UNSC, Banished, & Spartan audio log locations - Halo Infinite

Track down every single audio log in Halo Infinite from the UNSC, Banished, and the Spartans.


Halo Infinite has a lot of audio logs for players to find. There are audio logs for the UNSC, Banished, and the Spartans that made it to Zeta Halo. Audio logs from each faction are broken into separate sections, which will help you track down the ones you are missing. Some of these audio log locations are easy to find while others are dotted out in the middle of nowhere.

Halo Infinite audio logs

There are dozens of audio logs in Halo Infinite and all of them fall into a few categories: UNSC, Banished, and Spartan. Within these categories are sub-sections like Escharum’s Testimony or The Prisoner.

For the most part, it appears as if the audio logs are unlocked in a specific sequence, regardless of what order you pick them up in. For example, the Infinity’s Approach series under the UNSC are at each of the Forward Operating Bases. The fifth one you find will always be called Zero Hour, but you might find it at FOB Delta and not FOB Bravo. Keep this in mind as you track them down using the following guide.

One tip for finding the audio logs to fill up your database is that you can hear the recording beeping as you get near them. Also, use the scanner function to highlight nearby collectibles. Audio logs will be a yellow color.

Use the following links to jump to the section of audio logs you need to find:

UNSC Audio Logs

Recovered Files

Recovered Files 01: This audio log is automatically unlocked during Warship Gbraakon – no need to find it!

Recovered Files 02: This audio log is automatically unlocked during the Foundation.

Recovered Files 03: This audio log is automatically unlocked during the mission, The Nexus. After you find the room with the three terminals that need Power Seeds to activate the lift, check the Database tab to find this entry unlocked.

Recovered Files 04: This audio log is automatically unlocked during the mission, Repository. You will receive it after a major cutscene with the Weapon.

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The Prisoner

halo infinite audio log unsc the prisoner 01

The Prisoner 01: Found during the second mission, Foundation. When you reach the Banished elevator that needs a power seed, follow the waypoint to find it in the room surrounded by cylix. Beside the power seed will be the audio log.

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The Prisoner 02: Another Prisoner audio log is found inside The Tower. This audio log is tucked behind a pillar on the right-hand side, one floor up from where the gravity lift deposited you. It’s right beside a Kinetic ammo crate.

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The Prisoner 03: Inside the Excavation Site main building. Search one of the wings of the building to find the audio log beside a Rocket Launcher.

The Prisoner 04: Found at the Spire, along the west side of the building. The audio log is on the ground, beside a wrecked Warthog.

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The Prisoner 05: This one is located during the mission, The Nexus. When you reach the room with the elevator that needs three Power Seeds, go through the middle door to find the audio log. In this middle room you’ll find some Sentinels and a weapon rack. The recording is on the ground to the left of the door.

The Prisoner 06: This audio log is found during the mission, Repository. You will need to power up an elevator with two Power Seeds to reach an upper level where you must interact with a terminal. A cutscene with the Weapon will play. When the cutscene is over, the small door in front of you will open and a Brute with a Plasma Cannon will attack you. Defeat him and go through the large door on the left. The audio log is on a table beside a hologram of the Halo ring.

The Prisoner 07: This audio log is found during the mission, House of Reckoning. In the first mock-UNSC battlefield, go to the right to spot the recording next the main building by the ramp.

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Outpost Intel (UNSC)

The Outpost Intel (UNSC) appear to be at set locations as opposed to the guaranteed unlock order of previous audio logs.

Outpost Intel 01-10: Pending...

Outpost Intel 11: Found in the Annex Ridge base. Head to the southwest side to find the audio log on a rise looking over the base.

Outpost Intel 12-14: Developing...

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Infinity’s Approach

The 12 audio logs that fall under the “Infinity’s Approach” section are each located at the Forward Operating Bases. As mentioned above, these are unlocked in a specific order. Below is just the order that I unlocked them and an image of where they are at each FOB.

halo infinite audio log unsc infinitys approach 01

Infinity’s Approach 01: Found at FOB Golf. Near some sandbags behind the yellow box.

