Best weapons for Trials - Destiny 2
We've got a list of the best weapons to use playing Trials in Destiny 2.
The Trials of Osiris game mode is back in Destiny 2 and it’s seemingly better than ever. Players are earning more gear than ever before, and more Guardians are going flawless and heading to the Lighthouse. With more players jumping in these days, we thought it was time to break down the best Trials weapons players can get their hands on in Destiny 2. That is to say, the best weapons to use in Trials, not just the best that drop from Trials.
Best Trials weapons

Choosing the best Trials weapons is going to be a mixture of using objectively good weapons, but they must also fit your individual playstyle. If you’re no good with Hand Cannons, grabbing one just because it’s on this list doesn’t make sense. Try to choose weapons that suit your style of play and complement your other weapons well. Practice with them in normal Crucible or in competitive modes that offer Glory. There is no magic formula in Trials; you must combine good weapons with a deep understanding of how to use them effectively.
The Messenger (Legendary Pulse Rifle)

It makes sense that Trials weapons would make a list of the best Trials weapons, but the Messenger is just a very good Pulse Rifle that can roll with some killer perks, making it even better. The main perk everyone is after is called Desperado, which can roll in the fourth column and increases the weapon’s rate of fire if the player reloads after a precision kill. It can get quite ridiculous.
The Messenger can drop from Trials. Once you get the weapon once, you can then use your Trials Engrams to continue to roll more to get your desired perk combination. Feel free to check out our guide on the ideal perk combination for The Messenger god roll, or head into the Prophecy dungeon to farm Darkest Before Pulse Rifles as an alternative.
Vex Mythoclast (Exotic Fusion Rifle)

If you’ve played Trials in the first few weeks it’s been back during the Season of the Lost, you have been killed by Vex Mythoclast regularly. Its default firing mode is full auto, but it also has Temporal Unlimiter, an alternate firing mode that requires stacks of Overcharge. This alternate firing mode turns Vex Mythoclast into a Linear Fusion Rifle that fires more powerful shots.
Vex Mythoclast can only be earned through the Vault of Glass raid. It’s a possible drop at the end of the final encounter, so you’ll need some luck to get it into your hands. The good news is it doesn’t come with random rolls, so the first one that drops for you will be the best one you ever get.
Felwinter’s Lie (Legendary Shotgun)

Guardians are going to recognize this one, because Felwinter’s Lie has been wrecking folk in the Crucible for quite some time. Truthfully, it’s not my personal favorite, but there’s no mistaking that a huge chunk of Guardians believe this is the go-to Shotgun for Trials and other PvP game modes. You will see it often if you spend any amount of time in Trials.
As of now, Felwinter’s Lie can only be purchased from the Momenument to Lost Lights in the Tower. It’s located between the two vault terminals. This Shotgun is also a curated roll, although it does let players choose between two perks in each of the final two columns.
Adored (Legendary Sniper Rifle)

Adored is a great Sniper Rifle that players will see lots of when the Trials map calls for sniping. It won’t take Guardians long to figure out where they can and can’t run with a capable sniper aiming Adored at a high-traffic lane. According to Trials Report, Adored was the most-used Sniper Rifle for the September 17 to September 21 Trials weekend.
To get Adored in 2021, players will need to head to the Tower and the Quest Archive terminal near the Postmaster. Pick up a quest called Forging Your Own Path, then get to work. Adored will drop with a curated roll, but players can choose between two perks in each of the final two columns. If this seems like too much work, Eye of Sol is another great option for a Sniper Rifle in Trials, and it drops from that game mode, making it easier to earn, although more difficult to get a good roll for.
Ace of Spades (Exotic Hand Cannon)

I’m not fond of choosing a single Hand Cannon as one of the best Trials weapons, but Ace of Spades is a community favorite according to Trials Report. That doesn’t mean it’s the best, but it’s worth a mention if you’re looking for a Hand Cannon solution. Perhaps the appeal is that it’s a static roll, so you don’t have to depend on RNG to get a good version of it.
To get Ace of Spades, head to the Monument to Lost Lights in the Tower and look at the Forsaken Exotics. Ace of Spades can be purchased from there if you have an Exotic Cipher. If you don’t want to buy an Ace of Spades, I’m a big fan of the Igneous Hammer Legendary Hand Cannon (drops from Trials) and the Fatebringer Legendary Hand Cannon (Drops from the Vault of Glass). Just know that Hand Cannons are one of the most popular weapon types to be used in Trials.
We’ll keep adding weapons to this list as things evolve in Destiny 2 and, more specifically, Trials of Osiris. I am a big believer that finding the best gun is subjective. This list gives you a good place to start, but it should be used as a jumping off point.
For example, I can’t get comfortable with Felwinter’s Lie. I find it too bulky for my liking. However, I’m a massive fan of the Riiswalker Legendary Shotgun from the Iron Banner. It’s also rolled very well, which is crucial. It’s a Kinetic, which then lets me use my Igneous Hammer in my Energy slot. It’s all about finding the right weapons and perks to create a loadout that balances objectively good weapons with your style of play.
For more help with all the ins and outs of being a Guardian, visit our Destiny 2 strategy guide.
Bill Lavoy posted a new article, Best weapons for Trials - Destiny 2