Sign up now for The Great Quakeholio Tournament 4

In honor of Quake's 25th anniversary we're doing our annual tournament a little bit earlier this year. Sign up now for your shot at our $10,000 prize pool!


Okay, I know it’s only June and that by now you’re used to us throwing the Great Quakeholio in conjunction with QuakeCon. But, this year isn’t like every other year. This is the 25th anniversary of Shacknews and Quake. Can you believe it? Twenty-five years of blowing each other up with rockets and lightning guns. Such an occasion calls for a celebration, so we’ve chosen to hold the Great Quakeholio Tournament 4 on the week of Quake’s launch back in 1996!

The Great Quakeholio Tournament 4 is your chance to rocket jump yourself into the annals of Shacknews history by taking on all challengers in a Quake tournament to end all Quake tournaments. One grand prize winner will take home a hefty purse of $6,000 USD, second place earns $3,000 USD, and third place gets a respectable $1,000 USD. In order to compete, make sure you’re a member of the Shacknews Chatty and are at least 18 years old. From there, fill out our tournament registration form here and make sure you’re not busy on Saturday June 26, 2021 starting at 11:00 a.m. PT/2:00 p.m. ET since that’s when we’ll be holding said tournament. We’ll be using the ezQuake version of Quake, so be sure to have it downloaded and ready to go (as if you didn’t have it installed already).

You’ve got until midnight PT on June 24, 2021 to make sure your entry forms are filled out and submitted. The last few years have been a real blast and this year’s rocket rumble should be even better. So, even if you don’t feel like entering you’ll be able to catch the whole thing live over on the Shacknews Twitch channel. Make sure to give us a follow or sub so you don’t miss a minute of the action!

Events Coordinator

Blake has been writing and making videos about pop-culture and games for over 10 years now. Although he'd probably prefer you thought of him as a musician and listened to his band, If you see him on the street, buy him a taco or something. Follow him on twitter @ProfRobot

From The Chatty
  • reply
    June 4, 2021 12:30 PM

    Blake Morse posted a new article, Sign up now for The Great Quakeholio Tournament 4

    • reply
      June 4, 2021 1:08 PM

      Talk about stimulating

    • reply
      June 4, 2021 1:52 PM


      • reply
        June 4, 2021 3:06 PM

        That's to make sure you're paying attention

        • reply
          June 5, 2021 1:16 AM

          I was just about say this lol

          Good thing I was paying attention.

    • reply
      June 4, 2021 3:42 PM

      Sounds like a blast. My Quake multiplayer skills are rusty, but I can't say no to a classic tournament!

    • reply
      June 4, 2021 3:49 PM

      If it's the Quakeholio Tournament 4 it only makes sense to play Quake 4.

    • reply
      June 4, 2021 4:32 PM

      this is stimulating.

    • reply
      June 4, 2021 5:26 PM


    • reply
      June 4, 2021 6:19 PM

      I'm in. I mean I'm going to get destroyed again but its a lot of fun!

    • reply
      June 4, 2021 10:17 PM


    • reply
      June 4, 2021 10:58 PM


      • reply
        June 5, 2021 6:35 AM

        Oh great, if def is still around, dude is gonna show up and crush peeps. ;p

    • reply
      June 6, 2021 9:54 AM

      Where does it show who and how many have signed up for this tournament? Thanks!

    • reply
      June 6, 2021 4:38 PM

      How about Quake Live like last year??

    • reply
      June 7, 2021 10:39 AM

      The main quakeworld community site is if would like to promote this

    • reply
      June 20, 2021 10:01 PM

      Where do we find information out about this tournament? I registered, no confirmation and can't find any information anywhere

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