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Infinity’s Approach 02: Found at FOB Foxtrot. To the right of the terminal, against the container.

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Infinity’s Approach 03: Found at FOB Echo. To the left of the terminal, on the yellow canisters.

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Infinity’s Approach 04: Found at FOB Charlie. To the right of the terminal, on the container.

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Infinity’s Approach 05: Found at FOB Bravo. To the right of the terminal, near some sandbags.

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Infinity’s Approach 06: Found at FOB Alpha. Opposite the terminal, against a shipping container on the left.

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Infinity’s Approach 07: Found at FOB Delta. To the right of the terminal.

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Infinity’s Approach 08: Found at FOB Lima. Left of the terminal, behind the tires.

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Infinity’s Approach 09: Found at FOB November. On top of a crate near the antenna.

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Infinity’s Approach 10: Found at FOB Kilo. Opposite the terminal, in the right corner.

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Infinity’s Approach 11: Found at FOB Juliet. To the right of the terminal.

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Infinity’s Approach 12: Found at FOB Hotel. Directly opposite the terminal.

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Banished Audio Logs

Archaeological Findings

Archaeological Findings 01: Found during the mission, The Sequence, inside the north beacon. Clear the area, open the Forerunner structure, and go down the ramp to spot the audio log.

Archaeological Findings 02: Found during the mission, The Sequence, inside the east beacon. Defeat the enemies, go inside and down the ramp to find the audio log by the door.

Archaeological Findings 03: Found during the mission, The Sequence, inside the south beacon. Open the Forerunner structure, go inside and down the ramp, and wrap around to the back to find the log.

Archaeological Findings 04: Found during the mission, The Sequence, inside the west beacon. Defeat the enemies, unlock the door, and go down the ramp. The audio log is around the back leaning up against the wall.

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Escharum’s Testimony

halo infinite banished audio logs escharums testimony 01

Escharum’s Testimony 01: Found during the first mission, Warship Gbraakon, on the bridge. When you arrive at the bridge and Escharum makes his speech about Atriox, head to the right-hand side. The audio log is leaning against the wall near a door. This is the door you exit via after overheating the engines.

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Escharum’s Testimony 02: Found during the second mission, Foundation. After collecting the Weapon and the cluster of data, you will need to place the Weapon in a terminal to raise platforms that have Grunts on them. Cross the room, defeat the Banished, and claim the Weapon from the other plinth. The audio log is right beside the door at the exit – you can’t miss it.

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Escharum’s Testimony 03: Found below The Tower, inside a container at the bottom of the ramp, near where you activate the gravity lift.

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Escharum’s Testimony 04: Found inside the Excavation Site building, near the terminal to turn off the lasers.

Escharum’s Testimony 05: Found during the mission, Pelican Down, at the west anti-aircraft gun, at the top of the elevator. Search the bunker on the left (western side) to find it on a table.

Escharum’s Testimony 06: Found during the mission, Pelican Down, at the north anti-aircraft gun. It’s at the base of the elevator, in the building on the left.

Escharum’s Testimony 07: Found during the mission, Pelican Down, at the east anti-aircraft gun. Look inside the building to the south of the gun.

Escharum’s Testimony 08: This audio log is found during the mission, House of Reckoning. After the second UNSC-mock battlefield, you’ll approach a building in the middle of a third battlefield room where you can hear the Pilot’s recording of his wife and child. The audio log is outside, leaning against a table with some Assault Rifles on it.

Escharum’s Testimony 09: This audio log is found during the mission, House of Reckoning. In the final room where you find the Pilot, immediately go left and wrap around to the back to avoid triggering the next encounter. The audio log is in the back of the room, leaning against the wall.

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Outpost Intel (Banished)

Outpost Intel 01: Found in Armory of Reckoning behind a barrier where to UNSC marines are being held captive. Destroy the generator on the left side of the door to gain access.

Outpost Intel 02: Found inside the Armory of Reckoning. From the ammo printer in the tunnels, go up the gravity lift into the armory proper. The audio log will be on the ground.

