Sega is planning multiple remakes, remasters & spinoffs through March 2023

Sega suggested it has plans to release a number of remakes and remasters by the end of its next fiscal year.


Over the course of its decades of business and game development, Sega has created, published, and maintained a massive number of beloved IPs. While we’ve seen teases it might tap some of its dormant ones, its recent year-end financial results reporting suggests it has active plans to release multiple remakes, remasters, and spinoffs by March 2023.

Sega released its 2022 fiscal year-end financial results on its investor relations page recently. The report goes into detail about Sega’s various sales and business metrics throughout the previous year. However, perhaps one of the more interesting points of the report is on its 36th slide, detailing plans for new projects utilizing its classic IPs. The Sonic Origins remastered collection of the first Sonic the Hedgehog games comes out in June 2022 and is a part of this plan, but Sega also suggested it has “multiple” reworks, remasters, and spinoffs that it intends to release by the end of its next fiscal year in March 2023.

With Sonic Origins, Sega will bring back the original Sonic games that made it iconic, but this may just be part of a greater effort to produce new remakes and remasters through March 2023.
With Sonic Origins, Sega will bring back the original Sonic games that made it iconic, but this may just be part of a greater effort to produce new remakes and remasters through March 2023.

Sega has had some level of success in digging into its history for new games or remasters of old ones already. It specifically cited Sonic Colors: Ultimate and Super Monkey Ball Banana Mania as having been successful in moving around 4 million units worth of sales alongside Yakuza spinoff Lost Judgment. With this consideration in mind, it looks like Sega wants to continue to produce new games or retreads of its beloved IP beyond Sonic Origins. Sega also said as much last year when it was reported that various popular IP like Jet Set Radio and Crazy Taxi were “under examination” for reboot potential.

With Sega seemingly continuing to go ahead with a hybrid focus on new games and retreads of old ones, we’ll be watching like a hawk for what comes next. Stay tuned here at Shacknews as we await further updates from Sega.

Senior News Editor

TJ Denzer is a player and writer with a passion for games that has dominated a lifetime. He found his way to the Shacknews roster in late 2019 and has worked his way to Senior News Editor since. Between news coverage, he also aides notably in livestream projects like the indie game-focused Indie-licious, the Shacknews Stimulus Games, and the Shacknews Dump. You can reach him at and also find him on Twitter @JohnnyChugs.

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