Control is Epic Games Store's free game this week

Remedy Entertainment's Control is free to download and own for good on Epic Games Store this week.


One of the most enticing aspects of the Epic Games Store is its weekly vault-opening, in which a surprise game is made entirely free for all users for a week. These titles are only downloadable for a 7-day period, but will be owned forever once claimed. Now, EGS is offering up one of the most beloved games in recent years as Control is the Epic Games Store free game of this week.

As they do every week, Epic Games Store didn’t reveal its latest free game until the moment it became available to download. From now until June 17 at 8 a.m. PT/11 a.m. ET, anybody with an Epic Games account can download Control from the Epic Games Store client. Once the game is swapped out next week, you’ll still own it.

It should be noted that this is the base version of Control. That means that you won’t receive any of the DLC or content that was added post-release. Even with that in mind, it’s quite a tasty offer. Control was a Game of the Year contender in 2019, and has been one of the most impressive releases from Remedy Entertainment in many years.

Control is also an excellent game to experience on PC. It’s graphical quality and ray tracing capability make it an excellent showcase for mid to higher-end PCs. Even if you don’t have the room to install Control on your computer right now, you can claim the offer, and then make room and install it whenever you get the chance to do so.

Control is this week’s free Epic Games Store download, and will be available until June 17. Epic Games Store continues to entice players by offering some of the best games out there at zero cost. To keep up with the weekly titles coming out of the vault, stay tuned to Shacknews’ Epic Games Store topic page.

News Editor

Donovan is a journalist from Maryland. His oldest gaming memory is playing Pajama Sam on his mom's desktop during weekends. Pokémon Emerald, Halo 2, and the original Star Wars Battlefront 2 were some of the most influential titles in awakening his love for video games. After interning for Shacknews throughout college, Donovan graduated from Bowie State University in 2020 with a major in broadcast journalism and joined the team full-time. He is a huge film fanatic and will talk with you about movies and games all day. You can follow him on twitter @Donimals_

From The Chatty
  • reply
    June 10, 2021 8:25 AM

    Donovan Erskine posted a new article, Control is Epic Games Store's free game this week

    • reply
      June 10, 2021 8:02 AM


      • reply
        June 10, 2021 8:03 AM


      • reply
        June 10, 2021 8:04 AM

        Hell yeah

      • reply
        June 10, 2021 8:06 AM

        Also a reminder that this is the last week of their sale - coupons still good etc

      • reply
        June 10, 2021 8:08 AM

        I'M GOING IN

      • reply
        June 10, 2021 8:11 AM


        Remedy's GOAT.

        I wish Epic would have contacted me though and ask if I already owned it.

        • reply
          June 10, 2021 8:35 AM

          Their GOAT is still Max Payne 2, dammit

      • reply
        June 10, 2021 8:12 AM

        Wow nice. Control owns.

      • reply
        June 10, 2021 8:12 AM

        Nice. Game is really great. I enjoyed it as a SCP-3rd person narrative game.

      • reply
        June 10, 2021 8:13 AM

        Play this game

      • reply
        June 10, 2021 8:14 AM


        • reply
          June 10, 2021 8:25 AM

          If you are happy with them shooting stuff in general I think so. The enemies you fight generally poof into clouds of gas rather than blood etc. It's got some pretty creepy bits but I'm not sure a 10 year old would find them that bad.

        • reply
          June 10, 2021 8:32 AM

          it is spooky but i would say yes. however it may instill a fear of office buildings....

        • reply
          June 10, 2021 8:38 AM

          Not really

        • reply
          June 10, 2021 8:41 AM

          No, lots of f-bombs and moments of extreme violence towards humans. Psychological terror and occult references. Loads of firearm combat.

          • reply
            June 10, 2021 8:47 AM

            All completely fair warnings that a parent needs to be aware of, and definitely would not say it a good game for that age, broadly.

            but I've also seen mature 10 year olds into that stuff and as long as you know your kid is fine with that, its great since it doesn't go overly gorey or sexualized as most mature games would.

            • reply
              June 10, 2021 8:48 AM

              Sure - it's all up to the parent. For my kid it's too much in my judgement, but I know parents who let six year-olds watch Aliens and Stranger Things.

        • reply
          June 10, 2021 8:43 AM


        • reply
          June 10, 2021 8:45 AM


        • reply
          June 10, 2021 8:48 AM

          Depends on the 10 year old. I would have loved that shit. Some kids might be terrified or upset.

        • reply
          June 10, 2021 8:52 AM

          Only if they have the latest RTX card.

        • reply
          June 10, 2021 8:53 AM

          Feek n0

        • reply
          June 10, 2021 10:37 AM

          You should play it yourself for a few hours, then decide.

          But I don't think it is. The story deals with some pretty far out concepts that kids really have no reference point for, they won't be able to contextualize it. Maybe if you think your 10 year old is ready for David Lynch movies or something.

          And the core gameplay is pretty mediocre. There are so many 3rd person action games out there with decent gameplay that are better for kids.

      • reply
        June 10, 2021 8:15 AM

        Nice. Someday I will own a PC that can handle it.

        • reply
          June 10, 2021 8:26 AM


        • reply
          June 10, 2021 8:38 AM


        • reply
          June 10, 2021 8:47 AM

          Friend of mine played 1080p on a 970 and he said it was ok. No ray tracing obviously but the game is actually good, not just a graphics showcase.

          • reply
            June 10, 2021 8:48 AM

            I have a 960 and it is by far the newest component in my PC.

