PlayStation held a 30-minute State of Play for June 2022 on Thursday. It's the first big showcase to kick of the summer blitz of gaming news, announcements, trailers. Since Sony went first, we decided to pick our favorite announcement from the event and talk about it in this week's Shack Chat. As always, we want to hear your pick in the Chatty comments below.
Question: What was your favorite announcement at Sony’s State of Play?
Street Fighter 6 has open-world single-player? What? - Ozzie Mejia, New Challenger

I wasn't expecting to see Street Fighter 6, to say the least. I was pleasantly surprised to see it, thinking I'd get to see some new-generation one-on-one battles. Then Donovan on Discord cracked some joke about it being an open-world single-player game. Then we actually saw an open-world single-player component and I demanded he pick my lottery numbers.
I might be in the minority, but if Capcom can nail this single-player element, they'll have something special on their hands. Single-player content in fighting games is all the rage these days with NetherRealm leading the way. Now let's see what Capcom can do with this idea, especially as we meet more of the old Street Fighter cast, only now much older and more seasoned.
Spider-Man on PC - Donovan Erskine, Daily Bugle News Reporter

With Sony slowly moving a lot of its first-party library to PC, I’ve been hoping that they would get around to putting Spider-Man on there as well. Well, it’s happening! It’s one of my favorite games ever made, and soon I’ll be able to enjoy it on PC with all of the sweet bells and whistles. I just wrapped up a second playthrough earlier this year, and now I’ve got an excuse to beat it for a third time. Sony also confirmed that Miles Morales will be hitting PC as well sometime this Fall. What a time to be alive!
The Callisto Protocol - Sam Chandler, Dead Space fan
I love everything about the Dead Space franchise. From the comics and books to the movies and obviously the games, I love it all. The fact that The Callisto Protocol has some of the same devs that worked on the original Dead Space excites me to no end and the latest trailer fills me with hope. I can’t wait to dive in and get spooked by all sorts of horrific creatures. Shout out to Spider-Man coming to PC, though. Hopefully it means we get Bloodborne on PC at some point.
Stray - Bill Lavoy, Cat Guy
I’m going with Stray as my favorite announcement at Sony’s PlayStation State of Play. I’ve had my eye on that game for quite some time, and the release date trailer cemented my hype for a cool summer title that’s a little different than my typical lineup of games. Also, I suspect everyone else will choose Spider-Man and RE4, and I’m all about taking the side roads… like a stray cat?
Resident Evil Village VR - TJ Denzer, likes using CQB on zombies

I was a huge fan of Resident Evil 4 VR in 2021. It was close to my game of the year for all the cool things they did in adapting the entirety of RE4 to an engaging virtual reality setting. So now you’re telling me I can do the same with Resident Evil Village? Yes, please. Even better if Armature is involved because they did such an excellent job on Resident Evil in VR already.
The game looked fun too. I saw what looks like the ability to wield two guns at the same time? Heck yeah, why not? Let’s do it. The game is already more of an action game than a horror game anyways. Let me go full John Woo on these horrible biological weapons. I think this really stands to make Resident Evil Village an altogether more fun experience.
Stray - Steve Tyminski, Stevetendo show host, Animals as far as the eye can see!

What was my favorite announcement at the most recent Sony State of Play? That’s an interesting question. There were a few games that I’m going to keep my eye on. The first one was Stray, the game where it looks like you play the role of a cat, trying to dodge robots. The locations look cool and being able to hide in a box to dodge the sight of enemies sounds neat. Also, you can tell this isn’t a normal cat when the eyes go from a blank, white look to a normal cat’s eye. There’s so much more to this than we know. The second game was Tunic. I know Tunic has been out for a while already, but I haven’t been able to play it yet. I know one of the main comparisons is the Legend of Zelda so why wouldn’t the Stevetendo show host not want to play something that takes a lot from Zelda? Rollerdrome also looks like something I’d play, think I’m good at, and then get brought back down to Earth after getting destroyed by other people.
Street Fighter 6 - Dennis White
As happy as I am to see more Resident Evil to dive into, I am just too excited to see actual Street Fighter 6 gameplay and, more importantly, gameplay that looks pretty good! There seemed to be elements of both V-Trigger and Focus Attack game mechanics being used by the characters in the trailer. I was a fan of how Focus Attacks opened up SF4 so it would be dope to see elements of those days return. I also like how characters like Chun-Li and Ryu have a veteran boss battle kind of feel to them so maybe they will be legit bosses in the open world portions of the game.
I think making the game both vibrant and colorful is a smart choice. I hope to see plenty of new blood on this game’s roster. They also mentioned that there would be more news to share later this summer so maybe we will get to see a player exhibition or learn more about the game at this year’s EVO tournament. Overall, I’m hyped to have a new entry in the series to play. There’s nothing quite like being on the ground level of a brand-new fighting game with a thriving community.
Spider-Man on PC - Asif Khan, wants you to get him more pictures of Spider-Man

I am very happy to see Sony continue to invest in PC re-releases of their games. The news that we are getting Spider-Man and Miles Morales on the PC platform is excellent, and I hope this means other Insomniac Games titles may receive the same treatment. This also means that people may be able to get me even higher resolution pictures of Spider-Man.
Horizon Call of the Mountain - Morgan Shaver, wants to see a Tallneck in VR

I’m a huge fan of the Horizon franchise, so I was especially excited to see more of the PSVR 2 game, Horizon Call of the Mountain. It looks amazing so far, and from the info shared on the PS Blog about it, I’m even more intrigued as it’s the first Horizon game where you play as a character other than Aloy. More specifically, on the PS Blog it’s noted that you play as Ryas, a former Shadow Carja Warrior. I wonder how different it’ll feel, if at all, to play as Ryas. I was also happy to hear about the latest update for Forbidden West with things like a New Game+ mode, new transmog feature for cosmetics, and the ability to respec skills.
Those are our staff picks for our favorite announcements from Sony's June 2022 State of Play. Don't leave us hanging. What was your favorite announcement from the showcase? Let us know in the Chatty comments below.
Shack Staff posted a new article, Shack Chat: What was your favorite announcement at Sony's State of Play?