Order of Ancients locations - Assassin's Creed Valhalla
Learn how to track down and kill all members of the Order of the Ancients in Assassin's Creed Valhalla.
The fight between the Templars and the Assassin’s continue in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla, and as players make their way through the story, they will find themselves going face to face with the Order of the Ancients, a group of very-skilled enemies that players need to take out and assassinate. In this guide, we’ll break down all of the Order of the Ancients locations, which will help you track down and kill every single one of them.
Order of the Ancients locations

There are 30 enemies included in the Order of the Ancients, alongside 15 other Zealots that players can kill. We won’t be covering the Zealots in this article, as they are simply outliers within the Order and appear marked on the map when riding close to them. Instead, we’re going to focus on the main 30 members, which we’ve broken down based on their groups below.
To make navigation of this guide easier, we’ve broken down each of the different subsets of the Order of the Ancients below. Here’s a brief overview of the different groups:
Wardens of Faith locations
There are six Wardens of Faith in the Order of the Ancients that players will need to track down and kill. We’ve included details on how to unlock each one, as well as an image of where to find them on the map when you’re ready to face off against them.
Yohanes Loukas - The Oil

Final Location: Fearnhame Ruins, Hamtunscire
Players can find The Oil, aka Yohanes Loukas at the stable in the Fearnhame Ruins in Hamtunscire.
The clues needed to track this Warden down on the map can be found by killing Hrothgar the Zealot, then traveling to the drinking game east of Henge Farm. The clue can be found on the table. The third and final clue can be found in Readingum Abbey in Hamtunscire. Look for a note at the bottom of the well.
When ready to face this enemy, head to Fearnhame Ruins and look for The Oil near the stables. He’s usually sleeping behind them.
Heika of Friesland - The Sickle

Final Location: Colcestre, Essexe
To find Heika of Friesland, players are going to want to head to the western part of Colcestre in Essexe. Look for the Warden hanging around the area after you collect all of the clues.
There are two clues to collect with this Warden. The first can be gained from killing Woden the Zealot. The second clue is found in the Maledun Saltern Camp along the eastern coast of Essexe. Climb up the back of the barn and break down the door lock inside by shooting an arrow through the window. You’ll find the clue inside.
Beneseck of Bath - The Bell

Final Location: Brimcliff Monastery, Suthsexe
Players looking to find the clues for The Bell will want to start by killing Bercthun the Zealot. Next, head to Embert Blockade in Suthsexe and look for a building with a barred door on the main floor. Make your way inside and you’ll find the clue. When ready to kill this Warden, head to Brimcliff Monastery along the southern seacoast in Suthsexe.
Hilda - The Quill
Final Location: Killed in story mission
This enemy can’t be missed and is killed during the main story quest Plucking the Quill. It cannot be missed or taken care of during open-world exploration.
Selwyn - The Gallows
Final Location: Killed in story mission
The Gallows will automatically be killed during the main quest Choking the Gallows. This enemy cannot be missed or killed outside of the story mission.
Ealhfert - The Seax
Final Location: Killed in story mission
The Seax can only be killed during the quest Impaling the Seax. This Warden cannot be missed or killed outside of the story mission.
Wardens of Wealth
Players looking to find these six Wardens will find all the information they need below.
Havelok - The Billhook

Final Location: Lincoln, Lincolnshire
Those hunting down The Billhook can start their journey by taking down Eanbhert to earn the first clue. The second clue can then be found in Lincolnshire, in a small village called Aelfgarstun. Havelok’s final location is over in the town of Lincoln in Lincolnshire, so head over there to deal with him. He’s usually found sleeping or standing around a house in the northwestern area of the town.
Patrick - The Anvil

Final Location: Oxeneforda, Oxenefordscire
The first clue for The Anvil can be found by killing Leofgifu, a member of the Order of the Ancients. The second clue can be collected from Saint Albanes Abbey in Oxenefordscire. Head to the large church in the plaza and you should be able to find this clue sitting on a table near the force in the northwestern corner. Head to the town of Oxeneforda to find The Anvil hanging around the town. He can often be found sleeping in one of the houses near the western part of town.
Mucel - The Lathe

Final Location: Buckingham, Oxenefordscire
Killing Horsa the Zealot will reward players with their first clue of Mucel The Lathe. The second clue can be obtained from defeating the Orlog player in Buckingham, a town in Oxenefordscire. You’ll need one final clue to hunt down this enemy, though, and it can be found in Eatun Barn, just east of the town of Oxeneforda. Look for a large breakable wall with a large red X painted on it and then destroy it. Head down the path behind the wall and you’ll find this clue in the final room of the cave.
Now, head to the inn in Buckingham and look for The Lathe behind it.
Gifle - The Ash-Spear

Final Location: Forest Hideout, East Anglia
The first clue for Gifle can be found by killing Wuffa the Zealot. The second clue can be obtained by heading to the Ruined Tower fast travel point in East Anglia and then searching the cart at the bottom of the tower, near the entrance. Finally, the last clue is found at a small camp just southeast of Britannia’s Watch.
Once you have all the clues, head to Forest Hideout in East Anglia and look for Gifle The Ash-Spear hanging amongst the other soldiers in the area.
Wigmund - The Tang