            • reply
              June 10, 2021 10:38 AM

              They released the game on Xbox One. Which has basically a Radeon HD 7850 in it, and mid-grade Jaguar CPU.

              So you should be good to play it at 30fps medium settings, I'd say

      • reply
        June 10, 2021 8:36 AM


      • reply
        June 10, 2021 8:39 AM


      • reply
        June 10, 2021 8:51 AM

        That’s quite a freebie.

      • reply
        June 10, 2021 8:53 AM

        No excuses people.

      • reply
        June 10, 2021 8:56 AM

        Grabbed it. Will probably wait to play this until I get a new GPU for my new system though.

      • reply
        June 10, 2021 8:57 AM

        Sweeet. Don’t think I have it yet so I clicked. Phone purchases for their store are pretty quick I have to say.

      • reply
        June 10, 2021 8:57 AM

        Great game

      • reply
        June 10, 2021 8:59 AM

        HOLY SHIT. I hope my PC can play it.

      • reply
        June 10, 2021 9:01 AM

        I already own it like three times now but cool!

        • reply
          June 10, 2021 9:08 AM

          Haha that's wild; I'm a masssssive ALAN WAKE fan and I don't even own Control on anything (well, I guess I do now).

          • reply
            June 10, 2021 9:23 AM

            If you liked Alan Wake, I think you're gonna LOVE Control

      • reply
        June 10, 2021 9:06 AM

        Hitman 3 on sale and coupon stacks

      • reply
        June 10, 2021 9:16 AM

        Gorgeous, weird game with fun combat and a dog shit map. You WILL get lost. Worth finishing though for the insane Ashtray Maze near the end though.

      • reply
        June 10, 2021 9:19 AM

        Are the expansions worth it? I have game pass but cheaper to buy them on Epic.

        • reply
          June 10, 2021 9:32 AM


        • reply
          June 10, 2021 10:03 AM

          I enjoyed them. It’s more Control with some more fun gunplay and some more hints into the story and lore and all that good stuff.

        • reply
          June 10, 2021 3:18 PM

          if you like the core game, i think the DLC is very much worth it. they added new ultimate weapon mods for all of the forms, added a new form for the gun (a grenade launcher), and expanded (a little) on what happened to Alan Wake

          for me that was my money's worth

        • reply
          June 10, 2021 3:55 PM

          Yes, quite enjoyed them.

      • reply
        June 10, 2021 9:23 AM

        If you find yourself struggling with the combat, turn on some assists in the menu. There are no trophies for difficulty and enabling assists does not affect or change the outcome of the game at all.

        You can enable some slight help or you can turn on full auto-aim, snap to heads and multiply damage so you 1 hit everything.

      • reply
        June 10, 2021 9:25 AM

        Damn wonder how much they paid remedy for that

      • reply
        June 10, 2021 9:26 AM

        Amazing game but it really does take 4-6 hours to understand what's going on and to get hooked. The game starts out real slow and a bit lacking. You don't really hit the good stuff until pretty far into the game, unfortunately.

        • reply
          June 10, 2021 9:29 AM

          Once you get a decent amount of powers (seize, shield, levitate) it starts to feel like a proper Metroidvania with really fun combat.

          But yeah the first, maybe four hours, is a bunch of wandering and being unable to get places.

          I think the game was marketed and kind of reviewed as third-person action when it's much closer to something like Metroid Prime or Shadow Complex.

          • reply
            June 10, 2021 10:41 AM

            I beat the game without getting the shield somehow. I wonder how much of the game I missed.

            • reply
              June 10, 2021 10:57 AM

              I almost never used the shield, except where I got stuck on a boss fight because I forgot I had a shield and it was critical to winning the fight.

        • reply
          June 10, 2021 9:59 AM

          That “what the fuck is going on” along with the reports is just one of the aspects that kept reeling me in. I don’t think it starts out slow at all just very mysterious and vague. That in of itself was interesting enough to keep me going.

          • reply
            June 10, 2021 3:17 PM

            It felt like if Hollow Knight didn’t give the player dash until 5 hours into the game. Unlocking the movement powers is what really brought the game to the next level, and I wish they had done that much sooner.

            • reply
              June 10, 2021 3:57 PM

              I liked Control, but I'd like to see even more focus on movement and exploration and less emphasis on combat.

              And given some of the stand out "boss" encounters we got, I'd love to see them push even harder into the weird, isolated reality sequences if they continue with it.

      • reply
        June 10, 2021 9:27 AM


      • reply
        June 10, 2021 9:32 AM

        I could have sworn that this was a free game before this week. Maybe I'm getting Control mixed up with some other similar title name.

      • reply
        June 10, 2021 9:32 AM

        I was wrong :)

        Although sadly I think I have this game on Steam from Humble Bundle and I've still never played it.

        Did anyone on earth actually pay for the Switch version that does cloud gaming? Seems like that would have been kinda seismic and yet I never heard anyone mention it past like day two.

      • reply
        June 10, 2021 10:17 AM


      • reply
        June 10, 2021 10:55 AM

        Thank you for making me aware of this, watcher. Thank you for always being watching, from the shadows. Your eternally vigilant guard is such a thankless job and yet crucial to our survival. You are the hero we need, but not the one we deserve. When I am lost in the night, I breathe easy, because I know you are out there, watcher, watching, always.

    • reply
      June 10, 2021 10:44 AM

      Good things come to those who wait!

    • reply
      June 10, 2021 12:00 PM


    • reply
      June 10, 2021 2:19 PM


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