Hearthstone Core set: What's in and what's out for 2022
The Year of the Hydra is about to begin and with it comes a new Core set for Hearthstone. Here are all of the cards it will contain.
One of the most substantial changes to the Hearthstone Standard format was unveiled last year in the form of a new Core set, which would replace the old Basic and Classic sets. A new Standard year means some new changes to the Core set, which will see 57 cards rotate out and pave the way for 72 new ones. On Thursday, Blizzard revealed the latest Core set. Shacknews has looked it over, so let's see what's in and what's out.
Shacknews has the full list of Core cards listed below, a list taken from the Hearthstone website. We're also going to compare this to the 2021 Core set in order to point out which of the old cards are leaving Standard play with the launch of the Year of the Hydra. New additions will be clearly marked as such.
Demon Hunter

Here are the cards included in the Core Demon Hunter set:
- Legendary
- (2) Kor'vas Bloodthorn (2/2) - Charge, Lifesteal: After you play a card with Outcast, return this to your hand.
- (5) Metamorphosis (Fel) - Swap your Hero Power to "Deal 4 damage." After 2 uses, swap it back. (NEW)
- Epic
- (3) Eye Beam (Fel) - Lifesteal: Deal 3 damage to a minion. Outcast: This costs (1).
- (3) Wrathscale Naga (3/2) (Naga) - After a friendly minion dies, deal 3 damage to a random enemy. (NEW)
- (7) Flamereaper (4/3) (Weapon) - Also damages the minions next to whomever your hero attacks. (NEW)
- Rare
- (1) Feast of Souls (Shadow) - Draw a card for each friendly minion that died this turn.
- (2) Sightless Watcher (3/2) (Demon) - Battlecry: Look at 3 cards in your deck. Choose one to put on top.
- (4) Raging Felscreamer (4/4) - Battlecry: The next Demon you play costs (2) less.
- (8) Illidari Inquisitor (8/8) (Demon) - Rush: After your hero attacks an enemy, this attacks it too.
- Common
- (1) Battlefiend (1/2) (Demon) - After your hero attacks, gain +1 Attack.
- (1) Crimson Sigil Runner (1/1) - Outcast: Draw a card.
- (2) Chaos Strike (Fel) - Give your hero +2 Attack this turn. Draw a card.
- (2) Spectral Sight - Draw a card. Outcast: Draw another.
- (3) Aldrachi Warblades (2/2) - Lifesteal
- (3) Coordinated Strike - Summon three 1/1 Illidari with Rush.
- (3) Gan'arg Glaivesmith (3/2) (Demon) - Outcast: Give your hero +3 Attack this turn.
- (5) Chaos Nova (Fel) - Deal 4 damage to all minions.
Here are the Demon Hunter cards from the 2021 Core set that have been removed:
- (5) Warglaives of Azzinoth (3/3) - After attacking a minion, your hero may attack again.
- (4) Ashtongue Battlelord (3/5) - Taunt. Lifesteal

Here are the cards included in the Core Druid set:
- Legendary
- (4) Fandral Staghelm (3/5) - Your Choose One cards and powers have both effects combined. (NEW)
- (8) Cenarius (5/8) - Choose One: Give your other minions +2/+2; or Summon two 2/2 Treants with Taunt.
- Epic
- (5) Force of Nature (Nature) - Summon three 2/2 Treants.
- (7) Ancient of Lore - Choose One: Draw 2 cards; or Restore 5 Health. (NEW)
- Rare
- (0) Innervate (Nature) - Gain 1 Mana Crystal this turn only.
- (1) Earthen Scales (Nature) - Give a friendly minion +1/+1, then gain Armor equal to its Attack. (NEW)
- (2) Mark of the Wild (Nature) - Give a minion Taunt and +2/+3.
- (5) Nourish (Nature) - Choose One: Gain 2 Mana Crystals; or Draw 3 cards. (Note: Cost reduced from 6 Mana.)
- Common
- (0) Pounce - Give your hero +2 Attack this turn.
- (1) Living Roots - Choose One: Deal 2 damage; or Summon two 1/1 Saplings. (NEW)
- (2) Power of the Wild - Choose One: Give your minions +1/+1; or Summon a 3/2 Panther.
