How to farm Deepsight weapons in Season of Plunder - Destiny 2
Season of Plunder is well underway and, with it, a brand-new set of red border weapons to farm and craft.
Season of Plunder is underway in Destiny 2 and Guardians are once again chasing those red-border weapons. Below I will detail the most effective ways to farm Deepsight weapons for crafting, giving you access to their enhanced and game-changing perks.
Here is the full list of the new Season of Plunder seasonal weaponry. Each weapon requires you to find and complete five (5) Deepsight versions before you can craft them.
- Tarnished Mettle - Arc Scout Rifle
- Blood Feud - Stasis Submachine Gun
- Brigands Law - Arc Sidearm
- No Reprieve - Stasis Shotgun
- Sailspy Pitchglass - Arc Linear Fusion Rifle
- Planck’s Stride - Arc Machine Gun
You will find all these weapons for inspection by visiting the new Star Map vendor in the helm. You can also look them up in D2 Gunsmith if you want to view all the perks and configurations.
How to get Deepsight weapons in Season of Plunder

Source: Bungie
Season of Plunder has two new seasonal activities named Ketchcrash and Expedition. Completing these activities awards Season of Plunder armor and weapons with the chance to drop Deepsight versions of each weapon per completion. While these are essential parts of the seasonal loop, there are other ways to get these weapons in their red-border form starting at the Star Map itself.
A main part of collecting Deepsight weapons is to have Umbral Engrams. These can drop anywhere in the game world just by completing activities, or they can drop from enemies, including the new Season of Plunder activities. If these weapons are your focus, save all your Umbrals and try the method outlined below.

Source: Shacknews
You can decrypt every Umbral engram you obtain for a chance at a random Deepsight weapon (you must unlock all the seasonal weapons to claim the Weapons of Plunder engram), but to do this you will also need Plundered Umbral Energy. You can get three Plundered Umbral Energy from each Expedition run. Here’s how the seasonal activity loops works:
Complete runs of Ketchcrash to get 11 Map Fragments per completion. Complete activities in the game to earn Treasure Coordinates. Combine five (5) Map Fragments and 50 Treasure Coordinates to create a Basic Treasure Map in your Captain’s Atlas. Run Expedition, bagging you three Plundered Umbral Energy per run). You must apply a Treasure Map to your Captain’s Atlas before the end of each run to get the rewards and energy. Your Captain’s Atlas is found in your quest tab, and you can apply Treasure Maps to it by going into the details section of the item. Please note, Map Fragments are capped at 50 so try not to do too many Ketchcrash activities without cashing them in.

Source: Shacknews
With your six Plundered Umbral Energy and one Umbral Engram you can click the Weapons of Plunder engram at the Star Map for a chance at a random seasonal weapon to drop as a Deepsight version to build towards crafting it. Be aware this is not guaranteed to be a Deepsight weapon. However, it is a way to work in a loop whilst enjoying Destiny 2’s new seasonal activities because if you don’t get one from the activities themselves, you have a chance here from your rewards. You can also just buy the weapon you want to craft directly, assuming it has dropped for you previously.
As the season progresses, we will unlock more Repute. The first two (2) of these are found in the seasonal challenges tab for completing a Successful Expedition and Antiquarian I. Repute is the new token which allows us to upgrade our Star Map and unlock seasonal perks, some of which make the obtaining of Deepsight variants even easier.
The first upgrade to aim for is Navigator 3: Weapon Treasure Map, allowing for you to use a Plunder Weapon Focused Map in the Captain’s Atlas. Crafting the Plundered Weapon Focused Map in the Captain’s Atlas will allow us to get a weapon drop from the end of Expedition but, again, it’s not a guaranteed red-border drop, and the weapon will be random between the six options.
Next, grab Quartermaster 3: Focused Weapon Spoils. This grants the ability to decrypt Umbral Engrams into Season of Plunder weapons once they have been added to your Collections. This means for every Season of Plunder weapon you unlock, you can then choose it directly from the Star Map for a chance at it becoming Deepsight.

Source: Shacknews
Swashbuckler 5: Hidden Compartment is much further down the line and will take at least seven Repute upgrades to reach but is well worth it as it unlocks us a guaranteed Deepsight. The description reads: The first Ketchcrash mission completed each week rewards a weapon with Deepsight Resonance. Again, it’s going to be a random weapon, but you’ll be picking one up for your first Ketchcrash run each week once you’ve unlocked it.
So, as we know all the routes to get to them, it is clear the most effective way is to build up Map Fragments by completing Ketchcrash to collect Umbral Energy from running Expeditions. While we do this loop, we can hope RNG blesses us with Deepsight seasonal weaponry but, if not, we have the chance directly from the Star Map and converting our Umbral Engrams. On top of that, for every rank up of the Star Map we are awarded an engram with the chance of a weapon, including on the rewards track for every major rank.
Finally, on the Star Maps rewards track there are three bottled messages named ‘Cosmic Flotsam’. These are rewards to us when we hit ranks seven, 10 and 16. These give us riddles to solve and upon completion awards Season of Plunder gear. The weapons that have potential to drop can also be Deepsight weapons, so these are worth completing once you hit these ranks during your seasonal loop to obtain the weaponry.
The seasonal activities are very enjoyable and, as a loop, I personally think it’s one of the best in Destiny 2 to date. The rewards structure is solid, and you can keep it fresh by jumping from one to the other and still feel like progress is being made.
Now you know the best way to farm Deepsight weapons in Season of Plunder, get out there and loot, Guardian. For more information and solid guidance to Season of Plunder please check out our Destiny 2 Strategy Guide here on Shacknews.
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