Street Fighter 6 revealed as Capcom countdown clock hits zero

The countdown has ended and has led to the next entry in the Street Fighter franchise.


After a week of waiting, the Capcom countdown clock has reached zero. Following a full seven days of speculation across the gaming world, including from the staff here at Shacknews, Capcom has pulled the curtain back to officially reveal Street Fighter 6. However, in a bit of a plot twist, while a new Street Fighter was expected by some, Capcom still had a second big surprise that nobody saw coming.

The Street Fighter 6 reveal came following an exciting Capcom Pro Tour 2021 Season Final exhibition weekend. The gaming world had been following the Capcom countdown website since it went up almost exactly one week ago. The countdown website now redirects to the official Street Fighter 6 website.

The biggest story here is that the new Street Fighter looks to be built on the RE Engine, as evidenced by the wildly-realistic looking Ryu, though that's not officially confirmed by Capcom. After flexing his individual muscles, the camera panned out to reveal the long-time face of the franchise squaring off against Luke, who Capcom had previously teased would take on a much greater role in the new Street Fighter.

There is currently not much in the way of information for Street Fighter 6. Even Capcom-Unity, which typically dives into additional details, appears to be tight-lipped about this project. More news about the game is set to be delivered later this summer. In the meantime, the development team is promising one final balance patch for Street Fighter 5 Champion Edition, which will be deployed in March.

It's a safe assumption that Street Fighter 6 will not be ready to release in 2022, but stranger things have happened. We'll be monitoring this story throughout the year, so keep it here on Shacknews for all of the latest fallout from the Capcom countdown clock. That wasn't the only announcement from tonight, however. A new collection of fighting games was also unveiled, totally out of the blue. For more on that, check out our story on the Capcom Fighting Collection.

Senior Editor

Ozzie has been playing video games since picking up his first NES controller at age 5. He has been into games ever since, only briefly stepping away during his college years. But he was pulled back in after spending years in QA circles for both THQ and Activision, mostly spending time helping to push forward the Guitar Hero series at its peak. Ozzie has become a big fan of platformers, puzzle games, shooters, and RPGs, just to name a few genres, but he’s also a huge sucker for anything with a good, compelling narrative behind it. Because what are video games if you can't enjoy a good story with a fresh Cherry Coke?

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  • reply
    February 20, 2022 9:35 PM

    Ozzie Mejia posted a new article, Street Fighter 6 revealed as Capcom countdown clock hits zero

    • reply
      February 20, 2022 9:46 PM


    • reply
      February 21, 2022 4:18 AM

      Sf4 was so amazing and sf5 fell so flat for me. What a disappointment

    • reply
      February 21, 2022 8:35 AM


      • reply
        February 21, 2022 2:54 PM

        I’d have been way happier if this looked like Alpha instead of whatever they’re going to do with the RE Engine. Really don’t like that they’re continuing down this “realistic” path from SFV.

        I assume its coming out next year, which is rough since it’ll be up against Riot’s fighting game. I also can’t get that excited for anything Street Fighter after the 3rd Strike/CvS2 period. We’ll see

        • reply
          February 21, 2022 3:17 PM

          I still think Alpha 3 is the best looking Street Fighter overall (though SF3's animation is nice, too).

          SF4 worked okay, but nothing since then has really done it for me.

    • reply
      February 21, 2022 2:35 PM

      OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!! + , I don't know Man I think it looks INSANE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Did you see those toes!!!!!!!!! This is what I expect/wanted form Killer Instinct 2 2022 and visualized it being all decked out and going MEGA!!!!

      I am super pumped, even though I know some of Us Fighter fans still want HD MEGA 2D fighters I think this is 100% the right move, I have been playing KOFXV like a Mad Lad and I am ready to let 2D go with fighters if it is done on a very high level of quality. Both Guilty Gear Strive, DBFZ, KOFXV, IJ2 and MK11 all show that going to 3D/2.5D is really where it is at and you can just do a crazy amount more with it and it can look incredible + play that way too!!!!!!!

      Hype meter is juicing for SF6!!!!!!!!! LOL I was thinking to My self "Jesus if KI2 new will look like this I will loose it!!!!!!!!!!". Anyways I think We are going to see some insane fighters coming up and the visuals are really going to hit the next level. One last thing KOFXV plays incredibly well and as good as their 2D versions if not way better so I can bet SF6 will be no exception, with 4 and 5 under Capcom's belt and with so many high quality Next Gen fighters 6 has to be incredible and step up this year big time!!!!

      Can't wait to see this at E3 and hopefully also that: SNK vs Cap 3, Power Stone 3 and Darkstalkers 5 will get announced or shown!!!!

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