Destiny 2 player keeps Super active for over 4 hours

Supers typically last anywhere from 1 second to 30 seconds, so 4 hours is a bit longer than intended.


Using completely legitimate methods and strategies, one Destiny 2 player by the name of TheRealFrisky has managed to keep their Super going for over four hours. This could very well be a record for the longest Super in Destiny 2.

Frisky took to the Destiny subreddit to share their Super marathon. Though most players typically understand the concept of trying something based solely on the musing of “I wonder if…”, other players in the thread questioned why Frisky wanted to spend so long doing such a menial activity, Frisky explained that he saw the record, "and thought, 'I want to break that' so I did haha." And that’s really all it takes to start something incredible.

As for how Frisky managed to do this, it’s a mixture of using the right location with an optimal build. The attempt takes place in the Shattered Throne, a dungeon in the Dreaming City that was released with the Forsaken DLC back in 2018. Within the Shattered Throne is an area the community has lovingly labelled the Thrallway as it’s a hallway that has infinitely spawning Shadow Thralls. What this means is there will always be a consistent number of enemies for a player to defeat.

To make it all work, Frisky utilized the Sentinel Titan’s Code of the Aggressor tree and the Doom Fang Pauldron Exotic gauntlets, which extend Super duration when a Shield Throw hits a target. As for mods, Frisky used several Elemental Well mods which focus on giving energy to abilities and increasing time-limited benefits from other areas. He then ran up and down the stairs, corralling the Thrall, and using the Shield Throw ability to defeat them. Any Elemental Wells that dropped from a Thrall would be collected to extend the Super’s duration.

destiny 2 longest super world record
Doom Fangs extend the Super whenever a Shield Throw hits an enemy.

Despite going for 4 hours and 23 minutes, the attempt was supposed to last for over six hours, but the chat log was a distraction for Frisky, which resulted in him forgetting to use the Shield Throw and pick up the wells.

It’s likely this attempt was only possible on the Sentinel Titan, as other roaming Supers have diminishing returns on kills. Even the Dawnblade’s bottom tree, with its inherent Super-extending ability, eventually returns practically no Super energy on a defeat. Furthermore, with the impending shake-up to Destiny 2’s ability economy, this could be a long-standing record for quite some time.

On the topic of Destiny 2 and players going “I wonder if…”, one player pondered what would happen if they chilled out by Xur during the time that the weekend-only vendor was set to leave. What started as a curious thought turned into a days-long community effort to hold Xur hostage so that players could purchase a god roll weapon.

Destiny has a long-standing history of players doing outrageously time-consuming feats for their own amusement. From leveling up using only the tutorial mission to soloing the game’s raids, there’s plenty of creativity in the community. We here at Shacknews love Destiny 2 and can’t wait to see what Guardians think of next.

Head of Guides

Hailing from the land down under, Sam Chandler brings a bit of the southern hemisphere flair to his work. After bouncing round a few universities, securing a bachelor degree, and entering the video game industry, he's found his new family here at Shacknews as Head of Guides. There's nothing he loves more than crafting a guide that will help someone. If you need help with a guide, or notice something not quite right, you can message him on X: @SamuelChandler 

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