Rainbow Six Siege cross-play and cross-progression announced at Ubisoft Forward E3 2021

Ubisoft Forward E3 2021 brings more Rainbow Six Siege news with cross-play and cross-progression added to the deployment roadmap for the game.


Rainbow Six Siege is the latest competitive shooter to put cross-play and cross-progression on its deployment roadmap. Revealed at the Ubisoft Forward E3 2021 event, Rainbow Six Siege will gain cross-play and cross-progression between PC, Google Stadia, and Amazon Luna platform on June 30, 2021. Cross-play between the Xbox and PlayStation versions of the game are planned for early 2022 with cross-progression between all platforms.

For any first-person shooter on the market today, one feature becoming more important with each release is cross-platform play and progression. One ultra-popular title to receive these sought-after innovations in multiplayer gaming is Rainbow Six Siege. The game has enjoyed a long and successful lifespan, debuting over five years ago in April 2015.

Over the course of its many updates, one component that was missing that other competitive esports shooters enjoyed was cross-play and cross-progression. Rainbow Six Siege has more competition than ever in the highly competitive first-person shooter arena and the addition of cross-play and progression might be the boost it needs to gain visibility again in this crowded space.

According to the newly shown deployment roadmap, the first platforms to benefit from cross-play and cross-progression will be PC, Google Stadia, and Amazon Luna later this month on June 30. The next big step will be cross-play between the PlayStation and Xbox ports of the game with cross-progression coming to all platforms in early 2022. Take a look at the rest of our Ubisoft Forward news and keep it here on Shacknews for more from E3 2021.

Contributing Editor

From the test launch of the NES in New York to 4K gaming in his living room, Bryan Lefler has been immersed in video games his entire life. Battle tested in the arena shooters of the turn of the century yet kind to all animals that may cross him, Bryan enjoys a breadth of games but strives to be the best in any contest of digital skill. He is a former esports competitor and has been part of the Shacknews community for over 15 years. You can also catch him on skankcore64 streams on the Shacknews Twitch channel where he plays through the N64 library and follow him on Twitter @skankcore.

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