Destiny 2: Season of the Haunted campaign walkthrough

A complete walkthrough of the Season of the Haunted campaign in Destiny 2, from Operation: Midas to the Bound in Sorrow questline.


Destiny 2: Season of the Haunted brings back the Leviathan and takes players to the Moon for more nightmare goodness. The Season of the Haunted campaign is told on a weekly basis, with players needing to login each week to uncover the mystery of Calus’ once opulent ship. Below you’ll find a complete walkthrough for Season 17, including Operation: Midas and the weekly mission, Bound in Sorrow.

Updated July 6, 2022.

Operation: Midas

The first mission in Season of the Haunted is Operation: Midas. This mission can be launched from the Moon. Look for the icon above the Derelict Leviathan on the left side of the screen. For most players, this mission will begin as soon as they login to Destiny 2 for the first time in Season 17.

destiny 2 season of the haunted campaign walkthrough
If it doesn't launch automatically, you can start Operation: Midas via the Moon.

When you load into the Derelict Leviathan, you will spawn in the Castellum with Eris Morn talking you through what’s happening. Follow the waypoints until you reach the Pleasure Gardens.

destiny 2 s17 haunted campaign
The first scan is by the statue of Calus' head, the second is in the bunker in the middle of the gardens.

Once in the gardens, go to the right and scan the Cabal body on the ground. The next scan is in the middle, inside the bunker. Look for the shattered Ghost on the ground.

destiny 2 operation midas arc conduit
Destroy the Arc conduit to open the door.

Head back outside and look for the Nightmare that’s up in the corner. Follow it through the tunnels until you reach a door that’s jammed. Shoot the Arc conduit beside the door to force it open.

Avoid the Cabal soldier and destroy another Arc conduit to open the door.
Avoid the Cabal soldier and destroy another Arc conduit to open the door.

Continue slinking through the Derelict Leviathan until you reach a Darkness-riddled Cabal soldier. It will be immune to all damage, so do your best to avoid it. To progress, you must destroy another Arc conduit that’s seen through the broken door.

destiny 2 operation midas egregore spore pod
Use the Egregore Spore Pod debuff to pass through the Darkness barrier.

In the next section, use the Egregore Spore Pods by standing within its radius and shooting it. You will receive a temporary buff called Egregore Link which lasts 15 seconds. This buff allows you to pass through the spore barriers.

destiny 2 season of the haunted operation midas investigate calus robot
Investigate the Calus robot and then survive the assault on the throne room.

Continue through the Leviathan, following the waypoints and the Nightmare until you reach Calus’ throne. Approach the broken robot and investigate it.

Survive in the throne room until Eris tells you to run. When the doors open, exit and work your way down the hall to the end. You will need to use another Egregore Spore to leave.

destiny 2 season of the haunted helm
Return to the HELM to receive the two quests, The Leviathan Returns and Bound in Sorrow.

When you reach the H.E.L.M., head left into the new section and interact with the Crown of Sorrow to receive the Nightmare Harvester Seasonal Artifact and the weekly questline, Bound in Sorrow.

Bound in Sorrow – Part 1

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Collect the weekly mission, Bound in Sorrow, from the Crown of Sorrow in the H.E.L.M.

With Operation: Midas completed, you can get started on the main campaign of Season of the Haunted, Bound in Sorrow. This campaign focuses on a few main characters as they deal with their own nightmares.

Step 1: Gather Vestiges of Dread

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The first step in the Bound in Sorrow Season of the Haunted questline is to collect 500 Vestiges of Dread. These can be collected by opening chests and completing patrols on the Derelict Leviathan, completing playlist activities, defeating Nightmares, and defeating regular combatants. Your best bet is to head to the Derelict Leviathan and get to work. Focus on completing patrols, defeating High Value targets and taking their loot, and fighting in the Nightmare Containment whenever it pops up.

Step 2: Nightmare Containment

destiny 2 bound in sorrow nightmare containment
Be sure to select the Containment option when launching into the Leviathan to match up with other players completing the event.

You’ll now need to participate in the new Nightmare Containment public event aboard the Derelict Leviathan. To ensure you matchmake with other players, select the Derelict Leviathan and change from the Castellum to Containment.

During the Nightmare Containment you must use the Vestiges of Dread you collected in the previous step and bind it to the Nightmare Harvester to create a Bound Presence.

Step 3: Sever – Shame

destiny 2 bound in sorrow sever shame
Launch the Sever mission from the Moon.

Next up is to complete the Sever quest with Crow. This is launched from the Moon using the icon beside the Derelict Leviathan.

