Controls and PC keybindings - MultiVersus

Learn the controls for Xbox and PlayStation and the PC keybindings for MultiVersus.


MultiVersus is a complex brawling game, which means it’s important to know the controls and PC keybindings. While you can have fun mashing buttons, learning the different attacks, in-air movements, and wall-related actions will help you become a better player. Below are the buttons for Xbox and PlayStation controllers as well as PC keybindings.

MultiVersus PC keybindings

multiversus pc keybindings

Source: Player First Games

Any players who choose to use a keyboard and mouse when playing MultiVersus will no doubt need to learn the buttons. Furthermore, there will likely be a desire to customize these inputs.

PC controls
Normal & Special Attacks
Attack J or LMB
Attack - Side A or D + J
Attack - Up W + J
Attack - Down S + J
Special K or RMB
Special - Side A or D + K
Special - Up W + K
Special - Down S + K
Dodge Attack L + J or K
In-Air Attacks
Air Attack - Neutral Space, J
Air Attack - Forward Space, A or D + J
Air Attack - Up Space, W + J
Air Attack - Down (Spike) Space, S + J
Air Special - Neutral Space, K
Air Special - Forward Space, A or D + K
Air Special - Up Space, W + K
Air Special - Down (Spike) Space, S + K
Dodge L or MMB
Dodge right L + D
Dodge left L + A
Air dodge Space, L + W or D or S or A
Dodge Jump A or D + L, Space
Neutral Attacks & Dodges
Neutral Attack U
Neutral Special I
Neutral Evade O
Jumping & Movement
Jump Space
High Jump Hold Space
Double jump Space, Space
Up W
Right D
Down S
Left A
Wall Slide In-air, A or D toward wall
Wall Jump Wall Slide + Space
Fast Fall In-air, hold S
Fast Fall Jump Hold S in air, Space
Taunt 1 T
Taunt 2 2
Taunt 3 3
Taunt 4 4
Pickup Item H

MultiVersus Xbox controls

multiversus xbox controls

Source: Player First Games

The Xbox controls for MultiVersus are much the same as the PC buttons, albeit controller users don’t have a plain neutral evade. After you learn the controls, take a moment to go in-game and practice the buttons in The Lab or even the Advanced Tutorials.

Xbox controls
Normal & Special Attacks
Attack X
Attack - Side Left stick left or right + X
Attack - Up Left stick up + X
Attack - Down Left stick down + X
Special Y
Special - Side Left stick left or right + Y
Special - Up Left stick up + Y
Special - Down Left stick down + Y
Dodge Attack B + X or Y
In-Air Attacks
Air Attack - Neutral A, X
Air Attack - Forward A, Left stick left or right + X
Air Attack - Up A, Left stick up + X
Air Attack - Down (Spike) A, Left stick down + X
Air Special - Neutral A, Y
Air Special - Forward A, Left stick left or right + Y
Air Special - Up A, Left stick up + Y
Air Special - Down (Spike) A, Left stick down + Y
Dodge B or RT
Dodge right B + left stick right
Dodge left B + left stick left
Air dodge A, B + Left stick movement
Dodge Jump Left stick left or right + B, A
Neutral Attacks & Dodges
Neutral Attack RB
Neutral Special LB
Neutral Evade -
Jumping & Movement
Jump A
High Jump Hold A
Double jump A, A
Up Left stick up
Right Left stick right
Down Left stick down
Left Left stick left
Wall Slide In-air, left stick left or right toward wall
Wall Jump Wall Slide + A
Fast Fall Hold left stick down in-air
Fast Fall Jump Hold left stick down in-air, A
Taunt 1 D-pad Up
Taunt 2 D-pad Right
Taunt 3 D-pad Down
Taunt 4 D-pad Left
Pickup Item LT

MultiVersus PlayStation controls

multiversus playstation controls

Source: Player First Games

The PlayStation controls for MultiVersus are the same as the Xbox controls, just with the letters changed with Sony’s iconic symbols. As mentioned above, study the buttons and combos and then practice what you know in The Lab.

PlayStation controls
Normal & Special Attacks
Attack Square
Attack - Side Left stick left or right + Square
Attack - Up Left stick up + Square
Attack - Down Left stick down + Square
Special Triangle
Special - Side Left stick left or right + Triangle
Special - Up Left stick up + Triangle
Special - Down Left stick down + Triangle
Dodge Attack Circle + Square or Triangle
In-Air Attacks
Air Attack - Neutral Cross, Square
Air Attack - Forward Cross, Left stick left or right + Square
Air Attack - Up Cross, Left stick up + Square
Air Attack - Down (Spike) Cross, Left stick down + Square
Air Special - Neutral Cross, Triangle
Air Special - Forward Cross, Left stick left or right + Triangle
Air Special - Up Cross, Left stick up + Triangle
Air Special - Down (Spike) Cross, Left stick down + Triangle
Dodge Circle or R2
Dodge right Circle + left stick right
Dodge left Circle + left stick left
Air dodge Cross, Circle + Left stick movement
Dodge Jump Left stick left or right + Circle, Cross
Neutral Attacks & Dodges
Neutral Attack R1
Neutral Special L1
Neutral Evade -
Jumping & Movement
Jump Cross
High Jump Hold Cross
Double jump Cross, Cross
Up Left stick up
Right Left stick right
Down Left stick down
Left Left stick left
Wall Slide In-air, left stick left or right toward wall
Wall Jump Wall Slide + Cross
Fast Fall Hold left stick down in-air
Fast Fall Jump Hold left stick down in-air, Cross
Taunt 1 D-pad Up
Taunt 2 D-pad Right
Taunt 3 D-pad Down
Taunt 4 D-pad Left
Pickup Item L2

There are a lot of controls and keybindings to learn in MultiVersus. Take a moment to familiarize yourself with each button, complete the tutorial, and then dive into the Advanced Tutorial for more techniques and strategies. While you do that, check out our MultiVersus page for more information to help you win.

Head of Guides

Hailing from the land down under, Sam Chandler brings a bit of the southern hemisphere flair to his work. After bouncing round a few universities, securing a bachelor degree, and entering the video game industry, he's found his new family here at Shacknews as Head of Guides. There's nothing he loves more than crafting a guide that will help someone. If you need help with a guide, or notice something not quite right, you can message him on X: @SamuelChandler 

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