Outpost Intel 03-14: Pending...

halo infinite banished audio logs outpost intel 15

Outpost Intel 15: Found in Outpost Tremonius, right below the platform where Echo-216 lands.

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Spartan Audio Logs


halo infinite spartan audio logs evacuation 01

Evacuation 01: This audio log is on Warship Gbraakon. After going up the first elevator, it’s on the floor in front of you.

Evacuation 02: This audio log is found near FOB Golf. When standing on the FOB, look to the right of the weapon crates to and scan your surroundings. The recording is on the Forerunner material behind some nearby trees.

Evacuation 03-07: Pending...

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halo infinite audio log spartan ringfall 01

Ringfall 01: This audio log is northwest of The Tower, across the gap. You’ll find it by the Pyramid Squad of marines that need help. The audio log is on the ground, close to the cliff’s edge.

Ringfall 02: Found northeast of FOB Echo, just over the other side of the road.

Ringfall 03-08: Pending...

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Reverie 01: Found near the Excavation Site along the road that leads north to the Armory of Reckoning. Look for the truck that’s half-buried in the dirt.

halo infinite audio log spartan reverie 02

Reverie 02: Found during the mission, Pelican Down. In front of the Pelican is a downed ship, inside is the audio log behind some UNSC gear.

Reverie 03: This audio log is up behind Outpost Tremonius, to the south of the ship in a gully up the hill. You will need to use the Grappleshot or an aircraft to fly up to it. The audio log is inside a wrecked ship.

Reverie 04-06: Pending...

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Retaliation 01: Found during Pelican Down, inside a UNSC ship in the ship graveyard. From the front of the Pelican, go to the left to find a ship just past a tower. Jump up into the ship and look between part of the wall to spot the audio log.

Retaliation 02: Found during Pelican Down, by the east anti-aircraft gun, inside a downed Pelican ship. Go along the north cliff to find the ship crashed. Search inside to find the audio log tucked into the dirt.

Retaliation 03: Found during Pelican Down, inside the engine wing of the downed UNSC ship. From the Pelican Down marker, go southeast to see where the ship hit the ground and skidded to a stop. Find the engine and look to the left to see a side panel wall. The audio log is tucked inside the wall with a hull repair kit.

Retaliation 04: Found during Pelican Down, at the second-highest point of the mountain to the north, between the north and west anti-aircraft guns. It’s beside a Sniper Rifle.

Retaliation 05: Found during the mission, The Sequence (not actually one of the mission collectibles, though). This audio log is right near FOB Lima. Search slightly to the south in the wall to find a tree with some UNSC gear.

Retaliation 06: Found in the Reformation area of the ring, which is accessible during The Sequence. The audio log is west of FOB November, near the long Forerunner structure that cuts the land in half. It’s down a deep hole, so you’ll need to jump down to get it.

Retaliation 07: Found in the Reformation area, northeast of FOB Kilo by a lake. There will be a campsite there where a marine was holding out. This is also where you can find the Black Eye skull.

Retaliation 08: Pending...

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Scattered 01: This audio log is west of FOB Juliet, near the edge of the area, by a waterfall that is flowing over the Forerunner metal, not rocks. Look for the UNSC sleeping roll and gear.

Scattered 02: This audio log is found up high on a mountain overlooking the north beacon that is part of the mission, The Sequence. This is north of FOB Juliet. This is also near where you can find the Thunderstorm skull.

Scattered 03-10: Pending...

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There are dozens of audio logs to find in Halo Infinite. Each recording will give you a little bit more insight into the backstory of the game, as well as offer up some tasty surprises for those who love some extra lore. Collecting all the audio logs will unlock an Achievement too, so well worth the effort. Check out our Halo Infinite page for more guides!

Head of Guides

Hailing from the land down under, Sam Chandler brings a bit of the southern hemisphere flair to his work. After bouncing round a few universities, securing a bachelor degree, and entering the video game industry, he's found his new family here at Shacknews as Head of Guides. There's nothing he loves more than crafting a guide that will help someone. If you need help with a guide, or notice something not quite right, you can message him on X: @SamuelChandler 

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