When you start the mission, you must destroy the Arc conduit to gain access to a side room. Plant the amplifier on the pile of bones against the wall. Double back and destroy the Arc conduits in the room with all the pipes. Continue through the small tunnel to the next area.

Survive the onslaught of foes. Continue to defeat the Cabal enemies until they stop coming, at which point you can see Crow behind a glass window talking to his Nightmare. Go into the dark room right beside the window and throw the lever to return power to the armory.

Find and destroy the Arc conduit that’s out in the main room to open a small door for another Egregore Spore Pod. Go through the tunnel being careful not to get burned by the flames. Plant the amplifier in the ground and go through the door.

destiny 2 sever shame manual overrides

In this next area, you will need to throw some manual overrides. These are dotted around the area and are highlighted by waypoints. Three can be found relatively easily with the fourth requiring the use of a wrench to divert power.

Head back to the main switch, use the lever, and go through the door on the left. Defeat the Scorn in the next room and plant the amplifier near the stuttering doors. Go through, shoot the Arc conduit, and enter the small access tunnel that opened. Go up the fan to enter the Gauntlet.

destiny 2 bound in sorrow nightmare of the fanatic
Clear the enemies out and then grab the scythe and take it through the portal. This will allow you to deal a lot of damage to Fikrul.

The boss fight against the Nightmare of the Fanatic is fairly straightforward. Clear enemies until a portal appears, and chase the Nightmare through the passage. When it reaches the end, deal damage until you’re teleported back to the center. After the first trip through the passage, a scythe will appear new Crow, don’t grab it immediately, instead clear the enemies until the portal appears and then pick up the scythe. Quickly run up to the boss and use the scythe on it to deal more damage. Rinse and repeat until the fight is over.

Step 4: Speak with Crow

Head to the H.E.L.M. and chat with Crow.

Step 5: Speak with Eris

destiny 2 bound in sorrow step 5 eris
Go to the Crown of Sorrow and speak with Eris to receive your first Figment of Darkness.

Go to the Crown of Sorrow and talk with Eris.

Step 6: Wait until next week

If you’re playing week-to-week, this step will require you to wait until the following week to make progress. Should you be playing later on in the season, chances are this step will auto-complete.

Bound in Sorrow – Part 2

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Bound in Sorrow Part 2 was first available the second week of Season of the Haunted, May 31. This part continued along Crow's journey dealing with his own nightmare.

Step 7: Go to the H.E.L.M.

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Go to the H.E.L.M. and speak with Eris via the Crown of Sorrow.

Step 8: Gather Vestiges of Dread

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This step requires you to collect 500 Vestiges of Dread. If you already have the right amount in your inventory, this step will be automatically completed. No need to dismantle a stack like you did during Season of the Risen.

Step 9: Nightmare Containment & Bound Presence

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You must get a Bound Presence and complete Nightmare Containment tiers for this next step. Bound Presence is sometimes rewarded at the end of the Nightmare Containment public event when you bind Vestiges of Dread to the scythe.

Step 10: Complete Sever – Reconciliation

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Load up the Sever – Reconciliation mission via the Moon. Look to the left of the Moon to spot the mission icon. This mission is much the same as it was in Sever – Shame. The main difference is that in the dark room with the immune Cabal you will need to find and defeat Psions floating in orbs in order to remove the immunity shield around the Major Psions.

Step 11: Speak with Crow

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Return to the H.E.L.M. and chat with Crow.

Step 12: Speak with Eris

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Go to the Crown of Sorrow in the H.E.L.M. and chat with Eris.

Step 13: Wait for next week

Continue about your business until the following week.

Bound in Sorrow – Part 3

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Bound in Sorrow Part 3 was available the third week of Season of the Haunted, June 7. This part focused on Zavala and his trauma relating to his wife and son.

Step 14: Speak with Eris

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Head to the H.E.L.M. and chat with Eris via the Crown of Sorrow.

Step 15: Gather Vestiges of Dread

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You will need 500 Vestiges of Dread for this step to complete. If you’ve already got them in your inventory, it will autocomplete and you’ll be on to the next one.

Step 16: Nightmare Containment & Bound Presence

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Next you will need to head to the Leviathan and participate in Nightmare Containment. Complete rounds of this activity until the percentage completes. You must also get a Bound Presence, which is a potential reward for completing the Tier 3 boss.

Step 17: Complete Sever – Grief

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Sever – Grief is the next mission you must complete. This is the third mission in the Sever series and follows the same format as the previous missions. However, you will spawn in and fight through a different section of the Leviathan.