- (2) Wrath (Nature) - Choose One: Deal 3 damage to a minion; or 1 damage and draw a card. (NEW)
- (3) Feral Rage - Choose One: Give your hero +4 Attack this turn; or Gain 8 Armor.
- (3) Mounted Raptor (3/2) - Deathrattle: Summon a random 1-Cost minion. (NEW)
- (3) Wild Growth (Nature) - Gain an empty Mana Crystal.
- (4) Soul of the Forest (Nature) - Give your minions "Deathrattle: Summon a 2/2 Treant."
- (5) Druid of the Claw (5/4) - Choose One: Transform into a 5/4 with Rush; or a 5/6 with Taunt.
Here are the Druid cards from the 2021 Core set that have been removed:
- (1) Enchanted Raven (2/2) (Beast)
- (3) Landscaping (Nature) - Summon two 2/2 Treants.
- (4) Nordrassil Druid (3/5) - Battlecry: The next spell you cast this turn costs (3) less.
- (5) Menagerie Warden (4/4) - Battlecry: Choose a friendly Beast. Summon a copy of it.
- (7) Ancient of War (5/5) - Choose One: +5 Attack; or +5 Health and Taunt.

Here are the cards included in the Core Hunter set:
- Legendary
- (4) Houndmaster Shaw (3/6) - Your other minions have Rush. (NEW)
- (9) King Krush (8/8) (Beast) - Charge
- Epic
- (2) Snake Trap - Secret: When one of your minions is attacked, summon three 1/1 Snakes.
- Rare
- (1) Arcane Shot (Arcane) - Deal 2 damage.
- (1) Tracking - Discover a card from your deck.
- (2) Selective Breeder (1/1) - Battlecry: Discover a copy of a Beast in your deck.
- (6) Savannah Highmane (6/5) (Beast) - Deathrattle: Summon two 2/2 Hyenas.
- Common
- (1) Candleshot (1/3) (Weapon) - Your hero is Immune while attacking.
- (1) Springpaw (1/1) (Beast) - Rush. Battlecry: Add a 1/1 Lynx with Rush to your hand. (NEW)
- (2) Explosive Trap - Secret: When your hero is attacked, deal 2 damage to all enemies.
- (2) Freezing Trap - Secret: When an enemy minion attacks, return it to its owner's hand. It costs (2) more.
- (2) Quick Shot - Deal 3 damage. If your hand is empty, draw a card.
- (3) Animal Companion - Summon a random Beast Companion. (NEW)
- (3) Cloaked Huntress (3/4) - Your Secrets cost (0). (NEW)
- (3) Deadly Shot - Destroy a random enemy minion.
- (4) Dire Frenzy - Give a Beast +3/+3. Shuffle 3 copies into your deck with +3/+3.
- (4) Marked Shot - Deal 4 damage to a minion. Discover a spell. (NEW)
Here are the Hunter cards from the 2021 Core set that have been removed:
- (1) Lock and Load - Each time you cast a spell this turn, add a random Hunter card to your hand.
- (1) Webspinner (1/1) (Beast) - Deathrattle: Add a random Beast card to your hand.
- (2) Headhunter's Hatchet (2/2) (Weapon) - Battlecry: If you control a Beast, gain +1 Durability.
- (2) Scavenging Hyena (2/2) (Beast) - Whenever a friendly Beast dies, gain +2/+1.
- (3) Bearshark (4/3) (Beast) - Can't be targeted by spells or Hero Powers.

Here are the cards included in the Core Mage set:
- Legendary
- (9) Kalecgos (4/12) (Dragon) - Your first spell each turn costs (0). Battlecry: Discover a spell. (Note: Cost reduced from 10 Mana.) (NEW)
- (5) Aegwynn, the Guardian (5/5): Spell Damage +2. Deathrattle: The next minion you draw inherits these powers.
- Epic
- (7) Flamestrike (Fire) - Deal 5 damage to all enemy minions.
- (10) Pyroblast - Deal 10 damage. (NEW)
- Rare
- (1) Babbling Book (1/1) - Battlecry: Add a random Mage spell to your hand.
- (3) Counterspell (Arcane) - Secret: When your opponent casts a spell, Counter it.
