Peacebond god roll - Destiny 2

Relive the Sidearm glory days in Destiny 2 with the perfect Peacebond god roll.


A Peacebond god roll in Destiny 2 can be found just about anywhere. This Stasis Sidearm has so many viable perk combinations that you’re going to have a tough time choosing which one works best for you. Regardless, here are some Peacebond god rolls you might want to consider for PVP and PVE.

PVP Peacebond god roll

destiny 2 peacebond god roll pvp

Given that range is such an important stat in Crucible, pumping this up is ideal. It lets you engage in combat at greater distances, ensuring you can mop up even the wiliest and fleet footed foes.

Peacebond god roll - PVP
Barrel Hammer-Forged Rifling (Range +10)
Magazine Accurized Rounds (Range +10)
Perk 1 Killing Wind (Final blows grant increased mobility, weapon range, and handling for a short duration)
Perk 2 Harmony (Final blows with other weapons improve this weapon's damage and performance for a short duration)
Masterwork Range
Mod Quick Access Sling

Killing Wind is just a fantastic PVP perk. Get increased range, handling and mobility for a time after a kill. This will help you chain together some defeats. Harmony, on the other hand, will up Peacebond’s damage.

If you dislike either of those two perks, Perpetual Motion will offset the stability loss from Iron Reach. You might even like one with Rangefinder for the passive range boost.

PVE Peacebond god roll

destiny 2 peacebond god roll pve

A PVE Peacebond god roll could be anything. I’m in favor of Subsistence and Demolitionist, especially in an age where Solar Fusion Grenades rule.

Peacebond god roll - PVE
Barrel Hammer-Forged Rifling (Range +10)
Magazine Accurized Rounds (Range +10)
Perk 1 Subsistence (Defeating targets partially reloads the magazine from reserves)
Perk 2 Demolitionist (Kills with this weapon generate grenade energy. Activating your grenade ability reloads this weapon from reserves)
Masterwork Range
Mod Major Spec

In the event you’re using a Stasis build, finding one with Headstone instead of Demo will help you keep spawning Stasis crystals. You might even enjoy Swashbuckler for the easy damage increase. In the event you don’t want Subsistence and Demolitionist, make sure you focus on the reload speed because it is dreadfully slow.

A god roll Peacebond in Destiny 2 comes in all sorts of flavors. Be sure to look at the perk pool over on D2Gunsmith to find one that fits your playstyle. We’ve also got a whole lot of other weapon god roll recommendations in our Destiny 2 Strategy Guide.

Head of Guides

Hailing from the land down under, Sam Chandler brings a bit of the southern hemisphere flair to his work. After bouncing round a few universities, securing a bachelor degree, and entering the video game industry, he's found his new family here at Shacknews as Head of Guides. There's nothing he loves more than crafting a guide that will help someone. If you need help with a guide, or notice something not quite right, you can message him on X: @SamuelChandler 

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