Final Location: Killed in story mission
Automatically killed during the Grantebridgescire quest An Island of Eels. Cannot be missed.
Bishop Herefrith - The Crozier
Final Location: Killed in story mission
Killed during the main questline in Lincolnshire. Players will need to vote between three people to kill. If you vote for Aelfgar or Hunwald, then it will be revealed that Bishop Herefrith is a member of the Order right away and you’ll raid his castle and kill him during the next quest. If you choose Bishop Herefirth, then you’ll kill him and find out about his being a member in the next quest arc.
Wardens of Law
Taking down these six Wardens won’t be easy, but players will find all the information they need to track them down readily available right here.
Earnbhert - The Vellum

Final Location: Glowecestre, Glowecestrescire
This member of the Order of the Ancients can be found hiding out in a house that is overgrown with vegetation in the town of Glowecestre in Glowecestrescire. No clues are required to find him, so just head there and take him down. If you want to find the clues, then we’ve detailed them below.
Clue one is found by killing Hunta, son of Hunta. The second clue is in Thieves’ Warren in Glowecestrescire. Look for it in a small house in the middle of the camp. Use the tunnel underneath the house to enter.
Tata - The Dart

Final Location: Quatford, Sciropescire
To start the hunt for this member, take down Eanbhert, another member of the order. The second clue can then be found in Sciropescire, at the fast travel point west of Dhustone Quarry. Climb up the tower and look for a window halfway up that you can enter through to find this clue. When ready to race The Dart, head to the stables in Quatford, a small port city in Sciropescire.
Gunilla - The Adze

Final Location: Repton, Ledecestrescire
Killing Cola the Zealot will reward players with this first clue. The second clue can then be unlocked by completing the Drinking Game in Ledecestre. After you win the clue will be added to your menu. To find the third clue, head over to the village of Cweornric in Ledecestrescire. The clue is in a house near some guards.
Finally, head over to Repton (where you met Ivar earlier in the game) and look for The Adze resting near the docks.
Abbes Ingeborg - The Firebrand
Final Location: Killed in story mission
Will be killed during the main quest Burning the Firebrand. This target cannot be missed.
Grigorii - The Needle
Final Location: Killed in story mission
Killed during main quest Pricking the Needle. Cannot be missed.
Audun - The Vault
Final Location: Killed in story mission
Killed during the main quest Closing the Vault. Cannot be missed.
Wardens of War
The six Wardens of War are next on our list and you’ll find details for each one below.
Kjotve the Cruel
Final Location: Killed in story mission
Killed automatically during the raid on Kjotve’s Fortress in Norway. Cannot be missed.
Leofgifu - The Scabbard

Final Location: Utbech, Grantebridgescire
Unlocks after building the Hidden Ones Bureau at your settlement. Can then be found in a military camp outside of Utbech in Grantebridgescire.
Hunta, son of Hunta - The Baldric

Final Location: Ledecestre, Ledecestrescire
Build the Hidden Ones Bureau in your settlement to unlock. Can then be found in the town of Ledecestre, near the market square.
Sister Frideswid - The Leech

Final Location: Killed in story mission
Killed automatically during main quest Bleeding the Leech. Cannot be missed.
Avgos Spearhand - The Arrow
Final Location: Killed in story mission
Killed automatically during main quest Walls and Shadows. Cannot be missed.
Vicelin - The Compass
Final Location: Killed in story mission
Killed automatically during main quest Smashing the Compass. Cannot be missed.
There are five Maegesters, one for each section of the Order of the Ancients, that players can hunt down after killing off the others in the group. Their locations and information are below.
Sister Blaeswith - The Rake

Final Location: Canterbury, Cent
Revealed by killing all six Wardens of Faith. Can then be tracked down in the northwestern corner of Canterbury in Cent.
Tatfrid - The Lyre

Final Location: Grantebridge, Grantebridgescire
Unlocked by finding and killing all of the Wardens of Wealth. Can then be found in the town of Grantebridge in Grantebridgescire. Look for him in the center of town playing music. He can also wander around, so just keep your eyes open.
Fulke - The Instrument
Final Location: Killed in story mission
Killing during main quest Storming the Walls. Cannot be missed.
Reeve Derby - The Vice

Final Location: Picheringa, Eurvicscire
Revealed by killing all six Wardens of Law. Once unlocked, head to Picheringa in Eurvicscire and look for him near a waterfall.
Gorm Kjotvesson - The Keel
Final Location: Vinland, quest objective
Kill all six Wardens of War to unlock. Once unlocked, head back to the Hidden Ones Bureau and speak with Hytham to acquire the quest In a Strange Land. Now, talk to Randvi and she will allow you to pledge to Vinland via the Alliance Map. You can now talk to a settler at the docs twice to leave for Vinland. Complete main quests The Hunting Grounds and Hunter of Beasts to complete. Can be found in Narlfjot, the western camp in Vinland.
The Grand Maegester
The final member of the Order of the Ancients can be unlocked after you kill all 44 of the other targets (including the Zealots).
The Father

Final Location: Aethelnay, Hamtunscribe, quest objective
After killing all of the other targets in the Order of the Ancients, The Father will be revealed. To start on this hunt, return to Ravensthorpe after completing the main story up through the Hamtunscire arc and Hytham will arrive and wait for you at the entrance to the longhouse. Speak to him to pick up a new quest called The Poor Fellow Soldier. Head to the quest marker and you’ll learn more about The Grand Maegester and be rewarded with his medallion following a short cutscene. Return to Hytham and turn in the Medallions that you were rewarded with during your hunts to unlock Thor’s Cape.
Now that you’ve tracked down all members of the Order of the Ancients, head back over to our Assassin’s Creed Valhalla guide for even more useful information and content.
Josh Hawkins posted a new article, Order of Ancients locations - Assassin's Creed Valhalla