Bungie 30th Anniversary Triumphs for the Vidmaster Title - Destiny 2
Keep track of the 30th Anniversary Triumphs so you can earn the iconic Vidmaster Title and Seal in Destiny 2.
Now that Bungie is 30 years old, the team has added a new set of Triumphs under the category, 30th Anniversary, in Destiny 2. Players that unlock all ten 30th Anniversary Triumphs will be rewarded with the Vidmaster Title and Seal, along with some great Exotic ornaments and emotes.
30th Anniversary Triumphs – Vidmaster Title
There are only 10 Triumphs needed for the Vidmaster Title and the 30th Anniversary Seal. Better yet, a lot of these Triumphs require fairly straightforward and simple tasks. Probably the most time-consuming ones will be those that require Treasure Keys and running Dares of Eternity on Legend.

The following Triumphs can be found by inspecting the 30th Anniversary Triumph Seal in the Triumphs tab.
- Let’s See What You’ll Be Taking Home – Spend Treasure Keys in Xur’s Treasure Room on Eternity.
- Fateful Spin – Face each of the Wheel of Adversity’s challenges in Dares of Eternity on Legend difficulty.
- Repeat Winner – Defeat final bosses in Dares of Eternity.
- Special Guest Scar – Defeat Xur’s Chosen in the Lightning Round.
- Old Friends, Old Couch – Complete Dares of Eternity on Legend difficulty with a fireteam of 2 to 4 Guardians.
- Daring Displays – Complete Starhorse bounties. Weekly and Legend-difficulty Starhorse bounties grant additional progress.
- Paraversal Prize – Earn the Exotic Sidearm, Forerunner.
- Grasp of Avarice Complete – Complete the Grasp of Avarice dungeon.
- And Out Fly the Wolves – Earn the Exotic Rocket Launcher Gjallarhorn.
- The Richest Dead Man Alive – Recover Wilhelm-7’s messages.
The 30th Anniversary Triumphs for the Vidmaster Title in Destiny 2 are easy to get. Really, the only ones that are a bit difficult are those associated with Legend runs and even then, it’s not too bad. Make sure you get these as soon as possible, as the Witch Queen is on her way and you’ll have a host of other things to contend with. Be sure to stop by the Shacknews Destiny 2 Guide for even more collectible guides and important information, like everything leaving Destiny 2 with The Witch Queen.
Sam Chandler posted a new article, Bungie 30th Anniversary Triumphs for the Vidmaster Title - Destiny 2