Ziggurat Games CEO on bringing classic DOS & PC games back to life via remasters

Ziggurat Games has been on a roll bringing older games back to modern platforms and we had a chance to speak with CEO Wade Rosen about his passion for the classics.


Classic gaming is important to Ziggurat Gaming CEO Wade Rosen – so much so that he has made it his publisher’s primary mission to collect some of the best classic PC, DOS, and other titles from the formative years of the game industry and bring them to new audiences via remasters and adapted re-releases. And by all accounts, Ziggurat has been doing just that for some time now with an increasingly impressive library of classic games to its name on platforms like Steam and GOG.com.

We recently caught up to Rosen to talk in-depth about Ziggurat’s efforts in classic gaming restoration. He shared his full philosophy behind Ziggurat’s priorities in game publishing, including a desire to take IPs of enjoyable games that had fallen into obscurity, dust them off, and reintroduce them to new players. It includes strategic acquisitions like the Bloodrayne franchise, Krush Kill ‘N Destroy, and other feasible pursuits. Rosen also talks about the games he’d like to pursue for eventual releases under the Ziggurat banner.

One of the more interesting things that prompted Wade Rosen to create Ziggurat and pursue its classic gaming priority was his own difficult experience with getting old games to run on their propriety hardware. Rosen recounts frustrations with attempting to get Panzer Dragoon Saga on the Sega Saturn and how he wished there was simply an easier way to go about playing games like that, the desire of which would form the foundation for Ziggurat Interactive. Rosen also shares some of the more interesting stories of acquisitions his team has made, such as how they were able to acquire the rights for BloodRayne.

Want more videos like the Ziggurat Interactive interview with Wade Rosen? Be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channels for Shacknews and GamerHubTV for all of our video features, reviews, and interviews featuring the latest in video games, technology, and toys.

Senior News Editor

TJ Denzer is a player and writer with a passion for games that has dominated a lifetime. He found his way to the Shacknews roster in late 2019 and has worked his way to Senior News Editor since. Between news coverage, he also aides notably in livestream projects like the indie game-focused Indie-licious, the Shacknews Stimulus Games, and the Shacknews Dump. You can reach him at tj.denzer@shacknews.com and also find him on BlueSky @JohnnyChugs.

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