing to be too excited about), but more materials than you could ever imagine. It’s time to get rich, Guardians.
Tips for moving from Warlock to Hunter

Source: Bungie
I came across a post on the subreddit with a player asking for tips as they make the switch from Warlock to Hunter. There were a lot of great tips in there, but my advice is to just be yourself. Play the class you feel represents your playstyle the best. I’ve often thought about moving from Hunter to Titan because I tend to have an ego as a Guardian. I’ll absolutely throw down and stand toe-to-toe with an enemy, trading punches to see who falls first. That’s not a great way to play Hunter, but I can’t bring myself to make the full switch.
What I’ve realized, is that I’m one part Hunter, one part Titan, and zero parts Warlock. I want to tank an incredible amount of damage (hello, Loreley Splendor Helm), showing off just how much punishment I can take. But I also want to be the last one alive, dodging and jumping and keeping my downed team on the edge of their seat. Will we wipe, or will this Hunter pull this out and save our run? Both scenarios feel great to me, so I’m a little bit Hunter, a little bit Titan, and I know some Warlocks.
Maybe you don’t need to make a new class your forever home. Maybe you just need to go on vacation to Hunterville.
That’s it, Guardians. A light week but I enjoyed writing this one for you. If you’re planning to get into some Guardian fun this weekend, don’t forget to pop by our Destiny 2 strategy guide for all your high-level content needs.
Bill Lavoy posted a new article, 7 Tower Thoughts: Part Hunter, Part Titan