What We Survive Iron Banner Season 16 quest guide - Destiny 2
Here are all the steps and requirements to complete the Season 16 Iron Banner quest in Destiny 2, What We Survive.
The Iron Banner is back in Season 16, and with it comes a new quest to complete called What We Survive. This quest consists of multiple steps and lots of objectives, and players will be able to grab the Frontier’s Cry Hand Cannon and Razor’s Edge Sword during the weeks the Iron Banner is active. Below, I’ll outline each of the steps and objectives, helping you get this one out of the way as efficiently as you can.
Last updated: March 15, 2022 at 7:25 p.m. EDT.
Iron Banner quest: What We Survive

What We Survive is the Iron Banner Season 16 quest. It consists of five steps, and each step typically has three objectives to move on to the next. Below are all five steps and their objectives.
Step 1: Flame in the Forest

The first step is straightforward, requiring some rather simple objectives to be completed. It will reward you with
- Defeat Guardians: 0/30
- Capture zones: 0/10
- Void/Solar final blows: 0/15
Step 2: Blood for Bread

The second step continues to take it easy on you unless you hate Hand Cannons.
- Complete Iron Banner matches: 0/6
- Capture zones: 0/20
- Hand Cannon final blows: 0/15
Step 3: Lessons Well-Learned

Here's where things get a little wild. You''ll need 10 kill with either a Sniper Rifle or Glaive, or some combination of the two. You can use either the ranged shot from the Glaive, or the melee, so you have some options here. Maybe go Sniper Rifle for larger maps with long lanes, and Glaive for smaller maps where you can flank. It will take about three melee strikes with a Glaive to take down your opponents, and you can string a combo together by pressing your melee three times in quick succession.
- Defeat Guardians: 0/100
- Capture zones: 0/30
- Sniper Rifle/Glaive final blows: 0/10
Step 4: Iron Will

Since nobody is going to want to deal with finding Heavy, keep your Glaive equipped and use the melee to get these kills. It counts, which is fantastic.
- Defeat Guardians with Supers: 0/15
- Capture zones: 0/40
- Sword or melee final blows: 0/5
Step 5: A Story Told

You're done. Just head back to the Tower and turn in all your Iron Banner tokens for maximum disappointment.
- Return to Lord Saladin
That's the entire What We Survive Iron Banner quest for Season 16. You can use this guide to help you plan for each step, but when you're done you'd be wise to visit our Destiny 2 strategy guide. We've been building this resource for years, covering almost every inch of the game and updating our content on a daily basis.
Bill Lavoy posted a new article, What We Survive Iron Banner Season 16 quest guide - Destiny 2