- (3) Explosive Runes (Fire) - Secret: After your opponent plays a minion, deal 6 damage to it and any excess to the hero. (NEW)
- (3) Pyromaniac (3/4) - Whenever your Hero Power kills a minion, draw a card.
- (6) Blizzard (Frost) - Deal 2 damage to all enemy minions and Freeze them. (NEW)
- Common
- (1) Shooting Star - Deal 1 damage to a minion and the minions next to it.
- (1) Snap Freeze - Freeze a minion. If it's already Frozen, destroy it.
- (2) Arcanologist (2/3) - Battlecry: Draw a Secret.
- (3) Arcane Intellect (Arcane) - Draw 2 cards.
- (3) Cone of Cold (Frost) - Freeze a minion and the minions next to it, and deal 1 damage to them.
- (3) Ice Barrier (Frost) - Secret: When your hero is attacked, gain 8 Armor.
- (4) Fireball (Fire) - Deal 6 damage.
- (5) Ethereal Conjurer (6/4) - Battlecry: Discover a spell.
Here are the Mage cards from the 2021 Core set that have been removed:
- (2) Fallen Hero (3/2) - Your Hero Power deals 1 extra damage.
- (3) Mirror Entity (Arcane) - Secret: After your opponent plays a minion, summon a copy of it.
- (4) Water Elemental (3/6) (Elemental) - Freeze any character damaged by this minion.
- (6) Coldarra Drake (Dragon) - You can use your Hero Power any number of times.

Here are the cards included in the Core Paladin set:
- Legendary
- (8) Ragnaros, Lightlord (8/8) (Elemental) - At the end of your turn, restore 8 Health to a damaged friendly character. (NEW)
- (8) Tirion Fordring (6/6): Divine Shield. Taunt. Deathrattle: Equip a 5/3 Ashbringer.
- Epic
- (1) Reckoning (Holy) - Secret: After an enemy minion deals 3 or more damage, destroy it.
- Rare
- (3) Aldor Peacekeeper (3/3) - Battlecry: Change an enemy minion's Attack to 1.
- (2) Equality (Holy) - Change the Health of ALL minions to 1. (Note: Cost reduced to 2 Mana)
- Common
- (1) Avenge (Holy) - Secret: When one of your minions dies, give a random friendly minion +3/+2.
- (1) Noble Sacrifice (Holy) - Secret: When an enemy attacks, summon a 2/1 Defender as the new target.
- (1) Righteous Protector (1/1) - Taunt. Divine Shield
- (2) Argent Protector (3/2) - Battlecry: Give a friendly minion Divine Shield.
- (2) Flash of Light (Holy) - Restore 4 Health. Draw a card.
- (3) Bronze Explorer (3/3) (Dragon) - Lifesteal. Battlecry: Discover a Dragon. (Note: Attack increased to 3 from 2.) (NEW)
- (3) Warhorse Trainer (3/4) - Your Silver Hand Recruits have +1 Attack.
- (4) Blessing of Kings (Holy) - Give a minion +4/+4.
- (4) Consecration (Holy) - Deal 2 damage to all enemies.
- (4) Truesilver Champion (4/2) (Weapon) - Whenever your hero attacks, restore 2 Health to it.
- (5) Amber Watcher (4/6) (Dragon) - Battlecry: Restore 8 Health. (NEW)
- (5) Stand Against Darkness - Summon five 1/1 Silver Hand Recruits.
Here are the Paladin cards from the 2021 Core set that have been removed:
- (2) Holy Light (Holy) - Restore 8 Health to your hero.
- (3) Pursuit of Justice (Holy) - Give +1 Attack to Silver Hand Recruits you summon summon this game.
- (7) Guardian of Kings (5/7) - Taunt, Battlecry: Restore 6 Health to your hero.

Here are the cards included in the Core Priest set:
- Legendary
- (5) Lyra the Sunshard (3/5) (Elemental) - Whenever you cast a spell, add a random Priest spell to your hand. (NEW)
- (8) Murozond the Infinite (8/8) (Dragon) - Battlecry: Play all cards your opponent played last turn. (NEW)
- Epic
- (6) Lightbomb (Holy) - Deal damage to each minion equal to its Attack. (NEW)
- (4) Shadow Word: Ruin (Shadow) - Destroy all minions with 5 or more Attack.
- Rare
- (1) Focused Will - Silence a minion, then give it +3 Health.
