Battlefield 2042's Hazard Zone revealed in new trailer

One of Battlefield 2042's three primary modes, Hazard Zone tasks squads with retrieving sensitive data from fallen satellites while battling AI enemies and human-controlled enemy squads.


Earlier today, EA and DICE formally unveiled the newest game mode for the upcoming Battlefield 2042, dubbed Hazard Zone. This new mode looks to mix up elements seen in titles like Escape From Tarkov and Hunt: Showdown. Player squads will battle it out with up to seven additional enemy squads and a host of AI-controlled combatants in an attempt to secure sensitive data from crashed satellites. The studio prepared an all-new trailer to offer fans a glimpse at Hazard Zone ahead of Battlefield 2042’s launch in November.

The official synopsis from EA explains the setup for Hazard Zone: 

In the year 2040, a worldwide event known as The Blackout has caused over 70% of satellites in orbit to malfunction and fall into the atmosphere. Communication, navigation, and surveillance were crippled, bringing an already tenuous relationship between the US and Russia to the edge of war. In response, both countries have begun to use satellites equipped with capsules containing radiation-hardened Data Drives to collect important intelligence throughout the world. These capsules are dropped down into US/RUS-controlled territories for the Occupying Forces to secure.

Hazard Zone will support up to 24 total players on PS4 and Xbox One consoles. PC, PS5, and Xbox Series S|X owners will be able to participate in matches with up to 32 total combatants. Each squad must select a set of four unique operators before deployment into the field of battle. There are no respawns and any squad that fails to extract receives no reward.

Upon successful extraction with the satellite data, quads will earn Dark Market Credits. These credits are used between rounds to purchase specialized weapons, attachments, and passive boosts known as Tactical Upgrades. The passives include bonuses such as faster weapon swaps, increased carrying capacity, teammate revives, and more. There will be more than twenty Tactical Upgrades at launch with the possibility for more in the future.

EA and DICE will be sharing more details on Hazard Zone as the Battlefield 2042 launch approaches. In the meantime, keep checking in with us here at Shacknews for all the latest on the biggest game releases of the upcoming holiday season.

Contributing Tech Editor

Chris Jarrard likes playing games, crankin' tunes, and looking for fights on obscure online message boards. He understands that breakfast food is the only true food. Don't @ him.

From The Chatty
  • reply
    October 14, 2021 2:55 PM

    Chris Jarrard posted a new article, Battlefield 2042's Hazard Zone revealed in new trailer

    • reply
      October 14, 2021 8:07 AM


      • reply
        October 14, 2021 8:13 AM

        ok that looks pretty cool

        • reply
          October 14, 2021 11:05 AM

          It does! That free for all squad gameplay sounds fun, and I can’t wait to be a sniping shitbag on those cargo cranes.

      • reply
        October 14, 2021 8:15 AM

        i'm interested, but not "buy on release date" interested after that beta.

        maybe they'll realize they need to go F2P with this to compete.

        • reply
          October 14, 2021 8:17 AM

          oh fuck that F2P would make me not want to play it at all

          • reply
            October 14, 2021 8:50 AM

            obviously there's a downside, but BF is on life support from where i'm sitting. two mediocre releases and an extremely underwhelming beta setting up a strike 3.

            BF games need huge player bases to work properly. i don't think they'll have enough paying customers for this not to be firestorm 2.0.

          • reply
            October 14, 2021 10:04 AM

            Free to play has had some better experienced lately. Warzone and even Apex Legends are pretty good examples of free to play where you really don’t get hit by a pay to win mechanic.

            Apex has pay for some heroes, but if you play often enough, you can earn the in game currency to get them.

            Warzone has had a few instances where buying the battle pass gives you quicker access to a ‘meta’ gun, but even that has been relatively insignificant.

            Warzone has been insane value for me.

      • reply
        October 14, 2021 8:17 AM

        Looks interesting. We'll see at release.

      • reply
        October 14, 2021 8:17 AM

        Looks like they might be at least considering some big changes based on feedback, more to come next week I think, or later this week.

        • reply
          October 14, 2021 8:25 AM


        • reply
          October 14, 2021 8:34 AM

          On one hand I like being able to choose whatever gun I want and I like the idea of gadgets in general but it was impossible to know who has ammo, health, rockets, etc. It made for very VERY confusing skins between friendlies and enemies as well, readability was zero and half the time I would mag dump into a player before the damn game could mark them as a friendly because ALL LOOK SAME. Then again classes in BF4 were easy to identify and people would spam ammo crates/health crates all round long unlike the shit show that was this current beta. I would say a mix between the two, lock in gadgets AND utility for the classes but allow access to any of the guns.

