Does Stray have a manual save option?

If you're wondering how to save your game in Stray, it's easier than you think, but maybe not what you were hoping for.


Now that Stray is out and players are digging in, many are wondering how to save progress so they can head to the bathroom or grab a drink from the refrigerator. Well, this guide will explain how Stray’s save system works if you’re searching for a manual save option.

How to save your game in Stray

Does stray have a manual save

Source: Stray

Stray uses an automatic save functionality that is not controlled by the player. There is no manual save option in Stray. However, Stray does save progress frequently, so losing progress appears to be a non-factor. Typically, if you die in Stray, you’ll only find yourself set back a couple of minutes. The game seems to save whenever you interact with something required to progress the story, and many of the areas that you find yourself exploring in Stray aren’t places that you need to worry about dying. In my first playthrough, I died about 10 times, and at no point did I feel I’d been pushed back too far.

Because Stray doesn’t have a manual save option, it’s best to quit your playthrough after you just enter a new area or start a new chapter. You can also exit any time you finish a cinematic or even after you die. It’s not something you should worry about too much, though, as Stray isn’t a long game and there are plenty of auto-saves happening in the background. Hopefully BlueTwelve Studio will add a manual save option in time, as making things more convenient and accessible for players is never a bad thing.

Now that you know how Stray’s save functionality works, don’t forget to visit our Stray topic on Shacknews for more news, guides, and all the information you could require about this exceptional feline adventure.

Managing Editor

Bill, who is also known as Rumpo, is a lifelong gamer and Toronto Maple Leafs fan. He made his mark early in his career through guide writing and a deep understanding of editorial SEO. He enjoys putting in the work to create a great content, be it a wild feature or grinding out an in-depth collectible guide. Tweet him @RumpoPlays if you have a question or comment about one of his articles.

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