- (2) Kul Tiran Chaplain (2/3) - Battlecry: Give a friendly minion +2 Health.
- (2) Thrive in the Shadows (Shadow) - Discover a spell from your deck.
- (5) Drakonid Operative (5/6) (Dragon) - Battlecry: If you're holding a Dragon, Discover a copy of a card in your opponent's deck. (NEW)
- Common
- (1) Flash Heal (Holy) - Restore 5 Health.
- (1) Holy Smite (Holy) - Deal 3 damage to a minion.
- (1) Northshire Cleric (1/3) - Whenever a minion is healed, draw a card. (NEW)
- (1) Psychic Conjurer (1/1) - Battlecry: Copy a card in your opponent's deck and add it to your hand.
- (2) Shadow Word: Death (Shadow) - Destroy a minion with 5 or more Attack.
- (3) Shadowed Spirit (4/3) - Deathrattle: Deal 3 damage to the enemy hero.
- (4) Holy Nova (Holy) - Deal 2 damage to all enemy minions. Restore 2 Health all friendly characters.
- (4) Power Infusion (Holy) - Give a minion +2/+6.
Here are the Priest cards from the 2021 Core set that have been removed:
- (1) Crimson Clergy (1/3) - After a friendly character is healed, gain +1 Attack.
- (2) Shadowform (Shadow) - Your Hero Power becomes 'Deal 2 damage.'
- (3) Lightspawn (0/4) (Elemental) - This minion's Attack is always equal to its Health.
- (5) Temple Enforcer (5/6) - Battlecry: Give a friendly minion +3 Health.
- (8) Natalie Seline (8/1): Battlecry: Destroy a minion and gain its Health.

Here are the cards included in the Core Rogue set:
- Legendary
- (2) Vanessa VanCleef (2/3) - Combo: Add a copy of the last card your opponent played to your hand.
- (8) Tess Greymane (6/6) - Battlecry: Replay every card from another class you've played this game (targets chosen randomly).
- Epic
- (0) Preparation - The next spell you cast this turn costs (2) less.
- Rare
- (1) Sinister Strike - Deal 3 damage to the enemy hero.
- (3) SI:7 Agent (3/3) - Combo: Deal 2 damage.
- (4) Assassin's Blade (2/5) (Weapon)
- (6) Sprint - Draw 4 cards.
- Common
- (0) Backstab - Deal 2 damage to an undamaged minion.
- (0) Shadowstep (Shadow) - Return a friendly minion to your hand. It costs (2) less.
- (1) Buccaneer (2/1) (Pirate) - Whenever you equip a weapon, give it +1 Attack. (NEW)
- (1) Deadly Poison (Nature) - Give your weapon +2 Attack.
- (1) Swashburglar (1/1) (Pirate) - Battlecry: Add a random card from another class to your hand.
- (2) Cold Blood - Give a minion +2 Attack. Combo: +4 Attack instead.
- (3) Plague Scientist (2/3) - Combo: Give a friendly minion Poisonous.
- (4) Assassinate - Destroy an enemy minion.
- (4) Hench-Clan Burglar (4/3) (Pirate) - Battlecry: Discover a spell from another class. (NEW)
- (4) Tomb Pillager (5/4) - Deathrattle: Add a Coin to your hand.
Here are the Rogue cards from the 2021 Core set that have been removed:
- (1) Bladed Cultist (1/2) - Combo: Gain +1/+1.
- (2) Patient Assassin (1/2) - Stealth. Poisonous

Here are the cards included in the Core Shaman set:
- Legendary
- (6) Krag'wa, the Frog (4/6) (Beast) - Battlecry: Return all spells you played last turn to your hand. (NEW)
- (8) Al'Alkir the Windlord (3/6): Charge, Divine Shield, Taunt, Windfury
- Epic
- (5) Doomhammer (2/8) - Windfury, Overload: (2)
- (3) Far Sight - Draw a card. That card costs (3) less. (NEW)
- Rare
- (2) Maelstrom Portal (Nature) - Deal 1 damage to all enemy minions. Summon a random 1-Cost minion. (NEW)
- (3) Feral Spirit - Summon two 2/3 Spirit Wolves with Taunt. Overload: (1)
- (3) Lightning Storm - Deal 3 damage to all enemy minions. Overload: (2)
- (3) Mana Tide Totem (0/3) (Totem) - At the end of your turn, draw a card.
