Golden Tee 3D is the latest replica cab from Arcade1Up

The game that took every dive bar and bowling alley in the world by storm, Golden Tee Golf, is on the way from the folks at Arcade1Up.


When you think of the most iconic arcade cabinets from the golden age of coin-operated amusements, a few standouts certainly come to mind. Ms. Pac Man, Street Fighter 2, Mortal Kombat, Daytona USA, and Golden Tee Golf. The latter is one of the most recognizable and popular arcade games of all time and helped bring the trackball input device into the 90s mainstream. Now the folks at Arcade1Up, responsible for some of the best scale reproductions of classic arcade machines, have announced plans to release Golden Tee 3D later this year.

Arcade1Up has also confirmed that pre-orders for the Golden Tee cabinet have opened via the company’s official website. The cabinet is expected to begin shipping near the end of the month and stands at 66 inches tall and comes with a 19-inch display (the largest yet on an Arcade1Up cabinet). This cabinet is sure to please even the most discerning Golden Tee buffs.

“Golden Tee is the epitome of arcade nostalgia and takes you back in time playing the game with friends at a bar,” said Scott Bachrach, Founder, and CEO, Tastemakers, LLC, and Arcade1Up. “We wanted to give fans the new Golden Tee with a modernized design and oversized cabinet for the ultimate at-home arcade experience.” 

Arcade1Up’s Golden Tee 3D home arcade machine includes:

  • 8 Games in 1: Enter the Arcade1Up time machine and re-experience Golden Tee golf as it was in the 90s or try your skills at World Class Bowling or Shuffle Shot, no quarters required.
  • Online Leaderboards: Display your top Golden Tee scores online with WIFI-enabled leaderboards, so go ahead and take your bragging rights worldwide.
  • Updated Features: Boasting a larger 19-inch screen, 3-inch trackball, and streamlined design side panels, this machine is both nostalgic and a great entertainment piece for the family to enjoy.
  • Easy Assembly: Do not worry, it will not be long until you are putting on the green. Once the arcade machine is plugged in at your home, follow the in-game instructions, select your game and you're off to tee.

The Arcade1Up Golden Tee 3D cabinet will retail for $699. It is available to pre-order via Arcade1Up and should start showing up at participating retailers in the coming months.

Contributing Tech Editor

Chris Jarrard likes playing games, crankin' tunes, and looking for fights on obscure online message boards. He understands that breakfast food is the only true food. Don't @ him.

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