Destiny 2 Hotfix patch notes re-enable Piercing Sidearm mod

After some serious trouble with the Piercing Sidearm artifact mod, Bungie has taken efforts to fix the issue. Check out the latest patch notes here.

Image via Bungie

As Destiny 2 continues through its latest and arguably biggest era yet in The Witch Queen expansion, so too are large parts of the game being reworked and balanced. Unfortunately, that also means unexpected things breaking that require some immediate attention. One of the latest big issues in Destiny 2 was affecting the Piercing Sidearm artifact mod, but after the application of Hotfix, the mod has been re-enabled and should be usable without issue again. Check out the full hotfix patch notes here.

Destiny 2 Hotfix patch notes

With the Destiny 2 Hotfix update, the Piercing Sidearm artifact mod is re-enabled and should work properly.
With the Destiny 2 Hotfix update, the Piercing Sidearm artifact mod is re-enabled and should work properly.

Bungie released Destiny 2 Hotfix and its accompanying patch notes on June 28, 2022. The big headliners here are the changes to the Piercing Sidearm mod, fixing it and allowing Bungie to re-enable the mod for use in the game. Previously, players were able to shoot right through certain defensive abilities and even some thin walls instead of just damaging them further. This is no longer the case. You’ll find the entirety of the Hotfix notes detailing this and further fixes just below:


Raid and Dungeon

  • The Last Wish: 
    • Fixed an issue where mods were not dropping.
  • Duality: 
    • Fixed an issue where damage phase lasted for an unintended duration in the Sorrow Bearer encounter.
    • Fixed an issue where the Sorrow Bearer encounter could auto-complete after the first bell teleport.
    • Fixed an issue where Skyburner’s Oath and the Explosive Payload perk could bypass the bosses’ shields in Duality’s Vault encounter.
  • Fixed an issue where players could break immune shields in Vault of Glass, Garden of Salvation, and Vow of the Disciple by applying Scorch to enemies.

Crucible and Iron Banner

  • Fixed an issue where players could hide out of bounds in the Crucible map, Disjunction.
  • Iron Banner: 
    • Fixed an issue where the Heavy as Death emblem was not contributing towards the reputation rank boost when equipped.
    • Fixed an issue where the fifth step of the Forging Iron Quest would not progress if the equipped Iron Banner armor also had Iron Banner ornaments applied.
    • Fixed an issue where the  daily challenges rank boost increments were not unlocked account-wide.
  • Rift: 
    • Fixed an issue where dunking the Spark with no time left on the round timer could trigger an infinite transmat loop.
    • Fixed an issue where the Spark would disappear for the remainder of the match if the player that picks it up dies at the same time.


  • Fixed an issue where The Conflux Lost Sector would not be available in its Legend or Master version for some players.
  • Fixed an issue where the first step of the Bound by Sorrow quest would not complete upon collecting 500 Vestiges.

Gameplay and Investment 


  • Fixed an issue where certain Exotic armor pieces did not offer their airborne effectiveness benefits:
    • Sealed Ahamkara Grasps: +50 to all weapons for 5 seconds after a melee hit.
    • Wings of Sacred Dawn: +50 to all weapons.
    • Lion Rampant: +50 while hip-firing.
    • Peacekeepers: +40 to SMGs.
    • Peregrine Greaves: +20 to all weapons.


  • Fixed an issue where Players could shoot through Barricades, Ward of Dawn, and thin walls when both the Piercing Sidearms artifact mod was equipped on a weapon with the Armor-Piercing Rounds weapon perk.
    • Piercing Sidearms artifact mod will be re-enabled.
  • Fixed an issue where the Nezarec's Whisper Glaive couldn't be Masterworked in some cases.


  • Fixed an issue where Hammer Strike was not receiving the intended damage bonus from Roaring Flames.
    • Note: In patch, we fixed an issue where Roaring Flames was not getting the intended reduced scalars while melee boosting Exotic armor or weapon perks were active, but that change was not reflected in that release’s patch notes, so we’re including it here for posterity.
      • Roaring Flames now grants a 20% bonus damage on powered melee abilities per stack.
      • Roaring Flames will grant a 10% bonus damage per stack if Synthoceps, Peregrine Greaves, Wormgod Caress or the One-Two Punch weapon perk are active.


  • Adjusted Crucible Vermillion shader's visuals on glowing materials to address potential photosensitivity issues.

With the Piercing Sidearm artifact mod fixed up, players can once again use it. It may not be able to shoot through defensive abilities, equipment, and walls anymore, but those who utilized it in their builds should still likely be happy to have it back. Be sure to follow our further Destiny 2 coverage, including our complete guide and walkthrough right here at Shacknews.

Senior News Editor

TJ Denzer is a player and writer with a passion for games that has dominated a lifetime. He found his way to the Shacknews roster in late 2019 and has worked his way to Senior News Editor since. Between news coverage, he also aides notably in livestream projects like the indie game-focused Indie-licious, the Shacknews Stimulus Games, and the Shacknews Dump. You can reach him at and also find him on BlueSky @JohnnyChugs.

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