- Common
- (1) Lightning Bolt (Nature) - Deal 3 damage. Overload: (1)
- (1) Novice Zapper (3/2) - Spell Damage +1. Overload: (1)
- (2) Flametongue Totem (0/2) (Totem) - Adjacent minions have +2 Attack. (NEW)
- (2) Menacing Nimbus (2/2) (Elemental) - Battlecry: Add a random Elemental to your hand.
- (2) Rockbiter Weapon (Nature) - Give a friendly character +3 Attack this turn.
- (4) Hex (Nature) - Transform a minion into a 0/1 Frog with Taunt.
- (4) Tidal Surge (Nature) - Lifesteal: Deal 4 damage to a minion.
- (5) Bloodlust - Give your minions +3 Attack this turn. (NEW)
- (6) Fire Elemental (6/5) (Elemental) - Battlecry: Deal 4 damage.
Here are the Shaman cards from the 2021 Core set that have been removed:
- (2) Windfury (Nature) - Give a minion Windfury.
- (3) Unbound Elemental (2/4) (Elemental) - Whenever you play a card with Overload, gain +1/+1.
- (4) Draenei Totemcarver (4/5) - Battlecry: Gain +1/+1 for each friendly Totem.
- (5) Earth Elemental (7/8) (Elemental) - Taunt, Overload: (2)

Here are the cards included in the Core Warlock set:
- Legendary
- (4) High Priestess Jeklik (3/5) - Taunt. Lifesteal: When you discard this, add 2 copies of it to your hand. (NEW)
- (9) Lord Jaraxxus: Battlecry: Equip a 3/8 Bloodfury.
- Epic
- (5) Felsoul Jailer (4/6) (Demon) - Battlecry: Your opponent discards a minion. Deathrattle: Return it.
- (8) Twisting Nether (Shadow) - Destroy all minions.
- Rare
- (2) Darkshire Librarian (3/2) - Battlecry: Discard a random card. Deathrattle: Draw a card. (NEW)
- (2) Tiny Knight of Evil (3/2) (Demon) - Whenever you discard a card, gain +1/+1.
- (3) Void Terror (3/4) (Demon) - Battlecry: Destroy both adjacent minions and gain their Attack and Health.
- (5) Siphon Soul (Shadow) - Destroy a minion. Restore 3 Health to your hero.
- Common
- (1) Flame Imp (Demon) - Battlecry: Deal 3 damage to your hero.
- (1) Mortal Coil (Shadow) - Deal 1 damage to a minion. If that kills it, draw a card.
- (1) Voidwalker (1/3) (Demon) - Taunt (NEW)
- (2) Drain Soul (Shadow) - Lifesteal: Deal 3 damage to a minion.
- (3) Fiendish Circle (Fel) - Summon four 1/1 Imps. (Note: Cost reduced to 3 Mana.)
- (3) Imp Gang Boss (2/4) (Demon) - Whenever this minion takes damage, summon a 1/1 Imp.
- (4) Hellfire (Fire) - Deal 3 damage to ALL characters.
- (4) Lakkari Felhound (3/8) (Demon) - Taunt, Battlecry: Discard your two lowest-Cost cards.
- (7) Abyssal Enforcer (6/6) (Demon) - Battlecry: Deal 3 damage to all other characters. (NEW)
Here are the Warlock cards from the 2021 Core set that have been removed:
- (0) Ritual of Doom - Destroy a friendly minion. If you had 5 or more, summon a 5/5 Demon.
- (1) Possessed Villager (1/1) - Deathrattle: Summon a 1/1 Shadowbeast.
- (6) Dread Infernal (6/6) (Demon) - Battlecry: Deal 1 damage to ALL other characters.
- (7) Enslaved Fel Lord (4/10) (Demon) - Taunt: Also damages the minions next to whomever this attacks.

Here are the cards included in the Core Warrior set:
- Legendary
- (5) Darius Crowley (4/4) - Rush. After this attacks and kills a minion, gain +2/+2. (NEW)
- (8) Grommash Hellscream (4/9): Charge: Has +6 Attack while damaged.
