How to join the GALAHAD 3093 open beta

How to sign up for the GALAHAD 3093 open beta and where to download this explosive mech arena shooter.


GALAHAD 3093 is a brand new mech-based hero shooter developed and published by Simutronics and it is about to have its first open beta. Players that want to get in on the GALAHAD 3093 beta action should set their alarms and prepare to download the game for a week of hectic, fast-paced mech combat.

GALAHAD 3093 join open beta

GALAHAD 3093 open beta start time

The GALAHAD 3093 open beta is set to start on Friday, March 19 at 5:00 p.m. PT / 8:00 p.m. ET and will end on Sunday, March 28. This gives players a little more than a week to experience Simutronics’ pulse-pounding mech hero shooter.

GALAHAD 3093 open beta start time

Once the GALAHAD 3093 beta kicks off, players will get to suit up as a Knight, a mech operator, and jump into the cockpit of their very own Lance. These Lances can be customized to match the user’s playstyle. There are different classes from Light to Super Heavy, a range of weapons, various systems, and tech modules to pick and choose from. Even the Knights bring something to the table, offering unique active and passive abilities.

As for what’s available in the beta, players can experience Base Assault, a classic control-type of game mode where three bases are up for grabs. This will take place in The Canyon, the game’s first map. Match capacity will consist of up to 32 players scrapping it out to claim victory.

How to download the GALAHAD 3093 open beta

GALAHAD 3093 beta download

The GALAHAD 3093 open beta can be downloaded from the game’s Steam page. To download it, click the Request Access button under the section labelled, Join the GALAHAD 3093 Playtest. This will notify you when the open beta starts and you are able to access it.

While this is just the first open beta for GALAHAD 3093, there are currently plans to have more in the lead-up to the game’s release into Steam Early Access in 2021. Make sure to keep it locked to Shacknews for the latest on GALAHAD 3093. You can even check out the GamerHubTV YouTube channel for exclusive interviews with the developers!

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