Step 18: Travel to the Tower

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Speak with Zavala in the Tower.

Step 19: Speak with Eris in the H.E.L.M.

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Travel to the H.E.L.M. and chat with Eris about Zavala. You’ll find her in the main room, not at the Crown of Sorrow.

Step 20: Go to the Crown of Sorrow

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After the cinematic, go and speak with Eris via the Crown of Sorrow in the H.E.L.M.

Step 21: Wait until next week

For those playing each week, there’s nothing to do now but wait until next week to continue Zavala’s arc of the Sever missions.

Bound in Sorrow – Part 4

destiny 2 bound in sorrow part 4

Bound in Sorrow Part 4 was available the fourth week of Season of the Haunted, June 14. This part continued Zavala's story as he overcame the anguish of losing his son and wife, and the implications of worshiping the Traveler as a god.

Step 22: Speak with Eris

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Head into the H.E.L.M. and chat with Eris via the Crown of Sorrow.

Step 23: Vestiges of Dread

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You know the drill, collect 500 Vestiges of Dread. If you already have this amount, the step will autocomplete.

Step 24: Nightmare Containment & Bound Presence

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Complete Nightmare Containment tiers and get a Bound Presence to complete this step. Tier 3 has a chance to drop Bound Presence.

Step 25: Complete Sever – Forgiveness

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Load up Sever - Forgiveness via the Leviathan node on the Moon. Run this one basically exactly the same as before. To unlock the first door, you will need to find a wrench and bring it over. The wrench is in the room directly opposite this locked door. Cross the watery walkway, go into the room, and instead of turning right to face the Egregore barrier, turn left and continue down the hall.

Step 26: Return to the H.E.L.M. for Zavala's holoprojector message

destiny 2 bound in sorrow step 26 zavala holoprojector message

After defeating the boss in Sever - Forgiveness and listening to Zavala, return to the H.E.L.M. again to listen to Zavala some more. You can find the message in the room just before the Crown of Sorrow, overlooking the area.

Step 27: Speak with Eris

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Go now to the Crown of Sorrow in the H.E.L.M. and speak with Eris.

Step 28: Wait until next week

Those playing each week during Season of the Haunted must now wait until next week to continue the Bound in Sorrow campaign. Not long now until this story wraps!

Bound in Sorrow – Part 5

destiny 2 bound in sorrow part 5

The latest Bound in Sorrow segment become available on Tuesday, June 21, and focuses on Empress Caiatl.

Step 29: Speak with Eris

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Head to the H.E.L.M. and chat with Eris via the Crown of Sorrow.

Step 30: Vestiges of Dread

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Collect 500 Vestiges of Dread to complete this step. If you already have 500 or more, this part will autocomplete and the next step will begin.

Step 31: Nightmare Containment & Bound Presence

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As you did previously, head to the Leviathan and complete Nightmare Containment events until the meter is full. You will also need a Bound Presence, which drops from the event.

Step 32: Return to the H.E.L.M.

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Visit the holoprojector overlooking the Crown of Sorrow room and listen to the message.

Step 33: Complete Sever – Rage

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Load up the Sever – Rage mission via the Leviathan on the Moon. This one is a little different to the previous missions, as you will finally get a chance to defeat the Unrelenting Nightmare. This occurs in the Engine area of the mission.

As you progress, you will receive a task to incinerate the contaminant. The goal is to activate the incineration hallway, lure the Nightmare into it, and throw the lever. Doing this will burn the contaminant away. You can then release the containment lockdown.

destiny 2 sever rage engine room incinerate contaminent

In order to achieve this, enter the Engine room and turn right. Look for the arc node above the door with the broken red pipe. Destroy the arc node, go through the door, and throw the lever to unseal the immolation hall.

destiny 2 bound in sorrow part 5 incinerate the contaminant

Go back out to the main room and go along the left side to enter a lower room. Get the Unrelenting Nightmare to follow you into the room and then the longer hallway. Jump up the end of the hall and throw the lever to ignite the hall, destroying the nightmare.

Step 34: Visit Eris on the Moon

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Instead of visiting the H.E.L.M., Eris wants to speak with you in the Sanctuary area on the Moon. This is the fast travel point at the bottom of the map.

Step 35: Complete K1 Revelation Lost Sector

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Eris will direct you to clear out the K1 Revelation Lost Sector. This activity is found in the Sorrow’s Harbor area of the Moon. Defeat the boss and open the chest to finish this step.