- Epic
- (1) Shield Slam - Deal 1 damage to a minion for each Armor you have.
- (5) Brawl - Destroy all minions except one. (chosen randomly)
- (7) Gorehowl (7/1) (Weapon) - Attacking a minion costs 1 Attack instead of 1 Durability.
- Rare
- (2) Armorsmith (1/4) - Whenever a friendly minion takes damage, gain 1 Armor.
- (3) Frothing Berserker (2/4) - Whenever a minion takes damage, gain +1 Attack.
- (6) Shieldmaiden (5/5) - Battlecry: Gain 5 Armor.
- Common
- (1) Bloodsail Deckhand (Pirate) - Battlecry: The next weapon you play costs (1) less.
- (1) Execute - Destroy a damaged minion. (Note: Cost reduced from 2 Mana.)
- (1) Whirlwind - Deal 1 damage to ALL minions.
- (2) Cruel Taskmaster (2/2) - Battlecry: Deal 1 damage to a minion and give it +2 Attack.
- (2) Slam - Deal 2 damage to a minion. If it survives, draw a card.
- (3) Bash - Deal 3 damage. Gain 3 Armor. (NEW)
- (3) Fiery War Axe (3/2) (Weapon)
- (3) Shield Block - Gain 5 Armor. Draw a card. (NEW)
- (4) Bloodhoof Brave (2/6) - Taunt. Has +3 Attack while damaged. (NEW)
Here are the Warrior cards from the 2021 Core set that have been removed:
- (3) Warsong Commander (2/3) - After you summon another minion, give it Rush.
- (3) War Cache - Add a random Warrior minion, spell, and weapon to your hand.
- (4) Warsong Outrider (5/5) - Rush

Lastly, here are the Neutral cards included in the Core set:
- Legendary
- (1) Sir Finley Mrrgglton (1/3) (Murloc) - Battlecry: Discover a new basic Hero Power. (NEW)
- (2) Bloodmage Thalnos (1/1) - Spell Damage +1. Deathrattle: Draw a card.
- (3) Brann Bronzebeard (2/4) - Your Battlecries trigger twice. (NEW)
- (3) Zola, the Gorgon (2/2) (Naga) - Battlecry: Choose a friendly minion. Add a Golden copy of it to your hand.
- (4) Elise Starseeker (3/5) - Battlecry: Shuffle the 'Map to the Golden Monkey' into your deck. (NEW)
- (5) Overlord Runthak (3/6) - Rush: Whenever this attacks, give +1/+1 to all minions in your hand.
- (5) Taelan Fordring (3/3) - Taunt, Divine Shield, Deathrattle: Draw your highest-Cost minion.
- (6) Cairne Bloodhoof (5/5) - Deathrattle Summon a 5/5 Baine Bloodhoof.
- (6) Reno Jackson (4/6) - Battlecry: If your deck has no duplicates, fully heal your hero. (NEW)
- (7) Baron Geddon (7/7) (Elemental) - At the end of your turn, deal 2 damage to ALL other characters.
- (7) Nozdormu the Eternal (8/8) (Dragon) - Start of Game: If this is in BOTH players' decks, turns are only 15 seconds long.
- (9) Alexstrasza the Life-Binder (8/8) (Dragon) - Battlecry: Choose a character. If it's friendly, Restore 8 Health. If it's an enemy, deal 8 damage.
- (9) Malygos the Spellweaver (4/12) (Dragon) - Battlecry: Draw spells until your hand is full.
- (9) Onyxia the Broodmother (8/8) (Dragon) - At the end of each turn, fill your board with 1/1 Whelps.
- (9) Ysera the Dreamer (4/12) (Dragon) - Battlecry: Add one of each Dream card to your hand.
- (10) Deathwing the Destroyer (12/12) (Dragon) - Battlecry: Destroy all other minions. Discard a card for each destroyed.
- Epic
- (2) Doomsayer (0/7) - At the start of your turn, destroy ALL minions. (NEW)
- (3) Murloc Warleader (3/3) - Your other Murlocs have +2 Attack. (NEW)
- (3) Southsea Captain (3/3) (Pirate) - Your other Pirates have +1/+1.
- (3) Vulpera Scoundrel (2/3) - Battlecry: Discover a spell or pick a mystery choice. (NEW)
- (4) Big Game Hunter (4/2) - Battlecry: Destroy a minion with 7 or more Attack.
