Suda51 & SWERY file new trademark for Hotel Barcelona horror game
Recent trademark filings suggest we may be hearing a lot more about Hotel Barcelona in the near future.
Goichi “Suda51” Suda and Hidetaka “SWERY” Suehiro first teased the intended creation of a horror game called Hotel Barcelona back in 2019 during an IGN Japan livestream. The two explained that they’d initially been working on a PSVR title together that was canceled, and that they’d wanted to continue collaborating together.
One of the inspirations cited for Hotel Barcelona at the time was the PS2 horror title Siren, with the game’s director, Keiichiro Toyama, also rumored to be working on the project. The duo also indicated they potentially wanted Devolver Digital as the game’s publisher. Following this tease, things went quiet on the Hotel Barcelona front until January of 2020 when Suda51 tweeted a “Hotel Barcelona 2021” message in response to Devolver Digital that had some speculating over whether the game might see a release in 2021.
Unfortunately, with the pandemic reaching a crisis point a few months later, it makes sense that Hotel Barcelona was put on the back burner. Now, it looks like Hotel Barcelona is finally being taken off the back burner and moved over to the front burner, metaphorically speaking. More specifically, recent trademark filings for Hotel Barcelona were uncovered.

As reported by outlets like VGC, Suda51’s White Owls studio registered Japanese trademark applications for Hotel Barcelona as well as “Death Game Hotel'' back in March of this year, with international trademark applications for both titles registered on October 27.
Both trademark filings reference “computer game software” and “computer hardware” as well as “virtual reality headsets” which suggests that Hotel Barcelona could potentially see a VR release. If you’d like to see these for yourself, check out the trademark filings for Hotel Barcelona and Death Game Hotel.
Now that you’re all caught up on the latest Hotel Barcelona news, be sure to read through some of our previous coverage as well including the initial announcement back in 2019 that Suda 51 and Swery are working on a joint horror game called Hotel Barcelona, and Suda51 confirming that Unreal Engine 5 is being used for Grasshopper's next game.
Morgan Shaver posted a new article, Suda51 & SWERY file new trademark for Hotel Barcelona horror game
I remember soiling my knickers over the hints and rumors about this project. Japanese horror masters returning to rain juicy blood down upon us.
(And if you don’t know Suda’s horror history, I really recommend checking out the remasters of The Silver Case and The 25th Ward follow up, not to mention Killer 7 and Shadows of the Damned.
Michigan had a scary as fuck Japanese website too, but it’s still the one game that didn’t get a localization in NA.