Watch the Ubisoft Forward E3 2021 livestream here
Rainbow Six Extraction, Far Cry 6, Riders Republic, and more will be covered at Ubisoft Forward.
Well, it’s officially Day 1 of E3 2021, and it feels like the event is entering its seventh year. Showcases have littered our calendars for days and will continue days after the event officially concludes. Among them is the Ubisoft Forward E3 2021 showcase that promises to bring some big news on games that will no doubt be popular, as most Ubisoft games tend to be. Here’s how you can watch the Ubisoft Forward event today.
Watch Ubisoft Forward 2021
Ubisoft Forward will commence at 12 p.m. PDT/3 p.m. EDT on Saturday, June 12, 2021. We have a handy embed of the stream for you above, which you can click to open directly through Twitch or watch right from this page. It’s your call. If you’re truly a hardcore fan, and we know you are, the pre-show kicks off at 11 a.m. PDT/2 p.m. EDT.
Ubisoft posted details on the Ubisoft Forward event to their website:
There you have it, the complete rundown on the Ubisoft Forward E3 2021 showcase. Well, besides all the actual details for each of those games. Details for all the games showcased from all the events this year can be found by checking out our E3 2021 topic page here on Shacknews.
Bill Lavoy posted a new article, Watch the Ubisoft Forward E3 2021 livestream here
PC Beta signups available here:
Custom arraingment make is pretty cool
Mario Xcom sequel went up a couple hours ago by mistake, screenshots were taken before the page was pulled:
Assuming this gets revealed on stream -
I think this is a terrific idea. What it looked like to me is they aren't just skins + voiceovers to use in the Far Cry 6 main game, but you get to play as Vaas, Pagan and Joseph, each in their own mind-fuck mission campaigns tailored just for them.
So instead of (for example) the "Vietnam" DLC or "Mars" DLC from FC 5, the DLC this time is based all around those 3 iconic villains.
video -
Would be amazing actually. I have no idea how the game really looks like but I think it could be awesome! I really loved the 3D Stereo game they made way back so I am sure they could make something way better now!!!!!
Honestly they just have to reskin Assassin's Creed Odyssey or Assassin's Creed Valhalla in terms of gameplay/how it is built and just mold it to the world of Avatar which includes it's:, style, extra gameplay you would expect and juice up the graphics and it be really solid in My opinion and sell millions.
Or like you said just take Far Cry 3 and make it third person or heck even 1st and that be pretty awesome as well!
Will see hey.
If you asked Me to give you one word to describe Ubisoft's E3 2021 conference/presentation I would tell you: oof
Feels Bad Man :( , at least the two main hosts presenters where cool, nice and I enjoyed listening to them the rest was a train wreck. I will give them an award for best hosts and thank them for not having their train wreck circus fiasco that they usually have. So this is a mega step in the right direction, they have a solid format minus what I have to say below.
For the love of God some one needs to tell them to stop focusing on small real life videos and have a camera with someone talking for sooooooooooo long and showing so little gameplay or none at all. Most people will just not care and shut it off if you have someone talk for so long :( , I actually feel bad for them. The games them selves looked.... well for a lack of a better word "cheap" "almost mobile like" . Weather you like it or not the fact is the PS5 is out, people are playing Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart and We all have seen or used UE5. I don't think these huge companies are going to be able to show such 3D games at this quality going forward, it simply won't do.
Even if you put graphics and quality aside the games just seemed soulless and gave Me zero reason to care. Bro... where the hell was a new Splinter Cell announcement(a logo would of been enough to juice Me) or Beyond Good and Evil 2 footage :( .
I guess at the end of the day they showed up but it is clear COVID really did a number on the teams and I understand that. The IPs We really wanted announced or show this year was no where to be seen. Why did they not show + focus on gameplay footage of Far Cry 6????????????????????????????? If they had done that I would of been satisfied, sure that clip was cool but come on(maybe someone else will show it), the leaked video was a 100% better than the whole show:
Or this MEGA gameplay video last month
I am MEGA happy for more assassin's creed valhalla but I wanted more I guess.... pretty much the assassin's creed valhalla was rad and I want Far Cry 6 the rest I could care less, that be My take at this point.
I have a feeling Ubisoft is waiting for last Gen consoles to phase out and then go all out and maybe that is the smart move, so I guess if you think this way I am not mad(well not raging Nuclear Mad that is LOL :) ).-
To me UBI games always look and sound great, on paper, and then you get some time with them and they feel very shallow. Every Far Cry game they make I feel like I've seen all the mechanics and weapons and mission types within the first couple hours of the game and it never gets better. I'm sure I'll end up playing it because of coop but they usually end up getting tedious before halfway through the game and that's disappointing.
Sucks, I really love some of their IPs too. I mean if you put Me in charge this is what I would do:
- Have the two new hosts do a small intro and then introduce the chairman dude on the end
- CEO main cheeze would say it has been a very challenging year with COVID but We have a lot of amazing announcements and We continue to look toward the future. Now sit back and enjoy the show!!!!!!"
- Open with that FC56 video and then cut to the tow hosts and they introduce the dev who says "pretty cool and that is just the begging to the level of story telling We are pushing with this version, now for some uncut gameplay"
- Full on FC6 gamepaly uncut
- Back to hosts, "that was amazing coming at X date to X systems. Now for something you have all been waiting for" fade to balck
- Tom fisher rendering comes in focus in an highly detailed office runign in Snowdrop, Fisher drops from the ceiling and moves around and then goes to dark room, you hear the night vision sound." Splinter cell Next logo appears in night vision green then fades to the real color and says now in development coming soon to Next Gen and PC.
- Back to host "wow I don't know what to say, I am emotional now" "now for something that We know will bring Flashbacks"
- show some footage of Flashback 2 in Unity engine, basically some modified Oddworld Soulstorm game that looks like Flashback 1 but mega detail, have about 5 seconds. Then a logo "Flashback 2" in production coming soon to X system and X year for release.
- Back to host. "I felt that, lookign good I can;t wait to play that!" "Man time is flying by, it be nice to see those two games again." "Even better check out this"
- Show an hour glass and sand falling down, mega detailed. Zoom out into an insane detailed Prince of Persia landscape and building. Show a few minutes of footage of a mega detailed Next Gen Prince of Persia game.
- Back to hosts. "That was amazing what a come back, I can't wait to get My hands on that!" "talking about hands, get ready to jump and hit"
- Show a insanely detailed HD 2D Rayman game........
I could go on and on and on, it be dope and people would react!!!! It is like show us some the good, throw up Skull & Bones, have the boat anchor on land and have some solid ARPG action on land to blow peoples minds that now you go on land like Sea of Thieves but make it look like Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag that people loved. Then go back to the boat and have some insane boat combat!!!!!
They could do sooooooooooo much if they wanted to. Like throw up some Beyond Good and Evil 2 footage even if it is 15 seconds + a logo and a dev saying "We are making good progress, Next Gen is going to bring it to the next level!!!!". Announce Ghost Recon Breakpoint has an offline mode and a new chunk of land added to it and new gear, skills and class.
I am sure if this was the approach people would loosing it!!!!! [ * sigh * ] :( , maybe next year hey.