Step 36: Enduring Abyss, Moon

You must now go to the Pyramid beneath the Moon in the Enduring Abyss. To reach this location, follow the helpful video above. Start at the Sorrow’s Harbor location and enter the Scarlet Keep, taking the door on the left (not the door on the right as you would during the strike).

destiny 2 enduring abyss bound in sorrow part 5
Don't jump up into the hole. Instead, follow the path around to the left. Follow the diamond waypoint to the finish.

Follow the path through the cave, the waypoint will direct you to the Pyramid. Note that instead of jumping up behind the lamp as shown in the video, you must continue down to the Pyramid.

Step 37: Investigate near the Pyramid

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Look for the dead Cabal on the ground and scan it to learn more.

Step 38: Return to the H.E.L.M.

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Eris wishes to talk to you via the Crown of Sorrow in the H.E.L.M.

Step 39: Wait until next week

For those playing each week, you must now wait for the next week to continue Empress Caiatl’s portion of the Bound in Sorrow questline.

Bound in Sorrow – Part 6

destiny 2 bound in sorrow part 6

The next part of the Bound in Sorrow questline will continue the severance attempt with Caiatl.

Step 40: Speak with Eris

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Go ahead and visit the Crown of Sorrow in the H.E.L.M. and chat with Eris.

Step 41: Vestiges of Dread

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Collect 500 Vestiges of Dread to complete this step. As always, if you’ve already got 500 or more, this part will autocomplete and you can do the next step.

Step 42: Nightmare Containment & Bound Presence

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Complete Nightmare Containment tiers until the percentage bar is full. You will also need one Bound Presence, which you should get from the Tier 3 reward chest.

Step 43: Complete Sever – Resolve

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The quest now continues on from where we left Caiatl last week. You will need to load up Sever – Resolve and complete the mission to progress. This is the same section of the Underbelly in the Leviathan as Step 33, so you should be familiar with the route.

Step 44: Go to the holoprojector

destiny 2 bound in sorrow part 6 step 44

Once Sever - Resolve is completed, head to the H.E.L.M. and receive the message via the holoprojector overlooking the Crown of Sorrow.

Step 45: Go to the Crown of Sorrow

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After listening to Empress Caiatl’s messages via the holoprojector, go down to the Crown of Sorrow and speak with Eris.

Step 46: Wait until next week

Bound in Sorrow Part 6 was a bit shorter than the previous one and all that’s left to do is wait until next week. Those playing later in the season will be able to progress immediately.

Bound in Sorrow – Part 7

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This is the final part in the Bound in Sorrow campaign for Season of the Haunted. However, the fun doesn't end here as there's still plenty of time left in the season, weapon patterns to unlock, and builds to craft.

Step 47: Speak with Eris

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Go to the H.E.L.M. and speak with Eris via the Crown of Sorrow.

Step 48: Collect Vestiges of Dread

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One last time, you must collect 500 Vestiges of Dread. If you already have enough in your inventory, this step will automatically complete.

Step 49: Nightmare Containment & Bound Presence

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Go to the Leviathan and complete Nightmare Containments to fill the bar. You will also need to get one Bound Presence, which will drop as a reward from the Tier 3 boss Harvester.

Step 50: Complete Catharsis

destiny 2 bound in sorrow part 7 step 50 Catharsis

The Catharsis mission will now be available via the Moon. Look at the map of the Moon to spot the mission over near the Leviathan icon. Though short, this mission has a combat-heavy ending. In order to deal damage to the boss, you will need to defeat three separate Nightmares.

destiny 2 bound in sorrow part 7 step 50 calus skulls

When the Nightmares have an immunity shield, use the Harvester scythe against them to remove the shields. When the face of Calus starts spewing out skulls, stand inside Empress Caiatl’s dome shield.

Step 51: Speak with Eris

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Finally, you must now go and speak with Eris in the H.E.L.M. via the Crown of Sorrow.

The Season of the Haunted campaign is shaping up to be an intriguing and spooky experience in Destiny 2. Be sure to check back here each week as we continue to cover the Bound in Sorrow questline and the Sever missions for Season 17. You’ll also find a wealth of information in our Destiny 2 Complete Strategy Guide.

Head of Guides

Hailing from the land down under, Sam Chandler brings a bit of the southern hemisphere flair to his work. After bouncing round a few universities, securing a bachelor degree, and entering the video game industry, he's found his new family here at Shacknews as Head of Guides. There's nothing he loves more than crafting a guide that will help someone. If you need help with a guide, or notice something not quite right, you can message him on X: @SamuelChandler 

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