Destiny 2 players are holding Xur hostage

According to the Agent of the Nine, his will is not his own.


Xur, the vendor who only shows up for the weekend, is currently being held hostage by players in Destiny 2. Players are staying near the tentacle-faced Agent of the Nine in a bid to prevent him from leaving. The purpose of such an act? So others can join and buy a fancy gun with some nifty perks.

Typically, Xur will show up on a Friday and leave around Tuesday. This gives players ample opportunity to visit him, buy a handful of useful weapons or armor, and go about their business. What’s happened instead is that one player, Reddit user Hatenotechlab, decided to stay near Xur over the weekly reset. By not leaving the instance, the game didn’t refresh, so now Xur is stuck there on Nessus until everyone leaves the area.

destiny 2 xur hostage true prophecy
Players aren't letting Xur leave, and it's all for a weapon.

At this point, the one instance has been traded around players for over a day now, as new players join and noble Guardians take up responsibility of holding the instance open by staying active in-game. The main reason users want to visit Xur in this manner is that his inventory reset and he’s now offering a True Prophecy with Rangefinder and Timed Paylod, an admittedly great weapon roll.

What started out as a whimsical idea of “I wonder what happens?” has turned in a community effort. Players are flocking to the Destiny subreddit to try and see who is still hosting a Xur instance, swapping gamertags, and standing vigil as more players log in to try and secure a weapon. The subreddit rules specifically state that users aren’t allowed to make posts that relate to LFG or team-finding endeavors. But that looks to be on hold as the community rallies around this idea of holding Xur hostage for his wares.

It will be interesting to see if and how Bungie responds to this community moment. In the past, Bungie has rewarded players with in-game items to commemorate outlandish events that took place in the game. On two separate occasions, two Exotic weapons dominated the Crucible (Prometheus Lens and Lord of Wolves) to the point that they were the only weapons players were using. To reward players that participated, Bungie released two emblems themed around the weapons. It would certainly be great to have Bungie do something similar for this Xur situation.

Head of Guides

Hailing from the land down under, Sam Chandler brings a bit of the southern hemisphere flair to his work. After bouncing round a few universities, securing a bachelor degree, and entering the video game industry, he's found his new family here at Shacknews as Head of Guides. There's nothing he loves more than crafting a guide that will help someone. If you need help with a guide, or notice something not quite right, you can message him on X: @SamuelChandler 

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