- (4) Escaped Manasaber (3/5) (Beast) - Stealth. Whenever this attacks, gain 1 Mana Crystal this turn only. (NEW)
- (5) Faceless Manipulator (3/3) - Battlecry: Choose a minion and become a copy of it.
- (6) Mossy Horror (2/7) - Battlecry: Destroy all other minions with 2 or less Attack. (NEW)
- (8) Primordial Drake (4/8) (Dragon) - Taunt. Battlecry: Deal 2 damage to all other minions. (NEW)
- (10) Sea Giant (8/8) - Costs (1) less for each other minion on the battlefield. (NEW)
- Rare
- (1) Murloc Tidecaller (1/2) (Murloc) - Whenever you summon a Murloc, gain +1 Attack.
- (2) Acidic Swamp Ooze (3/2) - Battlecry: Destroy your opponent's weapon.
- (2) Crazed Alchemist (2/2) - Battlecry: Swap the Attack and Health of a minion.
- (2) Fogsail Freebooter (2/2) (Pirate) - Battlecry: If you have a weapon equipped, deal 2 damage.
- (2) Nerubian Egg (0/2) - Deathrattle: Summon a 4/4 Nerubian.
- (2) Wild Pyromancer (3/2) - After you cast a spell, deal 1 damage to ALL minions. (NEW)
- (3) Coldlight Seer (2/3) (Murloc) - Battlecry: Give your other Murlocs +2 Health.
- (3) Humongous Razorleaf (4/8) - Can't attack.
- (3) Lone Champion (2/4) - Battlecry: If you control no other minions, gain Taunt and Divine Shield.
- (4) Defender of Argus (3/3) - Battlecry: Give adjacent minions +1/+1 and Taunt.
- (4) Lifedrinker (3/3) (Beast) - Battlecry: Deal 3 damage to the enemy hero. Restore 3 Health to your hero.
- (4) SI:7 Infiltrator (5/4) - Battlecry: Destroy a random enemy Secret.
- (4) Twilight Drake (4/1) (Dragon) - Battlecry: Gain +1 Health for each card in your hand. (NEW)
- (4) Violet Teacher (3/5): Whenever you cast a spell, summon a 1/1 Violet Apprentice.
- (5) Azure Drake (4/5) (Dragon) - Spell Damage +1. Battlecry: Draw a card. (Note: Health increased to 5 from 4.) (NEW)
- (6) Gadgetzan Auctioneer (4/4) - Whenever you cast a spell, draw a card.
- (8) Arcane Devourer (4/8) (Elemental) - Whenever you cast a spell, gain +2/+2.
- Common
- (0) Murloc Tinyfin (1/1) (Murloc)
- (1) Abusive Sergeant (1/1) - Battlecry: Give a minion +2 Attack this turn.
- (1) Beaming Sidekick (1/2) - Battlecry: Give a friendly minion +2 Health. (NEW)
- (1) Elven Archer (1/1) - Battlecry: Deal 1 damage.
- (1) Emerald Skytalon (2/1) (Beast) - Rush
- (1) Voodoo Doctor (2/1) - Battlecry: Restore 2 Health.
- (1) Worgen Infiltrator (2/1) - Stealth
- (1) Mistress of Mixtures (2/2) - Deathrattle: Restore 4 Health to each hero. (NEW)
- (2) Annoy-o-Tron (1/2) (Mech) - Taunt. Divine Shield
- (2) Bloodsail Raider (2/3) (Pirate) - Battlecry: Gain Attack equal to the Attack of your weapon.
- (2) Dire Wolf Alpha (2/2) (Beast) - Adjacent minions have +1 Attack.
- (2) Explosive Sheep (1/1) (Mech) - Deathrattle: Deal 2 damage to all minions.
- (2) Faerie Dragon (3/2) (Dragon) - Can't be targeted by spells or Hero Powers.
- (2) Injured Tol'vir (2/6) - Taunt. Battlecry: Deal 3 damage to this minion.
- (2) Kobold Geomancer (2/2) - Spell Damage +1
- (2) Loot Hoarder (2/1) - Deathrattle: Draw a card.
- (2) Mad Bomber (3/2) - Battlecry: Deal 3 damage randomly split between all other characters.