      • reply
        October 14, 2021 8:31 AM


        • reply
          October 14, 2021 8:49 AM

          32 players in 8 squads. Match length 5-20 minutes depending. Win condition being one of the two squads who extract. Respaqns can happen with special equipment that can be brought in or found in match. Single life otherwise.

      • reply
        October 14, 2021 8:36 AM

        Feel like the TTK is way too low for any kind of survival mode.

      • reply
        October 14, 2021 8:38 AM


        • reply
          October 14, 2021 8:57 AM

          I see where the Tarkov comparisons come from.

          Using Dark Market Credits (DMC) earned in Battlefield Hazard Zone, you’ll be able to purchase your favorite weapons and equipment that can get you out of a tight spot.

          Loadout Insurance - Reimburse 25% of upgrades and Loadout cost if you die.
          Negotiated Bounty - +50% Dark Market Credits bounty when killing Opposing Forces

          I'm not a big fan of BR modes but this makes it even less appealing to me.

          • reply
            October 14, 2021 9:03 AM

            Sounds baller af to me.

            • reply
              October 14, 2021 9:16 AM

              I get that people are going to dig this. BR just isn't my thing but I can appreciate that they are mixing/matching mechanics in interesting ways. It adds a bit more depth by tracking steady progress and having an economy behind it all. Now I'm really interested in what Portal will offer, sounds like we can create whatever we want on custom servers with what I hope are all these tools..

            • reply
              October 14, 2021 9:55 AM

              To be fair you are the king of BR on the shack without equal.

              Do you also dig the normal BF games though like conquest and rush, and just happen to exceed in BR games?

              • reply
                October 14, 2021 10:35 AM

                Yeah. I love all competitive FPS games. But in my defense I e been playing games since I was 3 and competitive pvp fps games since counter-strike beta and starsiege tribeswhich both came out in '98.

        • reply
          October 14, 2021 8:58 AM

          Using Dark Market Credits (DMC) earned in Battlefield Hazard Zone, you’ll be able to purchase your favorite weapons and equipment that can get you out of a tight spot.


          • reply
            October 14, 2021 9:52 AM

            Premium credits, baby!

            • reply
              October 14, 2021 12:57 PM

              They aren't purchasable with cash, only can be gained in game. Only apply to HZ content and only can be earned through HZ content. Just a type of economy to provide more reasons for playing other than just to play.

              • reply
                October 14, 2021 1:04 PM

                This is EA we’re talking about. Brought in the FIFA head guy to monetize BF. I’m not putting anything past them at this point.

      • reply
        October 14, 2021 9:01 AM

        Jackfrags details video will actually tell you something about the gameplay:

        Why don't companies just give you this info in the trailer? Nothing about that trailer told me anything about the details of the gameplay.

      • reply
        October 14, 2021 9:03 AM

        Basically Hunt: Showdown and Tarkov, but in the Battlefield universe.

        Can't say I'm that interested. Maybe if you can earn some really cool cosmetics that you can use in the base game, I will give it a try... but Hunt and Tarkov were just too hardcore for me.

      • reply
        October 14, 2021 9:26 AM

        I gotta say, these trailers lose a lot of their impact when you know the state of the actual game. It just makes it seem sadder.

      • reply
        October 14, 2021 9:32 AM


      • reply
        October 14, 2021 9:35 AM

        Here's a plain english explanation -

        TLDR - you get in-game credits for retrieving the drives, which can be used to buy upgrades. You fight against AI protecting the hard drives, and other squads trying to get them, presumably.

      • reply
        October 14, 2021 10:14 AM

        I'll just leave this here.

      • reply
        October 14, 2021 11:55 AM


      • reply
        October 14, 2021 11:57 AM

        Here's the upgrades you can get -

      • reply
        October 14, 2021 1:17 PM


      • reply
        October 14, 2021 2:29 PM

        So FFA (per squad) CTF. Sounds fun to me as long as it's not 'you only get one life and then watch the rest of the game' bullshit. Just let me respawn and have fun.

    • reply
      October 15, 2021 3:53 AM

      The whole specialist nonsense really has turned me off from this game, just put back regular classes to encourage team play please

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