- (2) Murloc Tidecaller (2/1) (Murloc) - Battlecry: Summon a 1/1 Murloc Scout.
- (2) Plated Beetle (2/3) (Beast) - Deathrattle: Gain 3 Armor.
- (2) Redgill Razorjaw (3/1) (Murloc) - Rush
- (2) Sunreaver Spy (2/3) - Battlecry: If you control a Secret, gain +1/+1.
- (2) Youthful Brewmaster (3/2) - Battlecry: Return a friendly minion from the battlefield to your hand.
- (3) Acolyte of Pain (1/3) - Whenever this minion takes damage, draw a card. (NEW)
- (3) Gorillabot A-3 (3/4) (Mech) - Battlecry: If you control another Mech, Discover a Mech. (NEW)
- (3) Ironbeak Owl (2/1) (Beast) - Battlecry: Silence a minion.
- (3) Jungle Panther (4/2) (Beast) - Stealth
- (3) Raid Leader (2/3) - Your other minions have +1 Attack.
- (3) Tar Creeper (1/5) (Elemental) - Taunt. Has +2 Attack during your opponent's turn. (NEW)
- (4) Chillwind Yeti (4/5)
- (4) Dark Iron Dwarf (4/4) - Battlecry: Give a minion +2 Attack this turn.
- (4) Grim Necromancer (2/4) - Battlecry: Summon two 1/1 Skeletons.
- (4) Sen'jin Shieldmasta (3/5) - Taunt
- (5) Cobalt Scalebane (5/5) (Dragon) - At the end of your turn, give another random friendly minion +3 Attack.
- (5) Stranglethorn Tiger (5/5) - Stealth
- (7) Stormwatcher (4/8) (Elemental) - Windfury
- (7) Stormwind Champion (7/7) - Your other minions have +1/+1.
- (9) Sleepy Dragon (4/12) (Dragon) - Taunt
Here are the Neutral cards from the 2021 Core set that have been removed:
- (1) Arcane Anomaly (2/1) (Elemental) - After you cast a spell, give this minion +1 Health.
- (1) Argent Squire (1/1) - Divine Shield
- (1) Cogmaster (1/2) - Has +2 Attack while you have a Mech.
- (1) Young Priestess (2/1) - At the end of your turn, give another random friendly minion +1 Health.
- (2) River Crocolisk (2/3) (Beast)
- (2) Toxicologist (2/2) - Battlecry: Give your weapon +1 Attack.
- (3) Mini-Mage (3/1) - Stealth. Spell Damage +1
- (3) Brightwing (3/2) (Dragon) - Battlecry: Add a random Legendary minion to your hand.
- (3) Earthen Ring Farseer (3/3) - Battlecry: Restore 3 Health.
- (3) Flesheating Ghoul (3/3) - Whenever a minion dies, gain +1 Attack.
- (3) Ice Rager (5/2) (Elemental)
- (3) Injured Blademaster (4/7) - Battlecry: Deal 4 damage to HIMSELF.
- (3) King Mukla (5/5) (Beast) - Battlecry: Give your opponent 2 Bananas.
- (3) Spider Tank (3/4) (Mech)
- (3) Stoneskin Basilisk (1/1) (Beast) - Divine Shield. Poisonous
- (4) Baron Rivendare (1/7) - Your minions trigger their Deathrattles twice.
- (5) Gurubashi Berserker (2/8) - Whenever this minion takes damage, gain +3 Attack.
- (6) High Inquisitor Whitemane (5/7) - Battlecry: Summon all friendly minions that died this turn.
- (7) Barrens Stablehand (5/5) - Battlecry: Summon a random Beast.
- (12) Clockwork Giant (8/8) (Mech) - Costs (1) less for each card in your opponent's hand.
Notice that this year's batch of Core cards has seen the return of many noteworthy deck staples, including all four of the League of Explorers. Core cards are often decided by potential synergies with future expansions, so take a look at these and try and guess what's coming down the line!
That's the full Hearthstone Core set for 2022. We'll have more to say about it, as well as the upcoming Voyage to the Sunken City expansion in the weeks ahead. Stay tuned to Shacknews for the latest updates.
Ozzie Mejia posted a new article, Hearthstone Core set: What's in and what's out for 2022